
Bitter RINOs Participate in the Democrat Hijacking of the Country: EIB
Health judge fears 'broccoli' mandate: Politico
Health Insurance Is Neither Shoes Nor Broccoli. Good to Know!: Reason
That Pesky Constitution: PJM
Nancy Pelosi: The Girl in the Plastic Bubble: AT
Lame-duck watch: House Tax Deal Final Vote: 277-148: MalkinExpose the Public Pension Mess: AT
Latino museum panel shovels tax dollars to political patrons: Tapscott
Obama’s 'Making Work Pay' Credit Could Hose 13M Taxpayers: RWN
DeMint: The destruction of our country may be just 10 months away: TRS
Chicago Climate Exchange = FAIL, Now Cali Tries Its Own: WUWT
Climate & Energy
Britain Could Use a Little Global Warming Right Now: AmSpecSolar Eclipse: AT
237 Airlifted to Safety After Being Stranded Due to Global Warming: BlogProf
Looks Like We’re Going to Need a Bigger Memory Hole: DriscollOur “Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain” Moment: Hanson
Boston Tea Party: 237th anniversary: Malkin
A Look at Al Sharpton in the Days When He Called People "You a Punk Faggot!”: Lid
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings to Explain 'Racist' Remarks: NewsBusters
The Very Definition of 'Frivolous Lawsuit': Hindenblog
What Audiences Applaud in the Arab World: TobinAnother 'Serbian Myth' Proves True: Organ Extraction: Atlas
The First American Prime Minister: SDA
With a Weakened America, Jordan Bows to Iran: BRubin
Canada: 13-year-old Muslim girl beaten to death amid ongoing dispute over prayers: JihadWatch
Senator Jim DeMint: The START 2 Treaty Does Limit U.S. Missile Defense: BigPeace
Royal snub for the Obamas: No wedding invite from Prince William and Kate Middleton: LAT
At this rate the cast of Jersey Shore will get invited to the White House before Liu Xiaobo's family does: WyBlog
Austrian Man Fined for Yodeling Near Muslims: BigPeace
China Likely Behind Stuxnet Attack, Cyberwar Expert Says: Dark ReadingDiamond Buying Goes Mobile: Blue Nile's Vadon "Stunned" by iPhone App Success: Yahoo!
Americans top social networking: IBD
The Playboy TRON Shoot: CBullitt (NSFW)This Week in Quotes: RWN
The SS Man Behind the Holocaust: PJTV
Image: iOTW
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The 19 – A Very Special Christmas
QOTD: "History is not going to be kind to liberals. With their mindless programs, they've managed to do to Black Americans what slavery, Reconstruction, and rank racism found impossible: destroy their family and work ethic." -- Walter Williams
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