
The 50 Best Political Quotes Of 2011: Hawkins
The Black Occupy Protester — Missing in Action: RWN
Mark Hemingway on ‘Fact-Checking’: NRO
Ron Paul's Dangerous Campaign: PJM
No on Mitt Romney: Shapiro
Ron Paul Walks Out of CNN Interview: Ace
Let's Move! Michelle Obama Throws a Hawaiian Pizza Party: WZ
Dates set for Supreme Court Arguments on Obamacare: CNN
Fitch threatens U.S. downgrade as Obama shops: GWPIt's Official: US Debt-To-GDP Passes 100%: ZH
Congressional insider trading runs amok: Insider
L.A. Mayor: Budget Cuts To Offset Occupy LA Cleanup: WZ
$30B Fund Manager Makes Case for Being Totally on Sidelines: Mish
Obama’s America: Only 17% Satisfied With U.S.: RWN
Gunrunner & Energygate
BREAKING: Confessions of Perjury Inside DOJ: Adams‘Bloggers’ continue to beat media at their own game on ‘Gunwalker’: Codrea
Lieberman directs staff to investigate Fast and Furious coordination: DC
Climate & Energy
EPA’s New Mercury Rule? Environmental Hocus Pocus: FoundryYour Government At Work, EPA takes Mercury out of the air and puts it in light bulbs instead: WyBlog
Gov’t subsidies for Chevy Volt up to $250,000 per car?: Hot Air
Kamikaze conservative: LI“Politicos for Romney, Bloggers for Perry”: ProWis
Figures: Iowa Kook Who Called Gingrich a "F***ing A**hole" is a Progressive Loon: GWP
I’m With Hillyer, And He’s With Boehner: Hayride
House Republicans' Christmas Present to Obama: Ace
Feeling The Heat: Wasserman Schultz Has Media Do Her Bidding Against Harrington: BigJourn
Shocking Truth About 'All-American Muslim' Star, and Lowe's Good Call: HE
Obama’s Media Flying Monkeys Get Their Marching Orders, Gear Up To Do Battle: IBD
Simpsons episode: Sharia law in Dearborn (video): Creeping
More Mystery Iran Disasters: Major Fire At Isfahan Refinery, Huge Blast At Revolutionary Guards Base: JoshuaHitler admired in PLO youth magazine because he murdered Jews: PalWatch
Jimmy Carter Sends Condolences to Kim Jong-un, According to N. Korean Media: Malkin
Berkeley Hillel’s Betrayal of Israel: Greenfield
Does the Times regret the error? Probably not.: Power Line
Banks gorge on ECB loans, market cheer short-lived: Reuters
Time to Attack Iran: Foreign Affairs
Two Bad September Days: Hanson
Syria: Assad Regime Losing Control As 10,000 Soldiers Desert Military: WZ
15 Nissans that get an enthusiasts thumbs-up: Motor TrendIBM's Top 5 Technology Predictions for the Next 5 Years: ABC
Verizon's 4G network: Can you hear me now?: CNet
How Computers Work: Boing BoingStockbroker, 106, still on Wall Street: KGO-TV
Utah man wins Lamborghini, crashes it hours later: AP
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President
QOTD: "Is that [Ron Paul's] actual, considered position? That the newsletters are incendiary only due to a Liberal Media making them so?
He actually has made that claim before. When these first came to light, he did not disclaim authorship. He simply said you had to read them all "in context" and not seize upon any particular sentence, but read everything he's said "in context."
So he has in fact attempted to claim that these newsletters, like the Ron Paul Survival Report (!!!), were not actually a problem at all as far as substance.
Just this darned liberal media (and only this darned liberal media) making a stink about it.
More: Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney in 2008 (did you know that?) and yes, Ron Paul gives sneaky little-shout-outs to Truthers. --Ace
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