
Allen West: Why I voted against the CR: Cubachi
Clear Evidence of Vote Fraud in NM: Patterico
The 'Untouchable' $23.6 Billion: Foundry
RINOs anonymously slamming conservatives to media: RS
Should illegals be able to sue the government?: RWN
MI: Two Dems Charged With Forged Ballot Paperwork: GWP
The Match Up: Palin vs. Christie: ConNJ
Nevada Dems hiding their desperate schemes: RWN
Ryan: No More Empty Promises: NROU.S. Debt Adds $72B Same Day House Votes to Cut $6B: CNS
Inflation Caused by Bernanke's Easing May Doom Dems: Tapscott
AFL-CIO chief wants to get into elementary schools: Noisy
TSA Unionization: Exercise in Political Back-Scratching: BigGovt
No Recession at the Post Office: BlogProf
Interior Secretary Caught Lying About Drilling Permits?: Tapscott
Alan Greenspan: Stimulus hurt recovery: CNN
Class warfare update: Schakowsky wants millionaire tax: Marathon
Climate & Energy
Japan, the Persian Gulf and Energy: StratforThe EPA is Fueling Nonsense: Foundry
Why Is NASA Hiding James Hansen’s Ethics Records?: PJM
Obama’s Preacher: Black Liberation Theology Is Marxism; Capitalism Is Demonic: GWPPeople Are Starting to Notice: Power Line
Activists and Crawlers: Tatler
Reporter Asks Carney About Situation in Japan: Got Me Dude, “You Have Reporters in Japan”: WZ
Four New York Times journalists missing in Libya: Malkin
My Prez wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the ti-ime: Toldjah
Why They Really Fear Sarah Palin, And Why She Should Run: Riehl
Just a Video Reminder: Lefty Protesters Hate America: RWN
Celebrating James Madison: Cato
The REAL Big Oil: HayrideObama to Japan After Earthquake: Our Friendship Is “Unshakeable”: WZ
A Detailed Look At The Spent Fuel Rod Containment Pools At Fukushima: ZH
Bomb hidden in Islamic religious tome explodes on investigators: GWP
11-year-old brutally murdered by jihadists: 'Love everyone': JihadWatch
UK Death Panels in Action: Hospital Refuses to Treat Baby Because it Was Born Prematurely: WZ
With hacking, music can take control of your car: ITworldUS Army to deploy Individual Gunshot Detector, essentially a radar for bullets: Engadget
iPad 2's weight loss secrets bared: CNet
White House Insider: "Something Was Not Right with This President: NewsFlavorMaking It Big: Lame Cherry
Other?: RWR
Obama Reflects On His Vacation, Er, Presidency – A Picture Story: SHN
Obamas Make History with Bold Choices: MOTUS
100 Great Quotes About Life And Living: RWN
Image: Weasel Zippers
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