
Another Judge To Declare ObamaCare Unconstitutional?: AmSpec
Holder's Department of (Social) Justice: IBD
PolitiFact’s Biggest Lie: Patterico
Votes demonstrate the power of the Tea Party: DaTechGuy
The 11 Republicans: House Ways and Means Committee: RWN
Meet the New Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee: Blogmocracy
Muslim businessman boards flight with loaded handgun: Atlas
Marines Exercise Discretion: JWF
'Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians' for 2010: JudicialWatchThe Left's Politics of Retribution: AT
Tax Cuts Extended: Pundette
It Also Was Called The Soviet Union: LegalIns
James Meeks: Racialist Spoils System Should Only Benefit Blacks: RWN
New ObamaCare strategery--health premiums are a tax!: Wizbang
Climate & Energy
With border in chaos, J-Nap proclaims 'environmental justice' a priority: MalkinClimate Alarmists Love Solar So Much That They Have To Stop It: RWN
Cap-And-Trade Tosses An Anchor To Drowning California Economy: IBD
Our Alien President: Burgess-JacksonHuffPo Moderator: "Time to Kill Cheney": Jawa
Fineman to Strap-On: The Tea Party Won, Schmuck: HFA
The 9th Annual Right Wing News Conservative Blog Awards: RWN
Obama Reads 2nd Graders a Book: Powers
Matthews Gets Another Tingle for Obama's 'Cute' 'Wonderful' 'Boyish' 'Smile We All Love': NewsBusters
Gaza through a NY Times lens: AT
Detroit Free Press: Killing unborn babies a "truly private decision," health insurance is not: BlogProf
The Illusions of E.J.Dionne, Jr.—A Leftist Masquerading as a Moderate Centrist: PJM
If GOP forgets what its 2011 mission in, British newspapers offer plenty of reminders: SurberWikiLeaks Cables Vindicate Israel: PJM
Cuba banned Michael Moore documentary for being too rosy about Cuban health care: Hot Air
Britain's Exploding Exports: WklyStd
Frank Dikötter on Mao’s Mass Murders: Volokh
A World Cup in the Twilight Zone: Power Line
Good news! UN now wants to regulate the internet to protect us from another WikiLeaks: CubachiDid the FBI Plant Backdoors in OpenBSD?: Schneier
Object shot out of sky above Israeli nuclear plant, military says: CNN
White House Insider: Jarrett…is the president: NewsFlavor16 Pictures Of A $28 Million Townhouse In Tribeca To Help Motivate You: Caveman Circus
Once you have seen it, you can not unsee it.: Kurlander (NSFW?)
Image: Adapted from photograph seen at Jammie Wearing Fool
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The 9th Annual Right Wing News Conservative Blog Awards
QOTD: "The Democrats don't care about this country and I'm gonna tell you that without any reservations whatsoever. They don't care about the country. This is all about them. It is all about the last gasp opportunity they have to infect and poison this country with their ideology and their ideas. They are destroying and hijacking this country right in front of our eyes. And let's be clear about something. Brown, Collins, Snowe, other Republicans, the usual suspects in most cases are repeatedly defying the voters, and they pretend to be these old-fashioned fiscal conservative Yankees, but they are big spending, irresponsible politicians who keep larding up the deficit, undermining any notion of fiscal sanity, and they do so under the guise, "Well, we gotta service our constituents." They know full well what the people of this country said. I'm talking about Republicans, particularly some of these outgoing Republicans like Bennett from Utah, Voinovich in Ohio. They don't care, folks, they don't care about the country, and they don't care about you. And they wonder why they were defeated. " -- Rush Limbaugh
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