The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa [Ed: a one hour trip].The account from Gregory Hicks is in stark contrast to assertions from the Obama administration, which insisted that nobody was ever told to stand down and that all available resources were utilized. Hicks gave private testimony to congressional investigators last month...
...SOCAFRICA commander Lt. Col. Gibson and his team were on their way to board a C-130 from Tripoli for Benghazi prior to an attack on a second U.S. compound "when [Col. Gibson] got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, 'you can't go now, you don't have the authority to go now.' And so they missed the flight ... They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it."
No assistance arrived from the U.S. military outside of Libya during the hours that Americans were under attack or trapped inside compounds by hostile forces armed with rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and AK-47 rifles... Hicks told congressional investigators that if the U.S. had quickly sent a military aircraft over Benghazi, it might have saved American lives. The U.S. Souda Bay Naval Base is an hour's flight from Libya.
I believe that if -- I believe if we had been able to scramble a fighter or aircraft or two over Benghazi as quickly as possible after the attack commenced, I believe there would not have been a mortar attack on the annex in the morning because I believe the Libyans would have split. They would have been scared to death that we would have gotten a laser on them and killed them...
In other words: Obama, Hillary and Carney lied. And people died.
Why? Why would they engage in such despicable behavior, even lying to Congress?
Months ago, Sara Marie Brenner proffered an excellent summary of the political climate during the month of September, 2012 that could explain the willful inaction of the Obama administration:
In Sep. 2012, the DNC convention occurred a week prior to the Benghazi terrorist attack, and it’s theme was rooted in Barack Obama’s perceived foreign policy success.
We heard the phrase “Osama Bin Laden is dead, and al-Qaeda is on the run,” along with John Kerry’s famous one-liner, “ask Osama bin Laden if he’s better off now than four years ago.”Make no mistake, this hawkish message was calculated by Obama’s reelection team, and used to distract from the administration’s unpopular domestic policies... During a hotly contested battle for reelection, the 24/7 news coverage of a terrorist attack on a U. S. Consulate by an al-Qaeda insurgency within a country Obama ‘liberated’ would be, in a word, devastating. Thus, the political calculation to attack, delay and mislead was launched with little regard for the truth nor the lives lost. Unfortunately, the Obama campaign succeeded by using tactics allowing scarcely enough time to secure The President’s re-election.
• Tactic one: The White House immediately attacks Mitt Romney for speaking out about the Benghazi attack and Obama’s foreign policy mistakes prior to the president’s official response.
• Tactic two: MSM falls in line, picking up the White House’s attack Romney narrative. Immediate post-Benghazi coverage is focused on the timing of Mitt Romney’s statement rather than on the attack itself. The MSM’s attack Mitt coverage allowed enough time for low information voters to be influenced by tactic three.
• Tactic three: Mislead the American people by, repeatedly blaming the attack’s source, not on al-Qaeda or terrorism, but instead on a non-existent, spontaneous demonstration to a supposedly disgusting, awful, anti-Muslim, video.
In a White House press briefing, Jay Carney illustrates the importance of the video narrative, saying: “…And I would note that, again, the protests we’re seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie. They are not directly in reaction to any policy of the United States or the government….”
So twisted and despicable is the Obama administration that it was willing to lie to the American people to retain its white-knuckled death grip on power.
So invested in the progressive agenda is the fascist media that it was willing to go to the mat to suppress the truth, a few brave souls like Sharyl Attkisson excepted.
Let me say for the record: Barack Obama must be impeached. Hillary Clinton needs to be charged with Perjury and Contempt of Congress. And Jay Carney? Well, Jay Carney may not have committed a crime, but he's a laughingstock and a contemptible human being.
Related Reference Material:
• DAMNING: The Complete Benghazi Timeline in Spreadsheet Format
• That Crazy Benghazi Conspiracy Theory? It Just Got Less Crazy
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