Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 6, 2013

President Obama sets extremely bad example for America's youth, uses high-cap magazine in Father's Day activity

Is Mayor Bloomberg aware of this tweet?

As Robby Soave reminds us, these activities come at a time when liberals are hysterically convulsing over toy guns and even references to them.

A 14-year old faces suspension and up to a year in jail for failing to remove an NRA T-shirt he wore to school.

An elementary school student was suspended for biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.

And a 5-year old was booted from school for referring to her "bubble gun", pictured at right.

So I'm sure the outrage from progressive media for the president's activity will build to a crescendo any moment.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

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