
Crash the White House/Medicare Czar closed-door meeting: Malkin
Hero Jim DeMint: I’m just trying to run out the clock!: TRS
Congress's contempt for voters hits new high: Pundette
Why do they hate Sarah so much?: AT
List of senators with earmark count in Omnibus bill: CubachiDem Wants $48B Earmark for Friend Who Works From Home: GWP
What the Right is Missing with the Card-Check Scam: RedState
Bachmann: Tax Bill Violates Article 1 of Constitution: CNS
No Deal on the Tax Deal: AT
U.S. to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World: Foundry
Dodd-Frank's whistleblowing gold mine: AT
Who Decides?: Belmont Club
'Public Interest' Group Sues McDonald's Over Happy Meals : JWF
Climate & Energy
Omnibus double whammy: The Dems’ lame-duck land grabs: MalkinScientist: Watch out for an Ice Age: HyScience
Hundreds of new cold and snow records set in the USA: WUWT
Federal Judge: Fish 'Study' Forcing Cut Off of California Water Based on Junk Science: GWP
EPA Regulations Killing Clean Energy: Foundry
An Honest Question for Lefties: The AgitatorFight of the Week: Condoleezza Rice knocks out Katie Couric in the first round: iOTW
Flex!: Mudville Gazette
Clueless bloggers attack Fox News for memo that says “show both sides” of the global warming/cooling story: WUWT
Things You Won’t Read About at Media Matters, Episode XXIV: Malkin (Powers)
The Hannity Jobs Program, Weiner's Greedy Government: AmSpec
Journalist Diversity Committee Declares Term “Illegal Immigrant” to Be “Offensive”: RWN
Gore Outraged Fox Reporters Advised to Report Both Sides of Story: WZ
Media Matters Comes Close to Having a Body Count: Verum Serum
Germany applies anti-Nazi laws in crackdown on Islamic supremacist groups: JihadWatchFeds Battle Mexican Insurgent Group Gaining Foothold In D.C.: Dollard
Julian Assange and Bradley Manning: Liberal Hypocrisy On Rape And Torture: RWN
U.S. National Archives Releases Report on Hitler and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem: 'Shared Common Enemies--The Jews': WZ
China is Moving Past the US in Global Influence: BigPeace
Iraq becoming Islamic state?: JihadWatch
Intelligence Estimate: Stuxnet Set Back Iran's Nuclear Program By Two Years: AceTwitter raises $200 million in funding, is worth $3.7 billion, report says: LA Times
Amazon Withstands Wikileaks Attacks: CNN Money
Custer's Last Flag: iOTWSweeeeedes in da Noooooz: SondraK
Tired of BBQ Chips?: iOTW
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The 25 Best Conservative Columnists Of 2010 (Q4)
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