
Nine Lies of Lois Lerner: Williamson
Head of IRS Tax-Exempt Determinations Office an Obama Donor: NRO
The Mainstream Media Obama Psychodrama: Lifson
Official at Heart of IRS Scandal Now Heads ObamaCare Enforcement: Ace
Federal Court Slams Obama's Use of Recess Appointment Power: Reason
Behind IRS, the Union; Behind it, Democratic Politics: Ace
IRS hack who ran unit targeting Tea Party now heads ObamaCare: Fox
Meet Your New Doctor, The IRS: FW
Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims: Hayes
Holder And Issa Spar During Judicial Hearing: Nice Deb
Obama releases some Benghazi e-mails; GOP demands all of them: WABC
Mark Levin: "It's Time To Kill The IRS": RCPIRS Scandal: Government Must Be Kept Away From Our Data: Tatler
The Liberal Union Behind the IRS: AmSpec
Transparensorcery – “House immigration group reaches a deal”: LI
Borellis Confront Comcast CEO at Shareholder Meeting: NB
House votes to repeal ObamaCare in 229-125 vote: Fox
Scandal Central
IRS scandal raises specter of politically motivated IPAB healthcare denials: KuznickiIRS-Gate: The Potential Criminal Implications: Foundry
Number Of Times YouTube Video Is Mentioned In White House Benghazi Emails: Zero…: WFB
The AP and the NRA: LowryKeith Olbermann and David Shuster call for Holder to Go: Riehl
Pelosi Blames Bush For IRS Scandal: FoxNation
Sarah Palin SLAMS Obama in latest Facebook post: Scandalous Hat Trick: Scoop
A Reason To Believe: Sarah A. Hoyt
Official White House Account Now Trolling Opponents: Ace
Eric “Fredo” Holder Is Smart And Wants Respect: Ace
Valerie Jarrett Orders High-Ranking Officer to Fetch Her More Wine: RWN
Transexual bathrooms coming to California schools?: Times
President Obama makes U.S. Marine break military rules by holding an umbrella while in uniform: Daily Mail
Obama dodges questions at rain-soaked Rose Garden presser with the Turkish Prime Minister: AtlasWhy Do Socialist Paradises Have So Much Trouble With Toilet Paper?: Ledeen
Here's A Greek Member Of Parliament Yelling 'Heil Hitler' In The Middle Of A Debate: Insider
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Digital Decoy Apps Keep Communication On The Down-Low: Are Your Kids Already Using Them?: CBS New YorkStudy: Men With Weak Upper Bodies Tend To Be Liberal, Men With Strong Torsos Conservative: WZ
Linux: The Gold Standard of Code: LinuxInsider
The Umbrella Platoon of the U.S. Marines comes to Obama's rescue: CubeStOnewall Day 7 in the O-Bunker: We still know nuthin’: MOTUS
Most Transparent Administration in History Releases Completely Redacted Document About Snooping: Reason
Image: Daily Mail
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Call John Boehner Now: We Demand a Select Committee
QOTD: "Under a Democratic administration, the IRS was under pressure from Democratic elected officials to investigate political enemies of the Democratic party. The agency did so. Its commissioner lied to Congress about its doing so. When the inspector general’s report was about to make these abuses public, the agency staged a classic Washington Friday news rollout at a sleepy American Bar Association tax-law conference, hoping to minimize the bad publicity. Lerner lied to the public about the nature, scope, and extent of the IRS intimidation campaign.
That she has a job today is a scandal in itself. She’ll be receiving an award — for public service! — from the Western New England University School of Law on May 18. An orange jumpsuit would suit her better than academic robes." --Kevin D. Williamson
Bonus QOTD: "The Internal Revenue Service official in charge of the tax-exempt organizations at the time when the unit targeted tea party groups now runs the IRS office responsible for the health care legislation.
Sarah Hall Ingram served as commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012. But Ingram has since left that part of the IRS and is now the director of the IRS’ Affordable Care Act office, the IRS confirmed to ABC News today.
Her successor, Joseph Grant, is taking the fall for misdeeds at the scandal-plagued unit between 2010 and 2012. " --ABC News
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