
Santorum Surge: RSM
With His Experience, Gingrich Could Get The Job Done: Sowell
Undocumented Immigrants, Real Crimes: Virtuous
The Justice Department's Identity Problem: Cal Thomas
Obama: taxpayer funds can be used to promote gun control: BreitTV
The Democratic Party's War on the Poor: ATIn Obama He Trusts: Why our president fails: Wolf
Pension Perks are Crushing Taxpayers: USA Today
Top 10 Worst Federal Rules of 2011: Foundry
Michelle sports $2,000 sun-dress: Naked DC
A Run On The Global Banking System - How Close Are We?: Lira
Repo Men: NRO
‘Your Tax Dollars at Work’ Update: Shrimp on a Treadmill: Malkin
Leo Gerard: The Most Powerful Man In America?: Ulsterman
Climate & Energy
MF Global chief missing $1.2B is financial adviser to EPA: TimesAztecs Versus Our Warmies: Wolf Howling
EPA Rule May Cause Blackouts: Intelligencer
Virginia Must Change Its Election System: JeffreyGross: Former Dem Rep. Weiner Wanted Threesome . . . With Another Man…: WZ
AP Bemoans Retirement of 'Centrist' Ben Nelson, Who Voted for ObamaCare and Stimulus: NB
Voter ID: Holder Looks Through Race-Colored Glasses: IBD
After Only 2 Qualify for Presidential Primary, Virginia GOP Chair Says State Should Change Election Law: CNS
Breitbart: ‘Occupy The Caucus’ Is Part Of Organized Left’s Efforts To Re-Elect Obama: Breitbart
Conservatives Shouldn't Abandon Rick Santorum: Riehl
Ted Kennedy Prepared Barack Obama’s Attack Ads: RedState
99 Percent? Elizabeth Warren Was Third Highest Paid At Harvard In 1997: Glob
Texas Christmas Honor Killings: Mass Murderer Didn’t Want Daughter Dating Non-Muslim: GWPMerry Christmas From Saudi Arabia: WSJ
Clerics clash in Bethlehem brawl at Jesus' birthplace: USA Today
The Paul Pot and the Paulestinians: Sultan Knish
The New Old Europe: Hanson
Bolton: If you’re thinking about Ron Paul, think again!: Scoop
Fallout from the Christmas Hack of Stratfor: ForbesDetailed Analysis of Personal Information ‘Anonymous’ Attack on Stratfor: IdentityFinder
Avastin can stabilize tumors in ovarian cancer, studies find: LAT
The Next iPad Battery Will Be Awesome: Insider
Wi-Fi 'protected set-up' not so protected after all: CNet
Is China's New GPS System Better Than Ours?: Blaze
Bumper Sticker of the Year Awards: LIDoubling Down on Debt: It’s a Snow Job: MOTUS
No Car Will Escape This "Future Now" Speed Cam: Consumerist
Cheetah of 1930s Tarzan Movies Dies: WSJ
A fish that bites men's testicles? Yep, it's real: GlobalPost
White Castle considers alcohol sales: Cleveland
Image: "Iran Says U.S. Aircraft Carrier Has Entered Zone Near Key Oil Route"
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "I'm running a marathon of sorts on stories of crimes committed by illegal aliens.
We criminalize texting, but allow, if not encourage, a mass migration of people who we know exactly nothing about.
It is like, as a nation, we are suicidal." --The Machiavellian
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