
'Gun control': The 'gateway tyranny': GRE
Durbin told IRS to Target GOP because they would "beat Democrats": WZ
We Are At War: Cold Fury
Rahmville Chicago – 6 Dead, 22 Wounded In Holiday Weekend Violence: FAM
Warning lands Batavia teacher in hot water: Daily Herald
Pressure Cooker Bomb Scare in Dearborn: Atlas
DHS Memo: 3D Guns Give People Power; the Sky is Falling!: RWN
Penalties for politicians: Reynolds
The Facts about Food Stamps Everyone Should Hear: FoundryMost Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare [2011]: JW
Barnhardt: Obama's intent - collapse the economy: NoisyRm
One mom won’t be sending her child to school on cross-dressing day: RWN
Report: U.S. weapons system designs compromised by China: WaPo
Speculative Gold Bets at 5-Year Low: Mish
Scandal Central
Obama and the IRS: Worse Than Watergate: DriscollA Frequent Visitor to the White House: Commentary
Left Tries to Redefine IRS Scandal: AIM
Climate & Energy
To the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here: FerraraMedia
“Progressives will not put anything ahead of their agenda, except themselves”: Cold FuryOn this particular Memorial Day, what are your thoughts about the future of our country?: Watcher
Robert Griffin III honors the fallen, rides with his Army veteran parents in D.C. Memorial Day parade: Twitchy
London Daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Attacks Obama: Weakest President In The History Of The U.S.: MEMRI
Tavis Smiley felt the wrath of Team Obama: LI
Gallup: 46 percent believe government poses immediate threat to rights and freedoms: Twitchy
The Story Too Good to Be True: RSM
Bitter Bob Dole lashes out at Republican Party: Twitchy
Krauthammer on the war on terror: I’m afraid Obama is going to leave us extremely open to attack: Scoop
Blood in the streets: the New Normal: Cold Fury“SMART DIPLOMACY” UPDATE: As the US Naps, China Doubles Down on Caribbean Policy.: Instapundit
Texas: FBI arrests Hezbollah-linked Muslim trying to get sensitive job at DoD: Creeping
McCain Makes Secret Trip to Syria to Visit Rebels: NewsMax
89 Year-Old British Veteran Vows to Not Move From War Memorial Until ‘Islam’ Graffiti Is Removed: GWP
All-clear given after Brooklyn Bridge closure: USA Today
British officials knew for two years that London jihad murderer had ties to al-Qaeda: JihadWatch
Yet Another Woman Says She Was Held as a Domestic Slave by Saudi Diplomats in Virginia: Blaze
John Kerry Reveals $4 Billion Plan To Boost The Economy . . . For The Palestinians. Update: Rejected.: WZ
PayPal denies teenager reward for finding website bug: PC WorldBuzzFeed partners with CNN and sets aside ‘low eight-digit sum’ for new YouTube channel: NextWeb
Anatomy of a hack: How crackers ransack passwords like “qeadzcwrsfxv1331”: Ars Technica
Memorial Day 2013: America’s Spirit Is Alive And Well: MOTUSHybrid technologies and stealth: Winter Soldier
Barack Obama's "Missing Hours" on 9/11/2012: HillBuzz
Sad: Middle of the Right
Stop, Pause, Interrupt Your Day, Remember Them: P&F
2016 Dream Ticket Formed!: Sensing
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Read the New Bestseller: The Clapper Memo
QOTD: "This leads us to a frustrating conclusion about Obama's precise and rigid implementation of his bad and superficial policy of retreating [from the Middle East] at any cost, even in the face of new developments. [We must conclude that] this is not a skilled statesman and politician with creative solutions, but an ordinary academic who repeats meaningless slogans and does not possess the political sensitivity to give each factor the weight it deserves, to take bold [action] when necessary and to refrain [from action] when necessary..." --Mashari Al-Zaydi, columnist for the London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat
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