
An Open Letter to Harvey Weinstein : Knish
The Justice Department Fix Is In: Adams
Pence: 'Better to shut the government now...': Cubachi
A simple reason not to shut down the government?: RWN
Do labor unions deserve special treatment?: Power Line
The Triumph of Crony Capitalism: MisesCalifornia Moves Closer Toward Default: BigGovt
Idiot Leftists Boycott, Vandalize the Wrong Bank: GWP
The Fragility of Complex Societies: Hanson
Health Care Waivers For Everyone!: Reason
Unions Use Kids As Shields in WI: RWN
Climate & Energy
Governor Palin: The $4-Per-Gallon President: Con4PalinGlobal warming down under: 10 little facts: WUWT
New Light on “Hide the Decline”: ClimateAudit
Senate Democrats scramble to defend EPA: Politico
Does Obama Think I Drive a Bugatti Veyron?: Malkin
Scouts Get Kellog’s To Limit Use Of Palm Oil: RWN
Japan: Vast Devastation: Boston Globe (The Big Picture)Al Jazeera Explains What A Fukushima Meltdown Would Look Like: ZH
Japan reactor design caused GE engineer to quit: Reuters
The Stench in Here Is Terrible: ZombieShame: Ignoring Death Threats to Wisconsin Politicians Is Media Bias: HuffPo
For first time, you online news consumers outnumber those newspaper readers: the impact on politics: LAT
Hope. Change. Nixon.: Surber
Obama’s Refusal to Provide Records on Healthcare Meetings Should Sound Alarms: BigGovt
Krugman Admits He Lives in a Bubble: BigJourn
Rush Limbaugh Warns GOP Leaders: The Tea Party ‘Made Your Leadership Possible’: Mediaite
We're All Golf Widows Now: AT
Wanda Sykes: 'Has Obama Had One Relaxing Day Since He's Been In Office?': NewsBusters
The Politico Wonders “Where’s Waldo, Er, Obama?”: RWN
“Political violence,” like the violence sometimes perpetrated against abortion providers?: Troglo
The 25 Best Conservative Columnists Of 2011: RWN
Israel Demands Apology From CNN: BigJournalismDon't Let Them Sweep this Horror under the Rug : Zilla
Security forces move to clear out Bahrain protesters: Maktoob
Young Leaders of Egypt's Revolt Snub Clinton in Cairo: Tapper
The Great Food Crunch: Samuelson
Chavez Rails Against the Boobs: Fausta
From Bloomberg to NPR: Selling out to Shariah for Fun and Profit: AT
In Iran, the Despots Grow Desperate: PJM
One Lone Student Against Terror at Claremont McKenna: BigPeace
Apple Accused of Slowing Web Apps to Benefit App Store: WiredNew Twitter Stats: 140M Tweets Sent Per Day, 460K Accounts Created Per Day: Crunch
You Really Should Be Turning Off Portable Electronic Devices On Planes: Consumerist
Feed Your Family on $10 Billion a Day: IowaHawkHoax of the decade? Fake Times Square video iPhone hacker a strong contender: Sophos
Bobby Unser vs the Feds: Foundry
Image: Ben Franklin’s Daily Schedule
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: : Searching for Marizela: New videos, message from her parents
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