
GOP Caves On Fight Which I Frankly Did Not Even Understand: Ace
Fiasco: Bachmann, Santorum fail to make Virginia ballot: Hot Air
Sometimes Caution Can Backfire: RWN
Arpaio: ICE refuses to take illegal immigrants from MCSO: KPHO
Perry: I don't have problem with drug-testing welfare recipients: CBS
About Those Racist Newsletters that Ron Paul Didn’t Read: RS
Paul in 1995: Say, have you read my newsletters?: Hot Air
Ron Paul's Telling Speech At The John Birch Society: Riehl
Supers Ignore the ‘Tea Party Budget’ — and Reality: BlumerNewt slams Harry Reid for leaving DC amid Payroll fight: Scoop
West: It’s about time we change the leadership in DC: Fox
Did Bo Return From Hawaii for Obama’s Photo Op?: Dossier
NV Teachers' Union Lays Off 1,000 to Preserve Its Ins. Co.: BigGovt
Sad Stories Roll In at Request of Obama White House: CNS
Gunrunner & Energygate
The Justice Department Condones Perjury … Again: PJMThis is why life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies: MoneyRunner
Holder Cites Race in Explaining Scrutiny of Justice Department Actions: Fox
Climate & Energy
Nothing is Sustainable: AceWhy is the anti-mercury EPA trying to shove mercury-laced light bulbs into our homes?: IBD
Report: Every Chevy Volt has over $250,000 in government subsidies: Jalopnik
Wasting Away in Obamaville: MACT Rule May Shut Down a Whole Town: Tatler
Thanks Barack… Gas Prices Hit Record High in 2011 Under Obama: GWP
EPA Tries To Pull a Fast One: RCM
I'm for Newt, and Here's Why: SundriesThomas Friedman Drops the Mask: Driscoll
She demands welfare reform — and gets marriage offers: MSNBC
Cultural Winners and Losers, 2011: Bozell
WaPo's Gowen Hits Hard at Kansas Governor Sam Brownback's First Year in Charge: Blumer
As political season heats up, Politico’s Web traffic cools down: DC
O.K. Paul-Bots, Explain This Or Shut the Hell Up!!!: Lid
What Ron Paul Thinks of America: WSJ
Ron Paul 2012: Six comments he needs to explain: Politico
As Iraq Bombings Grow, Dems Have Much To Answer For: IBDArmy to allow hijabs, turbans in Junior ROTC: DC
Boston University Muslim Chaplain Raising Funds for Al Qaeda, Mass. Pols Embrace Him: STACLU
Patriot Missiles Found on Ship Bound for China: LoneCon
Saudi textbooks instruct children in how to carry out amputations for Sharia punishments: JihadWatch
Harvard Fires Critic of Jihad: Geller
Coders Are Already Finding Ways Around SOPA Censorship: AtlanticTest your creativity with our search caption challenge: Google
Five predictions for security in 2012: CNet
Modern Christmas Songs: AceWhat's Barney Frank Wearing Today?: Bruce
HAL-Pacino: YouTube (Language Warning)
Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "Has anybody asked the president yet why to millions of Americans $40 is a matter of survival?" --@TylerDurden
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