
Issa: Lerner voided her Fifth Amendment rights, will be recalled: Scoop
Sen. Ted Cruz: 'I don’t trust Republicans': Hill
The Obama crony in charge of your medical records: Malkin
U.S. Attorney Investigating Fox News Donated to Obama: Breitbart
IRS Abuse Involved at Least Six Agents: Tatler
Paranoid or Prescient?: Hanson
Chechen friend of Boston bomber, planning trip to Chechnya, killed by FBI: Malkin
Senate Ratings Changes: The Political Environment Turns on Democrats: Roll Call
IRS Misses Filing Deadline: Fails to Comply With Congressional Demand: CNS
Black Conservative Leaders: NRA Created To Protect Freed Slaves: Ammo
Biden Tells Jews They Have An “Outsized Influence” Over America: WZ
Is Obamacare’s Fatal Flaw Taking Effect?: PJMSenate Confirms: Amnesty Will Mean Welfare Bonanza for Invaders: MB
Bernanke's Semi-Annual Tap-Dance of Distortions, Lies, and Hypocrisy: Mish
It’s No Longer Obamacare — It’s IRScare: Gabriel
Economic activity 2X under Obama: Ace
Michelle Said to be Considering an Extended Vacation: Dossier
Scandal Central
UH OH: IRS conducted own investigation into targeting a year before IG; still withheld from Congress: ScoopHouse Ways and Means Committee asks Americans to share their stories about IRS targeting: RedAlert
Cincinnati: IRS Employee Mocks TEA Party Protesters With Mock Star Trek Poster: Jawa
When Did We Vote to Become Mexico?: Coulter
I Smell A Rat: Former IRS Commissioner Visited White House 118 Times During Tea Party Targeting: GJWHG
SUBPOENAED: Lead Benghazi Investigator Forced To Testify: Western
Climate & Energy
Obama’s New Energy Secretary: Global Warming “Not Debatable”: WZBloomberg to Taxi CEO Who Just Beat Him in Court: 'I Am Going to DESTROY All You #@$%ing Guys!': Reaganite
Bill Nye Is Still The Weather Idiot Guy: Lid
Putin Called. He Wants His KGB Back.: MaserMediaNYT’s Tom Friedman Bombs on ‘Jeopardy!’: NB
Obama’s War on Journalism: ‘An Unconstitutional Act’: Gillespie
First ACLU, Now NYT Blasts Obama for Spying on Media: JW
RUSH: IRS scandal was suppressed last year because it would have had HUGE election impact: Scoop
Fall gal: Obama officials reportedly blame icky lawyer lady for preventing Benghazi transparency: Twitchy
47% of Democrats think Obama knew about or directed the IRS to go after conservatives: Lott
Liberals Are Now Shocked, Shocked at Obama’s Culture of Intimidation: Commentary
Obama’s Scandals — and His Media Co-Conspirators: RWN
Obama team so busy targeting journalists, they can't be bothered to find Benghazi killers: BlackFiveMajor incident in South London with reports of shootings and a beheading: Commentator
British Cops 20 Took 20 Min. To Respond To Terror Attack; Had To Wait For Guys With Guns To Show Up…: WZ
Holder: Four American Citizens have been Killed in Drone Strikes Since 2009: Tatler
Arab Spring: Israel fires back at Syrian troops near Golan Heights: AIM
General says Israel ready to attack Syria should Assad fall: Reuters
Obama Resorting to United Nations to Attack Gun Rights: MB
Religion of peace? Steven Crowder video inspires death threats: Twitchy
Sweden: Police arrest eight as Muslim riots spread to Stockholm: JihadWatch
Sci-Tech (courtesy
6 things every CIO should know (or at least think about): GigaOmThe Danger of Mixing Cyber Espionage with Cyber Warfare: InfosecIsland
After heightened hacks, Twitter releases two-factor authentication: VentureBeat
We Remember: Dr. KateDying Baby Saved By 3-D Printer: OTB
Liberals Now Arguing for a Lesbian’s Right to Have Sex With a 14-Year-Old Girl: RSM
Image: Daily Mail: Vicious Jihadist Attack in Woolwich
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support JudicialWatch's IRS Investigation
QOTD: "With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news...
...Obama administration officials often talk about the balance between protecting secrets and protecting the constitutional rights of a free press. Accusing a reporter of being a “co-conspirator,” on top of other zealous and secretive investigations, shows a heavy tilt toward secrecy and insufficient concern about a free press." --The New York Times Editorial Board
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