
Creating Tea Party Candidates--The Tea Party’s Next Step: RedState
Tea Party Violence: Wizbang
Are Lame Duck Sessions of Congress Unconstitutional?: Greenroom
Creepy: HHS Buys 'ObamaCare', Redirects It to Propaganda: BigJourn
Out of Control Public Education in DC: Jacobs
Unions Try to Kill Public Pension Transparency: RedStateA Shot Across the Bow of Cincinnati’s Police and Fire Unions: Virtuous
Another Failed City Hunts for a Bailout: RedState
In Sunday-evening surprise, Senate passes food safety bill: WZ
Taxpayer-Funded Leftist Indoctrination of Innocent Students: ACT
Do Not Fear the Chinese Economy: RWN
Small-Business Hiring Outlook? Two More Years of Pain: PJM
WI Gov: may have to decertify unions to balance budget: BlogProf
Spain's "Ghost Towns", Shadow Inventory and Cooked Books: Mish
Climate & Energy
Ultra-alarmist: "I discovered four scientists who are already creating some form of survival retreat for their family...": Nelson'Snowfalls Are Now Just a Thing of the Past': Driscoll
Steven Crowder Crashes Climate Change Convention In Cancun: SlapBlog
Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media: NewsRealAn Old Friend Returns: Driscoll
Debunking The Left’s “Media Is More Conservative Than Liberal” Myth: RWN
Pigford Video Blockbuster: Attorney Admits Clients 'Got Away With Murder': BigGovt
The Associated Press Has a Bad DREAM: Malkin (Powers)
At least Mussolini could make the trains run on time: Six Meat
Sarah Palin: Fishing for American Exceptionalism: AT
Today’s ‘Progressives:’ Repeating the Mistakes of Yesterday’s Communists: BRubin
ABC’s Amanpour Refers to Tax Cuts as ‘Giveaways’: NewsBusters
Listen to Palin: Senate Republicans should vote no on START: CubachiYouTube shuts down Palestinian Media Watch: Bookworm Room
Muslims Clash in Holy City of Medina: WZ
Guatemala Declares It is Under Siege by Failed Narco Terror-State: WZ
The Islamists' Battle Plan: BigPeace
Dismissal of Foreign Minister a Sign of Political Battle in Iran: Lid
France Gives Lebanon Anti-Tank Missiles That Would Only Be Used Against Israel: Lid
Ground Zero Mosque: We Ain’t Movin’: WZ
The Never-Ending War in Korea: BigPeace
Hiding PETN from Full-Body Scanners: SchneierCaturday for Geeks: Blogmocracy
Cricket to Muve music collections to cellphones: unlimited music downloads for a flat monthly fee: LAT
Get the Boy Something He Wants for Christmas: C&SWho's Dressed Better?: HillBuzz
Worst Hurdler Ever: SportsGrid
Mark Levin: My Buddy, Griffen Levin: TRS
WikiLeaker Fumes Over Leaks About his (Lousy) Love-making: RWN
The Greatest Lede in the History of Journalism: Driscoll
Image: Kaching, a Production of American Digest.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
QOTD: "There is less joy in the world today. It’s with great sadness I tell you that Griffen Levin passed away at 1:30 PM today. He stopped eating and drinking the past two days and we could not let him starve. We are mourning now but I wanted to let you all know as you’ve been so kind. If you want to learn more about Griffen, turn to the last chapter of Rescuing Sprite. He was a wonderful little boy, a buddy, a bundle of life and joy. Yet, he was neglected much of his life, until we adopted him almost 4 years ago (February 2007). But in the end, his body broke down. I pray to God he is at peace. We will miss him terribly. Your family loves and adores you, Griffey." -- Mark Levin
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