
Lois Lerner to Plead Fifth; Evade Questions About IRS Targeting: Ace
IRS Low-level Employee Meme Falling Apart? : Riehl
Looking more and more like a DOJ war on Fox News, not just Rosen: LI
Carney: White House And IRS Talked About How To Spin Scandal: WZ
Miller: IRS didn't have time to prepare testimony: Breitbart
Next Against the Wall: White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler?: NRO
IRS Official Lois Lerner Targeted Conservative Groups While Working For FEC: WZ
Who Planted the Question that Kicked off the IRS Abuse Scandal?: Tatler
Mitch McConnell Supports Schumer’s Amnesty/Immigration Deform Bill: RS
Court Upholds Ariz. Law Denying “Dreamers” Licenses: JW
Coumo to State Sheriffs: Shut Up About Gun Law or Risk Termination: MenRec
The Fed can't save the stock market again: AEIWhat Is California Attempting to Hide?: Mish
Former IRS Chief Refuses to Apologize: AmSpec
Scandal Central
IRS Is Asking Christian Churches for Membership Lists: GWPOh My: CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson Says Her Computers Were Compromised And Under Investigation: WZ
Obama wanted DOJ To Go After Conservative orgs BEFORE He Was Elected: Riehl
Climate & Energy
Democrat Sen. Whitehouse: GOP Caused The Oklahoma Tornado By Not Believing in Global Warming: RWNA climate milestone: Times
Hooray! Warmists Say Ocean Is Eating 90% Of The Warmth: RWN
How Media Progressives Like Those At The New York Times Spin News Stories: Draw and StrikeBombshell: Govt Official Says Hillary Spearheaded Benghazi Review, Not Independent Board: FreePost
Sensitive BuzzFeeder and ‘partnerships’ builder: ‘Ted Cruz is a Latino in name only’; Deletes tweet: Twitchy
White House-created “doctored” war on Jon Karl and Stephen Hayes falls apart: LI
Google and Democrats deny that Google is helping Democrats: RS
Sharyl Attkisson's computers compromised: Politico
Earl W. Jackson Blows Roof Off at Virginia Convention: Western
Ezra Klein, Other JournoListers Seen Heading to White House for Private Briefing: Ace
The News Isn't Buying What Carney's Selling: Ace
‘Tea Party is alive and pissed’: Patriots protest at IRS offices across the country [pics]: Twitchy
Obama sends DHS armed guards to Tea Party protests: FAM
Fox’s Bret Baier Reveals That DOJ Also Seized Phone Records For James Rosen’s Parents: Mediate
Turkey Stakes Claim in America With $100 Million Mega-Mosque: Clarion ProjectSteven Crowder in Morality Kombat: Scoop
Saudi Arabia beheads Yemenis, displays corpses in public: Commentator
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Former Thief Invents Theft-Proof ATMs From His Cell: MashableFree, a radical story turning disruptive: InnoExc
Your Pictures: The Oklahoma Tornado: NatGeo
Press Drones On: MOTUSObama at the Movies: Political Wrinkles
ToDaZeD Proggie Nudge[s]: Sondrakistan
Image: American Power
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: New TV Ad: Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Scandal
QOTD: "Obama didn't know the IRS was targeting conservatives until he read it in the papers. He didn't know about "Fast and Furious" until he read it in the papers, too. He has "complete confidence" in Holder, and didn't know about the decision to collect the phone records of reporters. He didn't know about the investigation into CIA director David Petraeus's affair. He told Letterman during the election he didn't know what the national debt was. He didn't know about the AIG bonuses in the TARP legislation. He said he didn't know how bad the economic crisis was when he took office.
That "empty chair" metaphor from the Republican convention was so out of line, huh?" --Jim Geraghty
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