
Historical Illiteracy: AT
Showdown With Evil: AT
Democrats confused, frightened by new House procedure: WZ
World's Largest Army: BlogProf
Barney Frank Owns Up to a ‘Radical Homosexual Agenda’: CNS
Kentucky McConnell and the Temple of Pork: AT
Merry Christmas to all Christian Jihad Watchers: JihadWatch
Kudzu: A Lesson in Big Government Failure: AT
Read Biden’s Lips: new taxes in 2013!: RedStateCBO on Options for Fannie, Freddie and Mortgage Finance: Cato
Milton Friedman on How to Cut the Budget: NRO
Obama, Labor Unions Meet to Plan Job Creation: GWP
The Gift of the WalMagi: AmDigest
Margin Debt Soars to Highest Levels Since September 2008: Mish
Climate & Energy
Global Warming Update: Blizzard Edition: RWNEPA: For 'When Congress Resists Action': AmSpec
Far Left Senator Warns Santa About Dangers of Non-Existent Global Warming: GWP
Leftist Loons Insist "Christian Terrorism" Exists . . . When It Clearly Does Not: Fuzzy LogicDoonesbury Hates God in Christmas Day Comic Strip: NewsBusters
Richard Dawkins Slams Pope, Christianity on Christmas Eve: NewsReal
Where are the stories on the death of the Democrat Party?: BigJourn
They're Calling Her the Anti-Palin: iOTW
So The Anti-Birther Hawaii Governor Is Actually A Birther: LegalIns
Obama Groupies Oprah, Matthews Spread the MSM’s Anti-Palin Gospel: BigJourn
Ed Schultz Stumbles Into Candor, Reveals Actual Reason for Lack of GOP guests: NewsBusters
1,000 Points of Blight: Hindenblog
U.S. Forces Present Some Christmas Whoop-ass to Taliban: JWFGeneral Petraeus Visits Afghanistan on Christmas Day: WZ
Victorious Atlas Action: Atlas
Wikileaks Embarrassing Palestinian Authority: Muqata
Mexican Soldiers Charged With Killing American, Planting “Evidence”: Dollard
China's Christmas Present To The World: Another Interest Rate Hike: ZH
Jewish Gitmo Witches Sic Horny Phantom Cats on Terrorists: RWN
Hugo Chavez's New Power Grab: AT
North Korea Calls Republican Congresswoman “Human Scum” and an “Anti-Communist Fanatic”: WZ
U.S. soldier in Afghanistan gets $16,000 AT&T bill: CNetEye doctor tests 3-D technology to improve surgery: WashExam
Skype: Millions still without service: CNet
Wal-Mart Mating Ritual – ‘I Hate The Media’ And ‘I Own The World’ Get ‘Er Done At The Races: SHNA Jihad Christmas: Lid
Man Arrested After Posting 195 MPH Corvette Run On YouTube: BlogProf
Image: Shorpy.
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