
Giving Thanks for Our Warriors: WklyStd
Feds Want Reports of Rifle Sales: IntPart
Is Basic Health Care a ‘Right’?: Hayek
Every Day is Christmas in the Undrained Swamp: Malkin (Powers)
No 3-Week Hajj Vacations? Don't Worry, the DOJ is On It: PJM
Farewell to the Congress of corporate interests: WashExam
Snow Makes Concealed Carry Illegal in North Carolina: ConfYank
Obamas Make a “Rare Sunday Trip to Church”: WZ
Census: People Vote with their Feet for Less Government: MitchellObama's All-Powerful Regulators Imperil the Economy: WashExam
Expected Inflation, Demographics and Sticky CPI: P&F
Hurrah for ‘Draconian’ Education Cuts!: Instapundit
Coburn: uncontrolled spending will lead to ‘apocalyptic pain’: Cubachi
America's public pension crisis has tragic consequences: WashExam
Climate & Energy
East Coast Covered in Inches of Global Warming: RWNThe Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers: IBD
Parts of Atlanta, GA covered with up to 10 inches of global warming for first time since 1880s: RWN
Paul Krugman: Left Has ‘Nothing Comparable’ To Conservative Media: DriscollThis is the guy liberals think is too conservative for NPR: GayPatriot
Frank Rich Rewrites History: WashExam
Media Picks Up Latest White House Spin: Obama’s Humble… Just Like Reagan: Malkin (Powers)
USA Today Creates an Alternative Reality in Reporting on Housing Market: Blumer
The New York Times Concedes 'Decades of Overspending' by State Governments: WklyStd
Hated by Haters: RWN
The 25% Solution: Driscoll
Best of 2010: Media Scolded Americans as Anti-Islamic, Anti-Immigrant Bigots: NewsBusters
Deja Vu All Over Again: Russian Immigrants Flee Democratic Party: WZNigerian Muslims Drag Christian Pastor Into Street, Shoot Him Dead – 38 Christians Slaughtered: GWP
Majority Of Brits Now Say They Have No Religious Affiliation: OTB
LA City Council Passes Sharia Blasphemy Enforcement: Atlas
"Refusing to Identify or Name Our Enemy": PolCom
French sale of anti-tank weapons to Lebanon concerns U.S. lawmakers: WashExam
Reading your wife's email on your own computer now a felony in Michigan: BlogProfCoded American Civil War message in bottle deciphered: BBC
Space, military history abounds on USS Hornet (photos): CNet
Vietnam veterans of the NFL: BlackFiveAn Unsolicited, Unpaid, PRS Endorsement: PRS
Hefner Gets Engaged: IntPart
Image: Shorpy, Statue of James Garfield, Cincinnati, 1910.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Maggie's Notebook
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