
O'Keefe Receives Death Wish/Threat: WZ
Obama wants to disarm us for our own good: BigGovt
Family Feud: Do Republicans Need A Therapist?: BigGovt
FL judge allows case to proceed under Islamic law: JihadWatch
Chicago Commies, Reconquistadors Unite Against America: MB
On Planet Obama, Life's a Beach: Pundette
Reconquistadors Mob Arizona Attorney General: MB
Sarah Palin Sure Sounds Like She’s Running for President: Powers
Activist Judge sides with public sector unions, again: ATThe two-trillion-dollar mistake, Take 2: Hot Air
Amtrak CEO's train breaks down on way to Biden station: Malkin
Government Motors Guilty of Fraud on Chevy Volt: MB
Allen West Warns of 'Fiscal Armageddon': Cubachi
Rand Paul Proposes $4 Trillion Budget Cut: Mediaite
Climate & Energy
Another Gulf Oil Spill Near Deepwater Drilling Site – W&T’s Matterhorn SeaStar: SHNIPCC guru was a student when writing 'authoritative' reports: AT
Guess What’s Building On Mount Kilimanjaro?: RWN
Efforts Underway In Alaska To Dismantle Sarah Palin’s Successful Oil Tax Program, (ACES): NiceDeb
The Reality of Wind Turbines in California: WUWT
Thank God For North Dakota (and Brazil?): Randy
Threats Made Against Ann Althouse; Dan Riehl Interviews The Skel Making The Threats: AceSteyn disappointed in GOP: ‘I think John Boehner has basically climbed into the Bob Dole suit’: Caller
Michael Moore rips Obama over Libya: Hill
Questions about Libya: Pundette
Michael Moore Rips Obama Over Libya, Compares Him to Bush, Suggests He Return Nobel Peace Prize: WZ
Andrea Mitchell Explains Why NPR Should Be Funded With Your Money: MB
This is Your World without Traditional US Leadership: GreenroomChernobyl in perspective: A footnote: Power Line
Obama Plagiarizes Bush: Surber
Obama vs. Obama on War Justification: VS
Palin's Passage to India: sisu
Jets over Libya as H. Clinton Assumes Presidency: Simon
Is "Regime Change" The End Game In Libya?: Ace
“Who The Hell Do You Think Your Are?” Farrakhan Blasts Obama For Calling For Gaddafi to Step Down: FlopAce
Egypt: Hundreds of Islamists Hurl Stones at ElBaradei, Prevent Him From Voting on Constitutional Referendum: WZ
RIP Digg.: TechCrunchThe Death of the Telephone: I Won't Miss It: BSF
Watch giant tsunami wave approach a Japanese ship: Jalopnik
Random Thoughts By Big Marko-D: ClarionPick Your Own Regulation: C&S
Man Captures Video of Japan’s Tsunami Wave Rolling in from Inside his Car: WZ
Image: Gateway Pundit
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Find Marizela
QOTD: “Dear News Media:”: "Remember back in ’50s and early ’60s, when we set off something like 900 atomic bombs in Nevada? And how we just let the fallout blow wherever and it landed all over the eastern US? And how it wiped out life as we know it and all that was left from Colorado to the Atlantic were six-legged rats battling two-headed cockroaches in the glowing ruins? ... Yeah. Exactly. So shut up with the panic already."
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