Which is a polite way of saying that he's busy arranging his next Remembering Motown party. Or jetting to Rio.

Except when there's a party or a pick-up golf game.
The left-leaning Ottawa Citizen titled its missive "Obama's foreign policy is in tatters" and observes, "It used to be said by critics that Canada offered all aid short of help in global crises; now regrettably the same might be suggested of the Obama administration as it loses its position and influence in a critical part of the world."

The New Republic, which once championed Obama's candidacy, now appears to have come to the same conclusion the rest of us did, oh, around 2007: "The clock is ticking on action in Libya—and on the president’s foreign policy legacy" and notes that France and the Arab League are both more hawkish on Gaddafi than the U.S. -- for the first time in history.
As it turns out, the only person yet to notice the president's detachment is the brilliant economist Paul Olberkrugmann.
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