
WI Senate Leader Reminds Fleebaggers That They're Disgraces: WZ
Suspect ID'ed In Wisconsin GOP Death Threats: GWP
Lest We Forget... Taking Zac: Dewey
DOJ compels police to lower testing standards: WZ
Murkowski: I’m against defunding Planned Parenthood: Cubachi
Too Many White Guys: Former Spook
Allen West criticizes military diversity report: Cubachi
Santorum distinguishes himself: JihadWatch
Obama's Social Security Hoax: HammerWis. Unions Bully Local Businesses With Ultimatum: NiceDeb
Predictable: MI Teachers' Union Plays Race Card: BlogProf
Rand Paul: About a woman's right to choose...: Cubachi
Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars: HE
Amazon cuts off IL suppliers to avoid new taxes: CanBiz
Japan just lost 20 percent of its electric generating capacity: CringelySecond Reactor in 'Partial Meltdown': Ace
Japanese Officials Presume Two Partial Meltdowns Have Occurred: Patterico
Climate & Energy
The Green Dream Is an Economic Nightmare: ATThe lies of liberal Nancy Skinner: we can’t drill because 'we just don’t have the oil': RWN
Obama Blames Oil Companies For Lack Of Drilling: IBD
Paul Krugman: America's Not Broke - We Can Still Borrow Money: NewsBusters12 Death Threat Photos Against Gov. Walker and WI Republicans You'll Never See in Legacy Media: ProWis
Krauthammer vs. Totenberg: Why Does NPR Have to Live on ‘Tit of the State?’: Blaze
New York Times: What Did The Raped 11-Year-Old Girl Do To "Draw" These Men Into the Assault?: Ace
That temperament thing: Pundette
That was then, this is now: Sondrakistan
How come MSNBC, Pelosi aren’t mocking Muslim Rep Keith Ellison for publicly crying at House hearing?: RWN
Activists in 23 States Coming Together in Texas to ‘True The Vote’: Publius
HuffPo Ends Its Liberal Soundtrack, Publishes Breitbart Essay Defending NPR Sting: Mediaite
Obama Closely Monitoring Japan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Wisconsin and Soaring Gas Prices: PowersBelieve it or not: Libya, Iran and the U.N. CSW condemn Israel's treatment of women: TPC
Chechnya: Muslims attack women with paintball guns for "immodest" dress: JihadWatch
We need more hearings on Islam: West
CAIR Demands Enforcement of Islamic Blasphemy Law (Sharia) in California: Atlas
Over a dozen states now moving to ban Islamic Sharia law: JihadWatch
Palestinian Terrorists Stab 3 Israeli Children and Baby to Death While They Sleep, Gazans Celebrate: WZ
Progressives Won't Condemn Savage Massacre of Jewish Family: AmPower (Caution: Graphic)
Egyptian Army Attacks Christian Monastery and Fires Live Ammunition At Monks: BigPeace
Lost city of Atlantis, swamped by tsunami, may be found: ReutersHow Blogger Stung Undercover Federal Sex Sting: TSG
The Hectic Life of a Social Media Manager: Daily Infographic
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Nuclear Meltdowns, and Hockey: It’s All About the Wons: MOTUSWhat Do We Do Now?: iOTW
Clyburn and Farrakhan -- In Concert Live, Together: WZ
Wait til your father gets home: Sondrakistan
The Onion spoofs Hot Air: Hot Air
The Kinks: Get Back in Line: Marathon
Image: iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Send a Couple o' Bucks to the Senate Conservatives Fund
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