Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 12, 2010

111th Congress flips off the American people again: unveils $1.1T omnibus spending bill to fund Obamacare and $8B in earmarks

Has any Congress ever treated the American people with the level of disrespect exhibited by the 111th? The terms "representative government" and "consent of the governed" no longer apply to the current crop of Democrats, despite a massive and historic repudiation at the polls last month.

Senate Democrats have filed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that would fund the government through fiscal year 2011, according to Senate GOP sources.

The 1,924-page bill includes funding to implement the sweeping healthcare reform bill Congress passed earlier this year as well as additional funds for Internal Revenue Service agents...

The bill reportedly spends $8 billion on 6,000 new earmarks including, according to Fox News, critical "beaver management" programs.

This rogue Democrat Congress is an abomination. And Republicans must block this bowel movement using every available procedural tactic.

Update: Fox News reports that Jim DeMint will require the bill to be read on the Senate floor, which will consume approximately 40 hours. Well done.

Hat tips: Michelle Malkin and Memeorandum

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