
McCain-Rubio Amnesty Bill Ends Conservatism in America: RWN
Felon tells us why we need more gun control: This Ain't Hell
Remembering Memorial Day With Ronald Reagan: Joseph Curl
Memorial Day 2013: Walter Russell Mead
Numerous NY sheriffs and county clerks balk at enforcing new gun law: LI
Adam Kokesh, behind Open Carry March, works for Obama: LadyPat
Senators say Holder can’t ‘review’ himself on news media snooping: Times
Richard Milhaus Obama: RWN
Apple becomes latest target of the Beltway Shakedown: ExamSorry, Tom Raum: The Economy Is Not 'Clearly' Recovering: Blumer
Bloomberg To Taxi Co.: “I’m Going To Destroy Your Industry”: Western
Scandal Central
WHOA: News Corp.: no record of DOJ notice of Rosen subpoena: TwitchyMore than all past presidents, Obama targets media: Barone
Lawmakers zero in on IRS meetings at White House: Exam
Climate & Energy
EPA Ammunition Ban Blocked By Federal Court: Albany TribuneEPA Out of Control: Herald
EPA's back-room 'Sue and Settle' deals require reform: Exam
Letter to PK: ReinhartAbsurd Zimmerman/Martin Farce almost over: Owens
MSNBC Guest Skewers White House: They Think They Don’t Have To Answer Questions: Mediaite
Mother Jones: African Americans are more likely to be murderers, rapists, and pedophiles: Twitchy
As Constitution Shredded, ‘Republican’ Colin Powell thinks Obama doing ‘Reasonably Well’: FAM
Bam! Fox News’ Martha MacCallum slams Obama admin with key question: Twitchy
Nuclear-level Burning Stoopid in the UK...: Catalog of Burning StoopidRepublicans see Obama ‘retreat’ in war on terrorism; Sen. Graham calls it ‘tone deaf’ to threats: Times
Obamacare Preview: 100 patients a day wait an hour or more in ambulances outside hospitals: Daily Mail
Thousands of jihad terror videos urging Muslims to maim and kill can be found within seconds online: JihadWatch
French begin to get the idea that Muslim stabbing of soldier "could be terror": JihadWatch
Australian National University bans Qur'an satire for fear of violent Muslim reaction: JihadWatch
Sci-Tech (courtesy
The Power of Data Exhaust: Tech CrunchIf everything fades into the background, you may have a high IQ: Ars Technica
US entertainment industry group wants to unleash malware on file sharers: NextWeb
Mexclusive!! IRS Releases New Simplified Tax Form 1040 TEA-EZ for Tea Party Taxpayers!!: SooperThis Card is Gonna Be Played HARD – Like It Was Never Played Before: iOTW
The Grey: A Great Reminder of Crucial Truths: ObjStd
Image: William Warren, via iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Soldier's Angels
QOTD: "In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe!
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields." --John McCrae
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