
The Benghazi Inbox: Tatler
IRS Asked Tea Party Groups For Access to Their Websites: GWP
Boom: Obama Administration Knew of IRS Targeting in June of 2012: Benson
Stand up and cheer these House Republicans: LI
IRS said to target Latino-run conservative group: Fox News Latino
Judicial Watch Investigates HHS Sec. Sebelius’s Latest Scandal: JW
Passing the Buck: "Leadership" in Obama's Administration: TPNN
Were conservative car dealers targeted for GM closures?: Breitbart
IRS Told Dr. James Dobson He Had Been “Critical Of President”: Nice Deb
The Scandal Factory: JPA
Congressional hearing turns into IRS smackdown: Daily Mail
Romney donor: from Obama's Enemies List to IRS Audit Target: Scoop
While IRS Abused Tea Party, Muslim Groups Given Special Treatment?: Tatler
Durbin Asked IRS to Probe Conservative 501(c)(4) Groups in 2010: PJM
Climate & Energy
EPA addresses bias complaints: PoliticoSenate Panel Approves EPA Nominee: WSJ
Even with huge subsidies, Fiat is losing about $10,000 on each of the tiny electric cars that it sells: Lott
IRS Defenders Are Still Relying on Debunked Claims: ComentaryRep. Mike Kelly Rips Into Man Wearing Dead Poodle on His Head: Ace
US Rep Kevin Brady ( TX-R) asks, “Is this still America”?: Scared Monkeys
Amid scandals and sequester the band plays on at the White House: CowboyByte
President Asterisk: Why the Obama IRS scandal may be worse than “a cancer on the presidency.”: Instapundit
Steyn Warns of ‘Serious Secession Movements’ if Drift Toward Socialism Not Reversed: Joe Miller
Huma’s Moonlighting? No Problem … Just Don’t Mention Her Crescent-lighting: McCarthyState Dept Employees 'Held Accountable' For Benghazi Failures Still Receiving Paychecks: Breitbart
'Expect Israeli strikes on Russian arms shipment to Syria-Hezbollah': Hayom
Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant: Rob Cunningham
Boise Man Arrested on Terrorism and WMD Charges: IPT
1 SEAL dead, others injured in training accident: Navy Times
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Why 3D Printing Is Overhyped (I Should Know, I Do It For a Living): GizmodoPentagon officially grants security clearance to Apple's iPhone and iPad: Apple Insider
Antarctic Neutrino Observatory Detects Unexplained High-Energy Particles: SciAm
California's Real War on Women: RWNBurglars lock homeowner in gun closet with predictably hilarious results: Hot Air
The Buck Stops (Cartoon): RWN
Image: The Buck Stops (Cartoon)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Call John Boehner Now: We Demand a Select Committee
QOTD: "From the beginning of the Obama Administration, the Tea Party movement in America has been treated with great animus and hostility. From Vice President Biden to former President Bill Clinton, to numerous members of Congress, to entertainment celebrities and so-called journalists, we have been demonized, cursed and treated with completely undeserved slurs and vulgarity. To expect us to believe that an Administration which acts in this fashion would also not seek to politicize the IRS such that Tea Party groups could not enjoy tax exempt status, is simply naïve. It is with great relief and a sense of vindication that this corruption has come to light." --Royal Alexander
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