Yes, seriously.
[Florida Governor Rick] Scott [is] pissing off too many people -- the Orlando-Tampa train he'd killed was popular -- and Democrats could win back independents in 2012, saving the state for Barack Obama.
Shhh... no one tell Weigel that the Governors' terms are only two months in and they are simply dealing with the results of Obama's failed policies.

Walker, Scott, and Kasich are doing exactly what they should do, and exactly what Barack Obama did in 2009. They won power; they're using the power to push through structural political and economic changes that
will be hard to reverse. They're making the same bet Obama did -- if they do this, the economy will rebound, and their political opponents will have been weakened in a way they may never recover from. If the economy does rebound in 2012, they're going to be in better shape politically. But so will Obama. In the long run, breaking down the power of public unions is going to help Republicans in Ohio and Wisconsin. In the short run, if it fires up activists and alienates independents, it puts the next GOP presidential candidate in a tougher spot.
Eh, schmuck -- you better hope for your own family's sake that these heroic GOP governors succeed and that a conservative Republican wins the presidency in 2012.

I'll take my chances with the heroic governors like Kasich and Walker who are doing the thankless job that must be done, rather than kicking the can down the road.
Hat tip: Memeorandum. Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!
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