
Barack Has a Record: AT
New Perry ad: “Momentum”: Hot Air
Scandal-plagued A.G. opposes voter integrity laws: Nice Deb
Project 21’s Jones to Holder: Treat Voting Like Banking: ConBlog
Holder’s Fraudulent Attack on Voter Fraud Laws: BigGovt
Cook County Unleashes Child-Molesting Illegals on Citizenry: VirtRep
Plain and Simple: DNC Wants Voter Fraud: PJM
NBC/WSJ poll: Gingrich hits 40 percent nationally: WSJ
Why Would the IRS Hold a Secret Meeting?: ATROccupy Las Vegas Obamaville and its Palestinian flag: Marathon
EU Banks Selling ‘Crown Jewels’ for Cash: Bloomberg
House GOP passes that thing Obama wanted...: Malkin
Economic Fairness: Williams
Port Whine: Big Labor's Occu-Punks: Malkin
The Real Unemployment Rate: OTB
Am I better off today?: MagFarm
Hope and Change Hits Children Hardest: GWP
Gunrunner & Energygate
An Open Letter To Eric Holder From An ATF Agent in Mexico: Nice DebFast and Furious Watch: No Coverage From NBC Nightly News in All of 2011: BigJourn
Eric Holder Announces Opposition to Election Integrity Laws: Adams
“I’m not a partisan Republican. I’m someone who moderate and that my views are progressive”.: HillBuzzGovernor Palin’s USA Today Editorial: “Congress, It’s Time To Stop Lining Your Pockets”: C4P
Book ‘Em, Danno: “Hawaii Five-O” Crew Disrespects Pearl Harbor Survivors: GWP
Obama 50 Minutes Late for Press Conference: Dossier
64 companies have pulled ads from All-American Muslim: JihadWatch
Simon Wiesenthal Center Bashes Antisemitism at Media Matters and Center for American Progress: Lid
Quote o' the Day: Deep Fried Manatees
Perry Would Be A Better Change Agent Than Gingrich: Riehl
Levin: Newt Gingrich is no Marxist or Socialist like these imbeciles suggest: Scoop
Latest Obama Fundraising Letter Asks Donors to Taunt Republicans When Donating (Possibly Illegally): BizzyBlog

Arrest Bill Clinton!: Thiessen
Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?: Sultan KnishThe Truth About the Refugees: Israel Palestinian Conflict: Danny Ayalon
The Year the Arabs Discovered Palestine: Pipes (2000)
Reset! Russia's Plan to Disrupt U.S.-European Relations: Stratfor
Obama Admin Pushed for Indefinite Detention Provision: NewAm
China’s deserted fake Disneyland: Reuters
A Badly Invented People: Sultan Knish
Legal Immigrants Condemn Dream Act "These people are taking seats in college away from our kids": NUSA
Core of Patriot Act Was Drafted in 1995 … By Joe Biden: Ritholtz
Top 5 Implications of Finding the Higgs Boson: LiveScienceSOPA foes marshal opposition before House panel vote: CNet
Malicious text sent to a Windows Phone 7.5 device will force it to reboot and lock up: CNet
Liquid Candy With a Kick: Parkway Rest StopBarack Obama: I'm the fourth best president in American history: GJ&JK
Drunk History vol. 1 - Featuring Michael Cera: DrunkHistory
Image: CBS Sports: Harrison Suspended One Game
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sign the Petition: Stop Elena Kagan From Deciding Obamacare
QOTD: "Some politicians claim that politicians create jobs... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says, “My job is to create jobs.”
What hubris! Government has no money of its own. All it does is take from some people and give to others. That may create some jobs, but only by leaving less money in the private sector for job creation. ... Actually, it’s worse than that. Since government commandeers scarce resources by force and doesn’t have to peddle its so-called services on the market to consenting buyers, there’s no feedback mechanism to indicate if those services are worth more to people than what they were forced to go without.
The only people who create real, sustainable jobs are in private businesses — if they’re unsubsidized." --John Stossel
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