
WI GOP Did Not Violate Open Meetings Law: ConWatch
If they're talking about holding Michigan, O's in trouble...: Toldjah
Growing GOP Opposition to Short-Term CR: NRO
House GOP Leader: CR Will Permit Funding of Obamacare: CNS
Allen West will not vote for the Continuing Resolution: Cubachi
White House warns Supreme Court: don't review Obamacare: WZ
The Aroma of Illegality: PJM
Obama: There's Plenty of Time for Me to Campaign in 2011!: RWN
Nikkei Flash Crash: Futures plummet as all hell breaks loose: ZHRadiation Fears Mount After Explosions: FoxBiz
If Japan's Default Was Predicted Before, What Now?: PolFi
Astounding Before And After Photos Of Quake: Insider
The Scariest First-Person Video of Tsunami Yet: Gizmodo
Japan Braces for Potential Radiation Catastrophe: Reuters
No wonder Christie didn't join the Obamacare lawsuit: RiehlIt was never about collective bargaining: Boortz
Why It's Bad Business to Hire the Long-Term Unemployed: Blumer
Was Obama’s Support for Wisconsin Unions Payback?: RWN
Conyers; Obamacare is a platform for building single-payer: WZ
EPA Tangles With New Critic: Labor: WSJ
Climate & Energy
DNC Strikes a $10 Million Deal with Cap and Trade Lobbyist: WklyStdSolving US Energy Problems: AT
Moonbats Attempt to Link Earthquake to Global Warming: RWN
ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC and NPR Ignore Death Threats to Wisconsin Republicans: NewsBustersIf NPR Is Non-Biased… Why Is Trying to Save Them?: GWP
My NCAA challenge for President Obama: JPA
Does Being A Conservative Now Require That We Join In Sexualized Mocking of Conservative Women?: LegalIns
Butcher away, Terrorists: HuffPo's Progressives have your back.: RWN
AOL-Huffpo Makes Big Hires, Installs Nap Room: Forbes
The Sarah Palin Symbolism Generating Machine: RWN
Mark Levin Rips Jonathan Martin and Pollutico a New One: Con4Palin
‘Waiting for Superman’ Director Feeling Heat from Teachers Unions: BigHolly
Dead Jews is No News: SteynHamas Speaks: Power Line
Palestinian Street Celebrates Slaughter of Jews While Elites Rationalize It: AmSpec
What if they are already here?: Ledeen
Obama's Moment of Truth in Libya: New Republic
U.S-trained Forces Arrested in Brutal Murder of Jewish Family?: Atlas
GOP Rep. Chip Cravaack: CAIR 'Basically a Terrorist Organization': WZ
Obama, Wright, Farrakhan, and Gaddafi: PJM (Shiver)
Nigeria: Muslim Cleric Speaks Out Against Violence, Islamists Promptly Gun Him Down: WZ
100 brands ranked by (social) ability to engage: HobsonBing's search engine share continues to rise: CNet
Google Going to Test Mobile Payments in NYC and SF: Insider
Here's Your Lineup For Worst Company In America 2011!: ConsumeristDo Not Drink An Entire Bottle Of Soy Sauce: Consumerist
So How Much Does Charlie Sheen Spend On Coke And Hookers?: ZH
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Searching for Marizela: New videos, message from her parents
QOTD: "Barack Obama has bluntly declared that Qaddafi must go. The Libyan resistance, based in Benghazi, has appealed urgently for the imposition of a no-fly zone. Incredibly, the Arab League has endorsed the call, as has the Gulf Cooperation Council. France has recognized the rebel provisional government based in Benghazi as Libya’s legitimate government—while Obama studies this all. Can anyone remember a time when France and the Arab League were ahead of the United States on a question of defending freedom fighters?
...If Benghazi falls to Qaddafi, it will fall hard and bloodily, and the thud will be heard throughout the world. ... Time may be running out" --Larry Diamond, The New Republic
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