
Depends on what you mean by 'failure': Cold Fury
Barack Obama's 'I am not a Crook' Moment: AT
Former OFA staffer interfered with DOJ FOIA requests: DC
PantherGate: Congress Steps to the Plate: Adams
Are House Dems Waving White Flag in 2012?: RSM
Planned Parenthood Mammogram Lies Exposed: RWN
House GOP Wooing Democrats, Not Conservatives, on Budget?: RS
President Obama secretly accepts transparency award: Lane
Obama’s Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare: MalkinSocialist Labor Bosses Plan Mass Actions Across America: Loudon
Good News: Unionized IRS Workers Protest Taxpayers: BlogProf
AARP’s Billion Dollar ObamaCare Windfall: BigGovt
Pigford: 'One of the Biggest Conspiracies Ever': BigGovt
Brown's California Dream Snarled by Dysfunction: Bloomberg
Climate & Energy
Hey, let’s wean ourselves off of ourBarack Obama's Oil Lease LIES!: Lid
Having Solved All The World’s Other Problems, The EPA Takes On The Deadly Scourge Of…Hand Soap: SAB
Chuck Schumer Caught on Tape Coaching Fellow Dems on Propaganda--Networks Ignore It: NewsBustersThe Day After 9-11 Van Jones Led Rally Where They Cheered American Killers: GWP
Lauer to Bachmann: Should we show compassion to Al Qaeda in Libya?: NewsBusters
What Went Wrong with the American Experiment and When? : Adrienne
Brokaw Feels for Obama: No President in 'My Adult Lifetime' Has Had to Face So Many Problems: MRC
"With credentials like that, he couldn't get a job as a postal clerk": CFP
How do you fight a suicidal nation?: DoubleTapperThat Tangled Web with the Libyan Spiders & Flies: GardenSerf
Don’t you hate it when you find yourself agreeing with Ayatollah Khamenei?: IHTM
Libya: the Genesis of a Bad Idea: Hanson
Sec. Clinton: WH Needs 'No Congressional Authorization' for Future Decisions on Libya: PunPress
American Russians Leaving Socialist Leaning Cities: FA
Jimmy Carter on Meeting Mass-Murderer Castro: We Welcomed Each Other Like Old Friends: GWP
UCI Facilitates Secret Meeting with Hamas for their Students: Simon
14 Year Old Bangladeshi Girl Gets Death Sentence For Being Raped: Jawa
Christian History: Why the Codices Discovered in Jordan Are So Exciting: Verum SerumCrippled Phones Reveal AT&T Isn’t Ready for 4G: Wired
Color App Hack Lets You Spy On Anyone’s Photos Anywhere: Forbes
Amazon faces backlash over "music locker" service: Yahoo!
Social Media Complicates Technology Ethics Issues: IBD
Memoir of Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen Lashes Out at Bill Gates: WSJ
Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Worst Figures In American History: RWNESPN Jalen "black kids with a father in the house aren't black" Rose arrested for drunken driving: BlogProf
Video: US Navy pilots surprise Japanese with food and water: PJM
Image: Herman Cain, via iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Take action to stop ATF shotgun ban
Members of Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, have begun circulating letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin, asking them to support workers’ rights by putting up a sign in their windows.
If businesses fail to comply, the letter says, “Failure to do so will leave us no choice but (to) do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means ‘no’ to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members.”
What’ll they do if people boycott ‘em back — by not paying taxes?" --Glenn Reynolds
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