
Kasich defends OH budget amid criticism: Cubachi
Gunrunner behind ICE agent Jaime Zapata's killing?: Patterico
Patricia Harrison and the 2012 Republican Divide: Lord
DOJ emails raise serious Kagan recusal questions: CNS
Issa demands 'gunwalking' information from Clinton: Sipsey
Pro-Lifers Back WI Supreme Court Justice David Prosser: Life
Rubio: Democrats Have Failed on Budget: Cubachi
Tony Weiner's $2,000 in Unpaid Parking Tickets: Malkin
Pissing and Moaning Over 1.875% of the Budget: MishSEIU’s Manifesto? Lerner Doubles Down on Crippling U.S.: RS
Obama Opposes Boehner’s School Voucher Bill: RollCall
Wisconsin Stops Withholding Unions Dues As Of Today: LegalIns
Loudest Obamacare cheerleader wants out: WolfFiles
A Requiem for Detroit: WSJ
GOP Shuts Down Another Failed TARP Program: Events
Black And Blue 2: Blacks Flee Blue States in Droves: AmInt
Get ready for … Cash for Clunkers II?: Hot Air
Climate & Energy
EU Wants to Ban Cars by 2050: RWNEPA’s War on American Industry: WklyStd
Keith’s Science Trick, Mike’s Nature Trick and Phil’s Combo: ClimateAudit
Is Media Matters breaking the law in its 'war' on Fox News?: TapscottFact Checking President Obama’s Lack of Leadership on Libya: Con4Palin
Anti-Muslim Bigotry: Commentary
Obama Speech: Full Of Rhetoric, Bereft Of Logic: Sowell
MSM Have Described Obama's Pandering Speeches As Lincolnesque, Reaganesque, Now Kennedyesque: NiceDeb
Lampooning Palin: Surber
PETE Demands Alterations to Bible: RWN
NBC Reporter: You Know Who Must Have Liked Obama’s Libya Speech? Gaddafi: Malkin
Jon Stewart Was Not Impressed With President Obama's Libya Speech: Mediaite
Obama's Libyan War: Bozell
HuffPocracy Alert: HuffPo Bloggers Unleash Ad Hominem Attacks on Breitbart… at HuffPo: BigJournalism
Obama Covers 84 Million Americans Under Disabilities Act: GWP
Calling BULLS*** on Rolling Stone: YonLibya's Energy and Arms Links to Europe: Stratfor
Two Libyan States?: AT
What Could Go Wrong? 'Russia, U.S. May Ease Visa Regime ‘In Foreseeable Future’: NoisyRoom
Behind Obama's Delusional Foreign Policy? Susan Power: IBD
China's 'Most Influential Political Blogger' Goes Missing: Atlantic
President Obama: 'Mosques Destroyed': AT
Dick Durbin's Deceptions: BigPeace
Durbin hearing paints Muslims as victims, ignores jihad and Islamic supremacism: JihadWatch
Study: HFCS Leads To Much More Weight Gain In Rats Than Sugar: ConsumeristJava founder James Gosling joins Google: CNet
Tablets might be a flash in the pan: Microsoft global chief strategy officer: SMH
The Tea Party Is Getting Its Own NASCAR Truck: MediateLas Vegas embraces mob roots with new attractions: WashExam
140 Best Twitter Feeds: Time
Image: Obama's Inner Bracket (Zombie)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Judge Prosser in Wisconsin!
QOTD: "To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace."--George Washington
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