8. In 2007, Ron Paul criticized Abraham Lincoln for using military force to end slavery during the Civil War: "He shouldn’t have gone to war… Slavery was phased out in every other country in the world and the way I’m advising that it should have been done is do like the British Empire did; you buy the slaves and release them."
7. In 2009, Ron Paul said even the Nazi Holocaust was not sufficient cause for interventionism. He said, among other things, "No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t risk American lives to [end the Holocaust]."
6. The Washington Post's Charles Lane -- hardly a "neocon" -- says that "Paul actually comes closest to the foreign policy views of Obama’s longtime religious leader, Jeremiah Wright."
5. Just days after the horrific 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans, Ron Paul blamed America for the attacks: "It is clear that protecting certain oil interests and our presence in the Persian Gulf help drive the holy war. Muslims see this as an invasion and domination by a foreign enemy, which inspires radicalism."
4. In a television interview he gave in 1995, Ron Paul explicitly and personally endorsed the views of his newsletter: "I also do an investment letter. It’s called the Ron Paul Survival Report, and I put that out on a monthly basis ... which is a gold-oriented newsletter, but it’s also, uh, convening — expressing concern about surviving in this age of big government, where there’s a lot of taxes and regulations, and attacks on our personal liberties."
3. Ron Paul refuses to disavow support from "the racists, anti-Semites and neo-Nazis in his coalition (sorry, but whatever you think of Lew Rockwell, Stormfront and David Duke certainly deserve such labels)."
2. In an interview he gave just last month, Ron Paul also refuses to disclaim the despicable 9/11 Truther movement and, in fact, actively encourages it. When asked "why won’t you come out about the truth about 9/11?", he responded: "Because I can’t handle the controversy, I have the IMF the Federal Reserve to deal with, the IRS to deal with because no because I just have more-too many things on my plate. Because I just have too much to do."
1. Ron Paul believes in pretty much every discredited, crackpot conspiracy theory you've ever heard of. To wit:
He knows how crazy his conspiracy theories about The Illuminatis are, so he initially deflects the question ("What do you think the Bildersbergers are doing?") with an empty demurral. Then the questioner asks it a second and third time, and he can no longer counterfeit his beliefs; he offers up the Illuminatis conspiracy.
Remember, we're fighting a "phony war" against Al Qaeda, and it's all ginned-up neocon nonsense that Iran is cooking up a nuclear bomb, and Hamas was created by Israel.
But the thing we've got to really keep our eyes on is the Bildersbergers and Trilateral Commissioners.
Image credit: iOwnTheWorld.
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