
ATF agents write Issa on Project Gunrunner: Sipsey
Tea Party Express battles California GOP leaders: Politico
Wisconsin or Venezuela?: AT
Don't let Wisconsin 2011 become Massachusetts 2010: LegalIns
Jim DeMint
The Truth About Reform: IBD
Qadaffi's Chicago Connection: AT
Allen West: Obama Is an Unserious President: TRS
America Slouching Towards Fiscal Armageddon: AT'War on Poverty': How many trillions must we waste?: Foundry
Dems’ Proposed Cuts: 1/7th of Deficit--for Tuesday: NRO
Bureaucrats to union thugs: Come out fighting: Tapscott
NJ shuts down Barack Obama Elementary School: Malkin
Say DEBT 50 Times, Fast.: RedState
Update to WI Public Union Extortion Letter: Ace
Scathing Report Details CalPERS Bribery Scandal: PEhub
Dems find tax increase they won't support!: RWR
Climate & Energy
Did Ken Salazar Mislead Congress on Drilling Applications?: WZThe Warmist Cult: AT
Japan’s Tsunami Threatens The Global Warming Movement: WUWT
House Votes to Defund NPR: MalkinMSNBC: Hey, At Least Obama Isn’t a Chain-Smoking Fatty like Churchill!: RightSphere
Sarah Palin, the GOP "blue bloods" and "The aristocracy of nature": sisu
The Media and the Republicans: AT
20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: When Will Obama, Democrats, and MSM Call for Civility?: BigGovt
Another Brick in the Paywall: WyBlog
‘Where Are the Americans?’ A Tale of Two Tsunamis: KimballObama’s Rio Trip — No Treaties, No Summits, No Diplomatic Breakthroughs: WZ
Japan: 'I see no signs of fear ... I can feel my heart opening very wide' : SMH
After Dithering, Obama Decides He Wants To Bomb Libya: RWN
Rubio to State Dep’t spokesman: Why did we wait for the UN to act against Qaddafi?: Hot Air
Vlog: Fukushima is no Chernobyl, and here's why: BlogProf
Egypt Frees 950 Islamist Prisoners Including Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Brother: WZ
Barack Obama’s “understanding” of all things Muslim: RWN
Yen hits record-high against US dollar as Nikkei falls: BBC
British Public Schools to Push Homosexual Curriculum: RWN
Japan 3-17-11: Worry About Cholera, Plague, Dysentery, Not Neutrons: CBullitt
Sitting in their classroom, 30 children whose parents have not returned after tsunami: Daily Mail (UK)
Nine secret tricks for Google services: MacworldWhite House wants wiretapping privileges for... copyright violators: CNet
Tweets that can get you fired: Forbes
Why Do Despots Hate Teh Boobehs?: AceEfficiency versus Survivability: Wizbang
Forward, Into the Past: Driscoll
Image: iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sad Hill News Hits 500,000 Mark
QOTD: "So the environmental, flat Earth, no-growth Marxists want all of us to drive electric cars. Could we at least wait until scientists have created a battery that will power a freaking iPhone for just one day?" --Me, just now.
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