
Obama to ignore 20 policy riders in omnibus funding bill: AT
The Reagans at Christmas: Foundry
Obamacare is DOA, How Scams Will Break the Plan: LoneCon
Day Two of the Great VAGOP Meltdown: RS
Gingrich attacks Va. for keeping him off ballot: DC
Ron Paul!: Ace
Just Words: Cold Fury
Gingrich Presses Ron Paul to Explain Racist Newsletters: ABC
Governor of the Year: Scott Walker: GovJrnlPublished: So What If Corporations Aren’t People?: Cato
Conquering the private sector: Philanthropy Daily
Ogabenomics: hasn't worked, won't work, can't work: Cold Fury
Obama Goes Shopping for His Kids at Best Buy: Dossier
NLRB could be shut down in new year: Trib
Gunrunner & Energygate
Congressman trumps Holder’s race card, asks if Mexican gun-walking deaths were ‘racially motivated’: DCAngry former ATF chief blames subordinates for Fast and Furious: LAT
Opinion: Remember Post-Racial America? Neither Does Eric Holder: WNYC
Climate & Energy
Lights Out, America: HaywardInsiders: serious misgivings about data at the center of the greatest scientific fraud in history: Nelson
Mann hockey stick co-author Bradley: “it may be that Mann et al simply don’t have the long-term trend right”: Watts
Allen West, The Liberal Media’s Boogeyman: RWN#Hacked!: Ron Paul's Claims About His Newsletters Are Less Plausible Than Anthony Weiner's: Ace
Michael Tomasky: Time for Ron Paul to Fully Answer Racism Charges: Tomasky
Exposing the Palestinian Narrative Gingrich-Style: BigPeace
Moore: "Wall Street Has Their Man And His Name Is Barack Obama": RCP
Manhattan Mini Storage really, REALLY Hates Rick Perry: Urban Infidel
Michelle Obama Insisted on $4 Million Trip to Hawaii When Barack Wanted Local Vacation: GWP
ZoNation: Why Ron Paul is the Jeremiah Wright of the Right: Scoop
Yes Virginia The Internet Does NOT Replace Old Fashioned Politics: Publius
Mark Steyn on Ron Paul’s worldview: ‘Sheer stupid, half-witted parochialism’: DCMuslim sect claims Nigeria Christmas church attacks; 25 dead: AP
Pope delivers message of peace on Christmas: CBS
Unlimited Muslim Entitlement: Sultan Knish
"Arab Spring" cleaning: The "religious cleansing" of Christianity from the Mideast: JihadWatch
Richard Dawkins, who claims to oppose genocide, vows to “destroy” Christianity: Wintery Knight
Egyptian Youth Disillusioned: Was Life Any Worse Under Mubarak?: BigPeace
Six Degrees of George Soros: Loudon
Permit needed to sing Christmas carols, move in groups in Muslim Malaysia: Creeping
21,000 domains transfer out of Go Daddy in 1 day: CNetStratfor Hacked, 200GB Of Emails, Credit Cards Stolen, Client List Released: ZH
Rare Galaxy from 'Dawn of Time' Photographed: Fox
Something Wonderful: Last Minute Shopping: AmDigestPortal Xmas Tree: Boing Boing
Says It All: Green Mountains
Image: Adapted from
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "You guys need to — you need to stop this. It’s not an organic thing that’s just happening. You guys are behind it.” --Eric Holder
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