"Curious that you mention women and children as the targets. Is this street especially frequented by them or do Swedish men not shop for Christmas?"
Well, let's roll the videotape and capture some screen-shots (video courtesy of Atlas Shrugs).

And, in the next to last shot, the kid wearing a blue jacket who looks like he's no more than 10 years old?
In September, one of Sweden's most powerful political parties warned of an "imminent Islamic revolution."
When asked to clarify whether he thought an Islamic revolution was possible in Sweden and other western countries, [Sweden Democrat party secretary Björn] Söder answered in the affirmative... “Yes, Sweden is being Islamified right now. We’ve taken up countless examples of how Sweden is adapting to Muslim demands and we’re seeing how mosques are popping up like mushrooms from the ground in Sweden and all over Europe. It’s not necessarily the case that we’ll all become Muslims, but that we will have to obey Sharia..."
As for the United States: in 2006 Time Magazine described the "The New Muslim-Liberal Coalition", an alliance of convenience that has few of America's best interests in mind.
The Left's incessant push for multiculturalism and Balkanization will have severely negative impacts for this country. The alarm klaxons are sounding now in Sweden. We would do well to heed them.
Update: 'Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, Stockholm Suicide Bomber, Was Living in Britain'
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