
Breitbart brings True the Vote summit to triumphant close: Tatler
VA Gov: the unconstitutional, economic Obamacare disaster: Cubachi
Details on Obama's Mexican Gunrunning Operation: MB
Herman Cain: I won’t stay on the Democrat plantation!: TRS
Bachmann Wants 'Waiver From The Last 2 Years Of Obama': RCP
Rest In Peace: Geraldine Ferraro dies at 75: AnBlkCon
Does Pawlenty Have a Sharia Problem?: Prospect
Bolton on 2012: GOP must address foreign policy: Cubachi
The Economy Tanked but, Hey, Wealth Inequality Declined: CatoSecret Earmarks Remain in Federal Budget: Foundry
Obama's health care reform is unhealthy for hospitals: BaltSun
Bachmann talks economy, debt at CPPAC: Cubachi
GE's tax bill: Bainbridge
A Primer on the WI Collective Bargaining Law: S&S
Climate & Energy
Carbon taxing greens routed in NSW Australia elections: WUWTLighten Up for Earth Hour: Malkin (Powers)
Celebrate Earth Hour by turning on the lights: RedState
Most transparent White House ever locks reporter in closet: GWP‘Sabotage’: Media Matters Dumpster Diving for Dirt Against Fox News Employees: Publius
Suddenly, It’s Not OK to Call a Commie-Truther-Cop-Killer-Supporter a Commie-Truther-Cop-Killer-Supporter: GWP
Van Jones IS a ‘Cop Killer-Supporting, Racist, Demagogic Freak’: BigGovt
Ed Schultz, War-Mongering Chickenhawk: NewsBusters
Media Matters plots “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against Fox?: Hot Air
The New York Times at a Crossroads: AmSpec
If hypocrisy was a crime, Democrats would be looking at the death penalty: Flopping
Geraldine Ferraro passes away. Palin remembers Ferraro: Cubachi
Barack Obama, International Community Organizer: BigGovtObama Does Not Have the Audacity To Confront Palestinian Terror: BigPeace
Iran executes Jewish-Armenian couple in secret: Tatler
The Chicken & The Egg: London unions school Madison mobs on anarchy: RedState
Islamic countries set aside campaign for U.N. resolutions "combating defamation of religion": JihadWatch
Video- Obama Advisor: 'Invade Israel' (Obama and Israel: It Gets Worse): PunditPress
Re: Veena Malik: NRO
US Naval Update: CVN 65 Enterprise Abandons Libya, Reinforces CVN 70 Vinson In Straits Of Hormuz: ZH
The Israeli Dilemma: OSINFO
Farmers Vs. Famine: WUWTScientists improve blue OLED efficiency, don't promise everlasting light: Engadget
NBC’s Dateline: Using Subtle Social Media To Turn Stories Into Trending Topics: Mediaite
Angry Birds: The Movie Trailer: Rooster TeethBreitbart banned from front page of PuffHo for ‘ad hominem’ attack on Van Jones: C&S
Today's Wedgie: Sondrakistan
Overseas-Contingencies-Kinetic-Aliocious: IowaHawk
Russians Wish to Strip Obama of Peace Prize: Cube
Spend spend spend spend spend. Lovely spend! Wonderful spend!: BSFoot
Image: Moonbattery
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Washington State -- APB for Marizela
QOTD: "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better". -- Barack Obama, 2006
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