Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 6, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Bringing Mitch McConnell Out of the Shadows

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Bringing Mitch McConnell Out of the Shadows: Daniel Horowitz
How many 9/11 hijackers would have been granted Amnesty?: Shoebat
Biden: ‘At Least’ Five Senators Want To Flip Vote for Gun Control: AmmoLand

Obama Doing What Americans Want Least: Outcast
Texas AG implements voter ID immediately after decision : Bryan Preston
Hoodwinked, bamboozled: Cold Fury

GOP support for amnesty alienates conservatives: Neil W. McCabe
A Thought On The Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Act Case Today: HayRide
Ignorant and Confused Reactions to SCOTUS Voting Rights Act Decision: LI


Ted Cruz: You get tax breaks for hiring legalized illegals: Sister Toldjah
Rubio-Schumer Amnesty favors hiring illegal aliens over Americans: Philip Klein
Yields Creep Up in Spain, Italy, France: Mish

Obama’s $100 Million Africa Trip Draws Ire: Tammy Bruce
California Schools to Train Kids to Sell Obamacare: Loren Heal
White House recruiting Hollywood stars for ObamaCare rollout: Elise Viebeck

Scandal Central

Weeper Boehner meets secretly with Obama: get ready for amnesty!: FAM
Darrell Issa slams ‘irresponsible’ State Dept., issues four Benghazi subpoenas: Twitchy
Anti-Gun Fanatic Bloomberg Spending NYC Tax Money on Gun Efforts in Nevada: JWF

Exclusive: Banned Cleric's Outspoken Deputy Visits White House: IPT
Racism Is Alive and Well in America. Another Democrat Just Proved It: Bryan Preston
NSA takes surveillance fact sheets off website: Alex Byers

Climate & Energy

Do Democrats Really Want a War on Coal?: Jonathan S. Tobin
President’s Climate Plan Undemocratic, Bordering On Authoritarian, Disingenuous on Keystone: Brian McNicoll
BRUTAL! Democrat Senator Shreds Obama’s Global Warming Speech: ‘Irresponsible’, ‘Flat Earth’: Matthew Burke

As Obama Speaks, Top Scientist Questions Warming Models: Keith Koffler
Obama wants action on climate change in the worst way — and that’s what the US is getting: James Pethokoukis
Obama Distracts Public with Devastating Climate Change Agenda: Sara Noble


Paul Krugman, The Marxist: ZH
Dem. Senator Admits Using Newtown Families to Break GOP Gun Control Filibuster: AmmoLand
Wasserman Schultz Goes Tea Party, Rails Against Government: Shark Tank

Fear and Loathing at the Netroots Conventions: Ace
Creepy Hillary 2016 “Ready” Shirt Design Sooperized!!: Sooper Mexican
Chris Matthews: Stop Global Warming or Miami Will Be Turned Into a Hovering 'Atlantis!': Scott Whitlock

MSM is Lying: Conservatives Are The Mainstream: Lloyd Marcus
Obama Regime Clamps Down on Campus First Amendment Rights: Dave Blount
Audience at president’s climate change speech so motivated, forgets to pick up litter: Twitchy

OFA Leaked Talking Points: Don't Mention Cost, Impact Of Obama's Climate Policies: Susan Ferrechio
Pelosi Ridicules Letter Asking Her to Condemn Abortion or Renounce Catholicism: Steven Ertelt
Why America Hates Washington: Erick Erickson


Surprise! Russia is Cheating on Arms Treaties, Obama Ignores Warnings: Trevor Loudon
Obama Grovels, Again Asks Putin If Can We Have Snowden Back: Pretty Please With A Cherry On Top?: WZ
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em?: Bruce Bawer

Nations Swinging Away at the Obama Pinata: Peter Wehner
America Sidelined and Barely Relevant: Charles Krauthammer
My Fashion Choices—and My Husband’s—Reveal the Risks of Looking Hasidic: Tablet


The Traditional PC Is Dying and Consumers are Switching to Tablets: Salvatore Mattera
Ancient Mummy Statue Turns Its Back to the Crowds: Tammy Bruce
Replacing "Requirements Gathering" with Something That Works: UIE


People's NFL Nationalized, Sebelius to Direct: The People's Cube
Lady M Hammers The Message & The Smells: MOTUS
A Nation Turning Into Hell: Bradlee Dean

Image: Surprise, Surprise: Russia is Cheating on Arms Treaties, Obama Ignores Warnings
Sponsored by: Only 4 Votes Left to Stop Amnesty: Call your Senators NOW at 888-995-8349

QOTD: "Whatever the wisdom of the Iraq war in the first place, when Obama came to office in January 2009 the war was won. Al-Qaeda in Iraq had been routed. Nouri al-Maliki’s Shiite government had taken down the Sadr Shiite extremists from Basra all the way north to Baghdad. Casualties were at a wartime low; the civil war essentially over.

We had a golden opportunity to reap the rewards of this too-bloody war by establishing a strategic relationship with an Iraq that was still under American sway. Iraqi airspace, for example, was under U.S. control as we prepared to advise and rebuild Iraq’s nonexistent air force.

With our evacuation, however, Iraqi airspace today effectively belongs to Iran — over which it is flying weapons, troops and advisers to turn the tide in Syria. The U.S. air bases, the vast military equipment, the intelligence sources available in Iraq were all abandoned. Gratis. Now we’re trying to hold the line in Jordan.

Obama is learning very late that, for a superpower, inaction is a form of action. You can abdicate, but you really can’t hide. History will find you. It has now found Obama." --Charles Krauthammer

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