
On the AP-Justice Department Story: Ricochet
Lawmakers rip Justice Department over AP phone records grab: Fox
Ben Rhodes: Obama's Fixer behind the Benghazi Cover-Up: AT
Obama digs in on Benghazi: ‘There’s no there there’: Exam
Obama knee-deep in Nixon-esque scandal: Herald
Cruz: IRS Scandal ‘Harkens Back to the Days of Nixon': NRO
Suspect IRS Office Also Disclosed Confidential Docs From Conservatives: Riehl
IRS officials in DC involved in targeting of conservative groups: WaPo
Obama: Republicans are making Americans ‘cynical about government’: Exam
Lies About Libya: Sowell
How High Up Does This IRS Scandal Go?: Blaze
Health Insurers predict 100%-400% Obamacare rate explosion: ExamThe IRS and big government: Peth
Mood Darkens in Europe as Eurozone Economy in Freefall: Mish
Scandal Central
Another Lie: IRS Officials In DC Behind Targeting Conservative Groups…: WZNixonian: Obama Regime Seizes AP Reporters’ Phone Records For Over 20 Lines, 100 Journalists Affected: WZ
Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?: The Week
George Will: Obama Could Be Impeached Over IRS Attacks On Tea Party: RWNHow do you ask a journalist to be the last journalist to lose credibility defending Obama?: LI
Gosnell abortion trial moves to next phase: USA Today
Understatement of the Year: "There's No There There": Elephant
Clown Carney: White House shocked to hear about AP’s phone records being investigated: Twitchy
NARAL: Gosnell Snipping Babies Necks “Result Of Anti-Choice Attacks On Abortion Access”: WZ
Ezra Klein tries valiantly to defend the IRS: PW
Koch Lawyer to White House: How Did You Get Our Tax Information?: WS (2010)
Flashback: Obama Signature Move -- Unsealing Private Records: Coulter
Only the president can end the Benghazi “sideshow”: GayPatriotUN Official Blasts Israeli Settlers As Violent “Whacked-Out” Terrorists: WZ
Ritual Cannibalism Caught on Film?: Shoebat
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Fox and Twitter announce major social TV advertising partnership: LostRemote2nd Volcano This Month Heating Up in Alaska: AP
Google reveals Gladstone, Missouri is the latest city to join the line for its Fiber Internet service: NextWeb
How Facebook Ruined Comments (at Least for Me): TechLand
Image: Weasel Zippers
Sponsored by: Call John Boehner Now: We Demand a Select Committee on Benghazi
QOTD: "The problem with telling a lie, or even a succession of lies, is that a very small dose of the truth can sometimes make the whole thing collapse like a house of cards. The State Department's own foreign service officer Gregory Hicks was in Libya during the attack, so he knew the truth. When threats were not enough to silence him, it was then necessary to try to discredit him.
After years of getting glowing job evaluations, and awards of honors from the State Department for his work in various parts of the world, Mr. Hicks suddenly began to get bad job evaluations and was demoted to a desk job in Washington after he spoke with a Congressman about what he knew. The truth is dangerous to liars." --Thomas Sowell
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