
House Republicans may save Social Security: Surber
Obama Campaign Says it Won’t Keep GOP Emails: Dossier
The Ron Paul Newsletters: Lord
The Company Ron Paul Keeps: WS
Ron Paul Goes Nuts on Leno: WZ
Romney on Obamacare: "Repeal the Bad and Keep the Good": Rico
Des Moines Register Backs Mitt: RWN
Merry Christmas from Satan Claus: Steyn

Did The Fed Quietly Bail Out A European Bank On Tuesday?: ZH
Class Warfare Blowback: Majority Wants Obama Out: ZH
SEIU Job Description: Occupy State Buildings, Takeover Banks: RS
Would Cars Be Allowed If They Were Just Invented?: PJM
Income Inequality In Baseball: TAB
Gunrunner & Energygate
It's not fast and furious for Eric Holder: CarlsonHolder Ignores Voter Intimidation But Will Go After Voter ID Requirements: Aces
ABC World News Reports On Illegal Gun Sales … In NYC: BigJourn
Climate & Energy
Virginia residents oppose preparations for climate-related sea-level rise: WaPoEPA finalizes tough new rules on emissions by power plants: WaPo
PG&E Tells City Board: ‘Customers Will Go Without Power Until A Smart Meter Is Reinstalled’: GWP
Netanyahu Refuses to Write Op-Ed for New York Times Due to Paper's Anti-Israel Bias: NBCarney Dodges Questions on Michelle’s Hawaii Flight: Dossier
Sean Hannity Flummoxed By Michelle Malkin: RSM
One brave soul at National Review stands up for Newt: LI
Radio Host Nails Chris Matthews: 'You're Clearly Working for the Re-Election of Barack Obama': NB
The Top 50 Examples of Liberal Media Bias: Huston
U.S. drone captured by hacking into GPS, says Iranian engineer: DigitalJournalHezbollah Laundered Millions Through U.S. Used Car Lots: Creeping
Should You Worry About Europe's Back Door Bank Run?: MoneyMorning
CAIR Offers Powerful Newt Endorsement: Atlas
5,000 Syrians have been massacred by Bashar Assad since March, including 300 children.: Atlas
Bibi, You Rock: RSM
Copenhagen Muslims Attack Hare Krishna Temple: GoV
Saudi Security Forces Arrest 42 Ethiopian Christians For Praying: WZ
Saudi Woman Tortured And Murdered — Cops Suspect Genie: WZ
Find My Car Smart app makes finding your car fast, hassle-free: AutoblogNASA finds new planet Kepler 22b outside solar system with temperature right for life: WaPo
Kindle Fire Triggers Anxiety in Corporate IT Departments: ChiBiz
T4T Hits & Mrs.: MOTUSThe Legend Grows: "Tebow" Sniffs Out Kilo Of Cocaine, Helps Feds Bust Florida Airport Smuggler: TSG
Brooklyn junior high school racks up most suspensions in city for sexting: Post
Images: Atlas Shrugs (top) and Guardian
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "...just last year, in reaction to President Obama's health care law. Romney [said]: "I hope we're ultimately able to eliminate some of the differences, and repeal the bad and keep the good." --Ben Domenech
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