
Domestic Sitrep: Glittering Eye
Alabama Republicans Come to Power, Pass Ethics Law: WklyStd
Frances Fox Piven Calls for a new Cloward-Piven Strategy: PJM
Another Reckless Recess Appointment: Malkin
No post-racial Chicago for Jesse Jackson: Marathon
Van Jones, New Black Panthers Took Millions in Stimulus?: NiceDebCredit card crackdown delivers the poor to loan sharks: Stossel
Real Homes of Genius – Beverly Hills tipping point?: DHB
“Happy F—–’ New Year” (from New York City’s Big Labor): RWN
We're not getting what we pay for: The Mercury
Goldman Sachs Prospers at Taxpayers' Expense: AT
Who's blaming Obama for higher gas prices?: Elder
Shock: Government Health Care Rife With Fraud, Waste: SAB
Jesus In Art: Doswell
Climate & Energy
A Metaphor for What's Wrong With America--Mandated Fluorescent Bulbs: TABCult Of Globull Warming Plans To Go Back To Basics In 2011: RWN
Annals of climate activism: Predictions that have not come true : TigerHawk
Journalistic History Lessons (Or Not): DiscriminationsWaPo Writer Who Opposes ROTC On Campuses Would Have Supported The Appeasement Of Hitler In WWII: AmGlob
MTV’s Teen Abortion Sales Pitch: It’s Just “A Ball of Cells”: Greenroom
More BS on the Health Care Front: Denninger
Teh Constitution Is Very Important, by Ezra Klein: IowaHawk
The Constitution is Just Too Confusing: Toldjah
Time Magazine Confirms: Liberal Media Has Jumped the Shark on Global Warming Hoax: RWN
A Fisking: VodkaPundit
Week's worth of stories censored by NY Times, Wash. Post: AT
Reporting Islam: Fair, Balanced – and Accurate: GaffneyWikiTerror in Zimbabwe: LegalIns
Muslim Family Claims Bias At Swimming Pool…CAIR To The Rescue: WZ
The American Government Enables Worldwide Sharia by Censoring Critics of Radical Islam: Big Peace
Pakistani government bows to Islamist threats, backs out of review of blasphemy laws: JihadWatch
Syria: Obama Never Passes Up an Opportunity to Look Weak: Big Peace
Standing Upright: JoshuaPundit
The Southern Poverty Law Center's Unintelligence Report: AT (Geller)
Surprise! UK Islamic Leader Is Also a Swindler and Good-for-Nothing Bum: WZ
Apple's iPad: Disruptive product of the year: CNetPew study hints at what Web users will pay for: AP
Almost a Darwin Award winner: Man playing real-life 'Frogger' hit by SUV: BlogProf
The 50 Funniest Headlines of 2010: BuzzFeed (SFW?)Nice Deb's Top 5 Posts of 2010: NiceDeb
Chicago Mayoral Race Flush With Excitement: Malkin
Image: Wolf Files
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