
The Obama administration discovers the Constitution: Instapundit
DoJ rejects South Carolina Voter ID law: Greenroom
Exclusive: Statement from Former Ron Paul Staffer: RWN
Virginia’s GOP Isn’t For Lovers of Newt or Perry: BigGovt
California atheists block out nativity scenes: Hot Air
Why Ohio Is the Most Muddled Swing State Ever: RCP
Elisabeth’s Barrenness and Ours: Steyn
Is Twitter Breaking U.S. Law?: Pollak
A Country in Denial About Its Fiscal Future: SamuelsonBusinesses Flee California and Illinois: Mish
House Dems prepping for fight over cuts to jobless benefits: Hill
The 7 Most Illuminating Economic Charts of 2011: Peth
The new Winter White House: Politico
Pelosi Slips Quietly into Big Island Resort: HawaiiRep
Gunrunner & Energygate
Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs: WaPoHeavily Dem downstate IL county: 7,100 voting age residents, 7,800 registered to vote: Marathon
Eric Holder's Lawlessness: Frontpage
Climate & Energy
Everything you ever needed to know about man-made global warming in one sentence and a graph: BayonetWarmists Trot Out Old Santa Painting To Prop Up Globull Warming: RWN
Modern-day climate change witch hunt: ABC Au
Strike Three for Politifact: CatoThe Awful Unfairness of Iowa: Polipundit
How will the Obama administration’s misleading “New Poverty” line be abused?: Kaus
Progressives Attempt To Hijack Story Of Christmas: Loesch
"All-American Muslim" TV Show Plummets in Ratings Dive: Atlas
RINO Dick Lugar Spouts More Idiocy on CNN: Hill
10 Most Hated Movies of 2011: Wired
Remember: If You Want Ron Paul to POOF! Away, You Must Say His Name Backwards Every 90 Days: HillBuzz
Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton battle over 1990s legacy: Politico
The Region: Obama preaches, dictators sneer: BRubinU.N. Passes leaner 2012-2013 budget amid economic turmoil: NewsDaily
Anti-Putin Protest Draws Tens of Thousands: Blaze
No Worse Friend, No Better Enemy: Belmont Club
A terrible truth written in blood: AT
Religion of peace kills 39 Christians in Nigeria: Scoop
Anonymous Says It’s Hacked U.S. Security Think Tank, Promises Weeklong Assault: BlazeThe 30 Best iPad Games: CNet
The joys of real-time data analysis for online retailers: CNet
A Christmas Blessing 2011: DeweyDogs Like Christmas, Too: Ace
Pelosi Tramp Stamp: iOTW
TSA: Keeping us safe from cupcakes: RWN
Bengals beg fans to show up for decisive game: Trib
Ronald Reagan's 1981 Christmas Address: ZH
Image: National Journal
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Please support the Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "The Obama administration won't be bound by a gun control ban in the $1 trillion spending bill for 2012, the president said Friday.
The funding provision for the federal health agency says that "none of the funds made available in this title may be used, in whole or in part, to advocate or promote gun control." The language aims to ban taxpayer dollars from supporting gun safety research.
"I have advised the Congress that I will not construe these provisions as preventing me from fulfilling my constitutional responsibility to recommend to the Congress's consideration such measures as I shall judge necessary and expedient," Obama said in a statement as he signed the bill into law." --Julian Pecquet, The Hill
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