
Now What?: Hanson
Market alarm as US fails to control biggest debt in history: Telegraph
The Pledge To America and Primary Rhetoric: Hewitt
Breyer: Your Constitutional Rights Vary by Zipcode: RWN
Next Week in Politics: Ace
Bernie Sanders Asks the Rich: ‘When is Enough Enough?’: MalkinThe Tragedy of the Unemployed Democrat: AmSpec
More Cornhusker Kickbacks and Louisiana Purchases: LegalIns
Will NLRB's Craig Becker explain his conflicts of interest?: WashExam
Delta says no to unions and Obama: WklyStd
Saving or creating jobs -- overseas: Zilla
Polling Data: Spending Restraint vs. Deficit Reduction: BigGovt
Lesson of the Tax Deal: Teach Your Kids Chinese: AT (Baehr)
Detroit has been bankrupt for years--It just refuses to admit it.: Mish
Climate & Energy
Selling Global Warming: Timing is Everything: Malkin (Powers)Storm of the Century?: Hot Air
Countries Agree To Redistribute Wealth For Climate Change, As Snow Collapses Metrodome (Again): RWN
Enemies of the Constitution: Former SEIU Exec Joins Center for American Progress Action Fund: BigGovtThe Man Who Never Held a Job: Anthony Weiner's Class Warfare: Parker
The Left sees history's fist coming. Again.: AT (Lewis)
PDS: AP dings Palin for wearing designer glasses to Haiti: Cubachi
AP's Ohlemacher Continues Press's Persistent Promotion of Social Security Falsehoods: NewsBusters
Nihilism and Progressivism: AmPower
Republicans Plan to Make the P in NPR 'Private': Verum Serum
The Theft of Ground Zero: AT (Geller)
Krugman's Revisionism: Patterico
Like it or Not: Mexico is America’s Next Afghanistan: RedStateVenezuela acquired 1,800 antiaircraft missiles from Russia last year: Greenroom
Spain: Catalonian city bans the burqa: JihadWatch
All Swedes Are Malmö Jews Now: LegalIns
Israel Slammed For Rejecting Non-Existent Obama ‘Offer’ On Building Freeze!?!: Big Peace
WikiLeaks: Secret Cables Show Growing U.S. Concern Over China: PJM
Video Games Are Not Art, They Are... Cars: JalopnikNIST Announces SHA-3 Finalists (Skein is One of Them): Schneier
Uh oh. RFID hustlers stealing credit card numbers!: RightScoop
The Boyz Are Back in Town -- You Dawg!: MOTUSWhat item of sports memorabilia sold for $4.3 million — a sports memorabilia record?: Althouse
Banks, Clearing and Over the Counter Derivatives: P&F
Image: Serr8d's Cutting Edge
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Winner of Tuesday's Ground Zero Mosque Sign Contest
QOTD: "Sarah Palin freaks out the media -- especially the feminists -- like a combined Ronald Reagan and Clarence Thomas. She is their 9/11.
One of the promises of Palin for president is all the laughs we'll get for eight whole years if she gets elected and Obama goes down.
Just think of it: eight years of belly laughs. Guaranteed.
The Secret Service will have to triple its POTUS detail, because ranting lefties are dangerous. All the would-be assassins of the 20th century came from the ranting left -- shooting JFK, Robert Kennedy, Reagan, and Ford. Not a single conservative. Not a single normal person. " -- James Lewis, "The Charisma of Sarah Palin"
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