
Wisconsin Fight Goes to Court: NRO
Obama administration screening FOIA requests: RWN
Border Patrol Union Shreds Napolitano Over Claims Border is Safe: WZ
DOJ: Violent Islamic jihadists smuggled across borders: Creeping
Obama on Illegals: 'We Want Them to Succeed': WZ
Palin Rips Obama's Libya Speech: Chaos and Questions: GWP
Leftist Violent Street Art: The Incitement Edition: Urban
911 call: Bradley Manning threatened Stepmom with knife: Wired
The Union Money Party: RWNSocial Security: Obama and Democrats Dodge Their Debris: Blumer
It’s 2026, and the Debt Is Due: Mankiw
Reid advises Boehner to shun Tea Party: Cubachi
Now DC public schools caught cheating on tests: BlogProf
Sen. Rand Paul: Obamacare only exacerbates the problem: Cubachi
Climate & Energy
Obama Loses Washington Post Support For His Energy Policy: LidAmerica Leads the World in Untapped Fossil Fuel Reserves: RWN
Lightbulbs: Then and Now: RWN
Drunkblogging Obama’s Libya Speech: VodkaPunditPolitico Makes The Case For Libyan Kinetic Operations: RWN
Obama Libya Speech Scheduled To Accommodate 'Dancing With The Stars': PunPress
Ayers affirms he wrote Dreams from my Father: AT
In which I respond to the sophisticates, both left and right, in re: Bill Ayers and Dreams: ProWis
A brief note on the Ayers video and Cashill's claims of his Dreams authorship: Moran
British Columnist Under Investigation For Criticizing Terrorists: Phillips
Maddow Sees Similarity Between Obama's Libya Address and Nobel Peace Speech-But Not The Irony: NB
Why Not Syria and Iran? Hell, Why Not North Korea?: LedeenThe Years of Crisis and Real Blood in the Streets: GardenSerf
University Protects Student Who Issued Jihadist Death Threats Against Conservatives and Jews: NewsReal
Facebook and Its Support of The Third Palestinian Intifada: Lid
First Week Cost of Obama’s Libyan Adventure to U.S. Taxpayers: $600 Million: WZ
U.S. Progressives Endorse Anarchist Violence at London Budget Protests: AmPower
Iranian Rulers, Believing Pre-Messianic Destruction Is Imminent, Make Film To Prepare Muslims: PJM
The Problem Is Islam: Western Rifle Shooters
Hugo Chavez Starts Anti-Obesity Campaign: Malkin
Microsoft VP apologizes for Win Phone missteps: CNetPostage Stamps Delivered Anthrax Suspect to FBI: Wired and Sun hacked through SQL injection: Sophos
CARTOON CAPTION CONTEST: The White House Unveils New Environmentally Friendly Easter Eggs: GlobHis Brackets Didn't Cut the Mustard: MOTUS
MA: Bill would allow munchies at funerals: Herald
Image: Allen West
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Find Marizela: Support bracelets and fund-raisers
QOTD: "Media Matters is not merely a non-profit organization. Its activities are encouraged by the mainstream media, it works closely with Democratic donors like George Soros, and it operates on behalf of and with Democrats in and out of government. So, when David Brock talks about systematically digging up information on employees of a news operation, no doubt for the purpose of intimidation, character assassination, and ultimately censorship, his techniques are Stalinist-like and worthy of broad condemnation." --Mark Levin
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