
Not Over: Pundette
Constitution, Anyone? Obama to Rule… Without Congress: Foundry
Working at Wal-Mart: Why We Need Welfare Reform: CC
Obama Campaign Asks For Republicans’ Names: Nice Deb
Exactly What Is Crony Capitalism, Anyway?: RCM
Republicans: Racist, Sexist, Homophobic — and Elitist: Elder
Little Progress on Key Bills After Leaders Meet: Roll Call
New Haven mayor: Let illegal immigrants vote!: Hot Air
“The real 99 percent can’t afford the Occupiers”: ProWisImproving the Horrifying Heritage Chart: Bizzy
Corzine: the truth. Rezko: whitewashed with emotion.: Geeez
How much down the UAW hole again?: Eggs
Public School Teachers Are Highest Paid State Workers: CNS
Obamacare costs 100,000 jobs in January: Surber
Realtors Double-Counted Home Sales For Last 5 Years: SHN
Witness: Democrat Jon Corzine Knew: Daily Beast
Citi: Gold $3K-6K In "The Next Two Years": ZH
Gunrunner & Energygate
Documents Show Justice's Breuer Misled On 'Furious': IBDThe murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry: One year ago today: Malkin
Terry family marks one year anniversary of death of their son, Brian Terry, murdered border patrol agent: Attkisson
Climate & Energy
Hang Keystone Around His Scrawny Neck: Cold FuryUK police seize computers of skeptic blogger in England: Watts
EPA Air Toxics Rule Will Close Some W.Va. Power Plants by 2015: StateJournal
Mark Levin calls out Krauthammer, Will, Coulter, and Rubin: ScoopPerry Would Be A Better Change Agent Than Gingrich: Riehl
Time’s POTY: “The Protester”: Hot Air
Tom Friedman, hitting rock bottom: JRubin
MSNBC's Klan Smear Of Romney So Slimy, Even Sharpton Shuns It: NB
MSNBC’s “Appalling Lack of Judgment”: Bruce
Adolf Hitler & Mickey Mouse Recall Petition Signatures Ruled OK: Urbanski
Obama’s latest ’60 Minutes’ interview: Thomas
Research: Fewer Americans Are Tying the Knot: WSJ
The Shocking Truth about Lowe's and All American Muslim: JihadWatchTake Your Sharia and Shove It, Long Live Punk Rock Edition: Zilla
European Banks Stop Serving American Customers: Spiegel
State Dept pays off 56-nation Islamic coalition for truce on free speech: Creeping
U.S. authorities probing alleged cyberattack plot by Venezuela, Iran: Times
Opponents in Philadelphia say bill on Sharia law unfair to Muslims: Newsworks
Unprecedented Uprising in Chinese Village Chases Out Communist Party: RSM
The Hundred Years’ German War: Hanson
The Real Scandal Regarding Newt's Words: IBD
Why Microsoft suddenly wants its software on the iPad: CNetNew Armed Stealth Drone Heads to Afghanistan (And Maybe Iran, Too): Wired
Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports: SciAm
The Truth about Violence: 3 Principles of Self-Defense: Sam HarrisFreeway explosion: Tanker truck fire may close 60 for days: LAT
Drowning in the Shallowness of it All: MOTUS
Image: Bleacher Report
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "Are we in a situation where every day rockets are fired into Israel, while in the U.S. the current administration tries to pressure the Israelis into a peace process? Hamas does not admit the right of Israel to exist, and says publicly not a single Jew will remain. The Palestinian Authority Ambassador to India said last month there is no difference between Fatah and Hamas: We both agree Israel has no right to exist.
Somebody ought to have the courage to tell the truth: These people are terrorists, they teach terrorism in their schools. They have textbooks that say, 'If there are 13 Jews and 9 Jews are killed, how many Jews are left?' We pay for these textbooks through our aid money.
It's fundamentally time for somebody to have the guts to say, 'Enough lying about the Middle East.'" --Newt Gingrich
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