And today -- wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles -- both are singing from the same hymnal.
Marshall and Klein have portrayed all the scandals as faux scandals. Ezra Klein notoriously predicted -- wishcast, actually -- last week that the wheels were coming off the scandal wagon and that everyone would see how silly all of this is.
But today, they sing a different tune:
Josh Marshall (10:15a.m.): Lerner Must Go… Ezra Klein (9:45a.m.): Heads should roll at IRS…
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) May 22, 2013Both of those tweets argue that Lerner should be fired.
I imagine they're arguing for this because Obama has already decided to fire her.
Thus, they put out a Possible Solution Which Will Completely Solve This Whole Scandal-Business, Obama implements this Solution, and then there's no more scandal!
What I glean from this is that the previous White House position -- nothing more needs be done, this is all a "partisan fishing expedition" -- is now inoperative, and a new defense -- fire Lois Lerner and then claim that nothing more needs be done, this is all now just a partisan fishing expedition, again -- is now in effect.
Even more startling, other
Amazing: the White House summons its media toadies -- the very same Leftists who used to coordinate media talking points on the infamous Journolist, in fact -- and *voila!* like magic the Washington Post and other DNC press release outlets are magically in synch with the Obama administration.
Somewhere, Julius Streicher is smiling.
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