
WI Fleebaggers Drafted Rule Used By GOP: LegalIns
Outrage as Judge Blocks Wisconsin Union Law: NewAm
America Through the Looking Glass: Hanson
America: a Nation With an Addict's Mentality: RWN
Palin Visits the Western Wall: Cubachi
Obama-Linked Socialists Encourage Militant Protests: Loudon
Rep. Allen West forms ‘Guardian Leadership PAC’: Cubachi
Kucinich: Are Missile Strikes Impeachable Offenses?: Malkin
The Georgia Mosque Controversy: HillBuzz
Nation of Islam: Selective enforcement or protected speech?: LVRJ
Bridgewater Mosque Construction: War of Words: NJ
WI's 'Dysfunctional' Supreme Court Doesn't Bode Well: LegalInsSEIU Hit With RICO Lawsuit, Blames…Koch Brothers: BigGovt
Big Payday for Some Hill Staffers: FW
WI Judge Sumi & Her (SEIU, AFL-CIO) Political Operative Son: RS
When even Cuomo is forced to attack...: Tapscott
Budget Nuclear Option: Shut Down Obama Until the Election: PJM
Climate & Energy
EPA’s Greenhouse Power Grab: Baucus’s Revenge, Democracy’s Peril: PJMNo Nukes? Wind Won't Keep Us Warm: RWN
Brazilian oil giant Petrobras told it can use deep-water vessel in Gulf: Chron
Another Rube Self-Identifies: InstapunditSetting the Pain Record Straight: Bila
Jane Fonda Disinvited from Keynoting Women’s Summit: Malkin (Powers)
Brazil’s Anti-Obama Riots Ignored by Media: BigJournalism
NYT, There You Go Again (4): Palin
Andrew Sullivan: 'I Don't Know Why Anybody Voted for Obama in the Primaries-It's a Clintonian Mess': NewsBusters
NPR Smears Michelle Malkin After Her Cousin Goes Missing: GWP
Wasted Space at the Washington Compost: NRO
So, Shailagh Murray, when did you start dickering with Biden for a job?: Tapscott
Obama Punked by the Arab League on Libya: TatlerDear Arab League: You asked for this, now shut up: Toldjah
Japan's disaster toll rises with 18,000 deaths: AP
The Great Barack & War Swindle: Driscoll
Egypt’s Protesters Back in Tahrir Square: Referendum Vote Passes – Favors Muslim Brotherhood: MagNote
Flashback to Obama 2007...: BlogProf
Fortunately, We Have Been Using The Smart Diplomacy: JOM
The New Egypt: Muslims Burn Down Church then Kill the Protestors: NewsReal
The Real Reasons Behind Libya Attack: Petrobras, Soros, 3 Women, “New” U.N. Agenda: RWN
AT&T to Buy T-Mobile USA for $39 Billion: WiredGoogle accuses China of meddling with Gmail: CNet
STELLAService Raises $2M, Tests Online Customer Services So You Don’t Have To: Crunch
I probably won't fly down to Rio...: MOTUSUtah Adopts Official State Firearm: JWF
This Week in Automotivators: RWN
Image: Grouchy Old Cripple
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Find Marizela
QOTD: “I think John Boehner has been an incredible disappointment. I think John Boehner has basically climbed into the Bob Dole suit, and I think they misunderstand the lessons of the 2010 election, which is that the tea party chose to work within the diseased husk of the Republican Party it loathes. And it still hasn’t forgiven for 2006 and 2008. So for the Republicans to demonstrate that ‘hey, we’re back to 2006 again,’ except on Obama-level spending, is not a good idea.
We need Republicans to at least take the lead in broadening public discourse,” he continued. “This country is broke. It’s the brokest country in the history of the planet. And the idea of arguing over itsy-bitsy, half a billion here and half a billion there, and continuing resolutions staggering forward every ten days, is preposterous. It’s inadequate to the task. It’s inadequate for the challenge facing America”
...the political institutions of the United States are simply impervious to course correction ... And there are no good conclusions to be drawn from that, because basically what we’re being offered it one party that wants to floor it and put its foot on the pedal as we go over the cliff, and another party that says, ‘Oh, no, no, no, it’s OK – vote for us. We’re only going to go over the cliff in third gear.’ That’s not enough of a choice for a functioning two-party system." --Mark Steyn
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