Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 6, 2013

If you live in the United States, you are already far too late [finem respice]

Guest post by finem respice

If you live in the United States it may finally be dawning on you that you have something of a problem in the government to which you are now a Subject. In fact, the details of the [NSA Snooping|Verizon Metadata|IRS Political Targeting|Bankruptcy Preference|Fast and Furious|State Department Coverup|Libyan Ambassador|George Takei Facebook Ghostwriting] scandal are meaningless. You are already far too late. It will get worse before it gets better, it may never get better again, and, frankly, finem respice has not a shred of sympathy for your plight or that of your countrymen/women. In fact, given the manner you have quashed the opportunity- almost unique in the history of the species- created by an impossibly rare coexistence of liberty, private property, free markets, the rise of scientific method, and freedom of expression (to name just a few) there is more than a passing argument to be made that your society has squandered one of the greatest intellectual and individualistic fortunes in history.

Moreover, less charitable commentators may one day look upon what you have vainly and arrogantly loosed upon the world and wonder if the word "criminal" might not actually be excessive. To the extent humanity was headed towards something approaching a post-scarcity society finem respice would not wonder if you have collectively set that project back decades, or even centuries.

You see, for generations now you have collectively built and nurtured a massive, living, metabolizing creature. From the inanimate, intellectual detritus of "progressivism" and your unending and increasingly all-consuming narcissism you have kneaded it into a shapeless husk, pouring in rank mud like "Save the Planet," "Global Warming," "The American Dream of Home Ownership," "The War on Drugs", "Mothers Against Drunk Driving", "The War On Terror", "Speculators", "Too Big To Fail", "The 1%", and of course the essence and spark of its life, "…if it saves just one child." In conjunction with (but far more so than the other buckets of intellectual mud) "…if it saves just one child" has created the Golem of Government.

It was useful once, certainly, but it has since grown larger and more unwieldy as you slumbered. It is more potent than you now, and now it wields its own momentum with a self-directed animus of its own design, winding to and fro, unpredictable and twister-like, a destructive force that, despite what you thought, is not magically contained by the frontiers of the United States. Its power is extraterritorial and carves a wide swath across and through international law, international relations, international taxation, "force projection," and grips a stranglehold on the global financial system, which it greedily claims as its own and uses as hostage to bend the laws of other states to its will.

With almost Tolkienesque malice it seeks to see all, hear all, and know all- and owing to complacency that runs the gamut from your blithe acquiescence to your active participation, increasingly looks close to meeting its total information omniscience goal. Yet, the Golem is possessed of no craft, no subtlety, no art. Its sensory organs inform crude appendages that know how to do nothing but squeeze, smash, stomp, kidnap, and explode the targets of its interest without apology or feeling. Moreover, the Golem has no sense of proportion, happily imposing costs of $10 billion on the developed world to collect less than one tenth of that in revenue for itself, raining fire from the sky upon any collection of persons it feels might maybe contain a couple troublemakers. It thinks nothing of shutting down the 20th largest city within its borders (at a cost of many billions of dollars) to hunt down a single sleep-deprived, starving, wounded, and suicidal criminal. Likewise, it laughs to spend hundreds of thousands in time and expenses to ransack those of its Subjects' entities with operating budgets of $20,000, $15,000, or even less, or to ruin a mid-sized enterprise with a displeasing political orientation over vague foreign regulations on the exportation of wood.

Like its namesake, the bureaucratic Golem you have formed may at one time have grudgingly served the better angels of The State's nature (if such can even be said to exist), but it has long since grown past your control. Try to rein it in and it fights back mercilessly, turning to bite and scratch and often inflicting mortal political (or corporal) wounds without thought. Try to starve it and it merely helps itself to lucre by encumbering the royal mint with its debts and thus accelerates the process of impoverishing you and yours with its ceaseless appetite for blood and treasure, growing even more potent and desperate in the meantime until every challenge to its ever-growing hunger occasions a political crisis, a violent and deadly storm that none dare to brave for more than the briefest of interludes, and never twice in a row.

It seems you once believed that the proper demigod might tame the Golem, direct its purpose to your own pet causes, or at least blunt its influence and attenuate the heat of its hate and ceaseless anger. You believed those heroes from the lands to the West had the steel to domesticate it, or those philosopher kings from the Northeast the intellect to reason with it. Those from the political right, you argued, or those from the left, you insisted, would best shrink its influence, or channel its immense power for good. How foolish it must feel (if you even bother to take the time to reflect) to learn, finally, that none of the last ten of your modern heroes have ought but grown the Golem's power and influence. None have felt its power and resisted the urge to attempt to pollute that power for their own ends. In fact, of late those who scorned it most vocally seem to have coupled with it most passionately, spurting forth from their sinful and false loins the seed that spawned ever more Golem offspring. For how many more cycles will you perpetuate the insane hope that the "right leader" will tame it? When will you finally recoil in horror to watch the Golem consume these offspring, growing by absorbing these massive juggernauts in their own right with names like "DHS", "CFTC", or the nearly 150 nameless progeny spawned off in one massive birthing in March of 2010?

Of course, it cannot be tamed and there will shortly be (or already is) nowhere on the globe to escape it. You must cripple it. To do this you must understand from whence its power flows. Alas, you will never, ever do this. You will never do this because its power flows from you… and in the end you are simply self-absorbed cowards.

To quote a friend of finem respice, your "discount rate for pain is infinite." You will never act "now" while you believe you have another hour, and you always believe you have another hour. Be it the left, or the right, or the center of American politics from whence you hail, your unending and interminable narcissism has convinced you that you can enjoy the redistributive graces of the Golem and that it will never turn on you. It is the urge that causes you to answer "very concerned" on survey questions about the corrupting impact of special interests, and yet time and time again vote in as much personal largess as the ballot box permits you. It is the conceit that permits you to believe that demand curves slope up (just in this one case), that healthcare can be made "free," that you are entitled by right to 8% returns in perpetuity, that entitlement Ponzi schemes will last (or last just long enough for you to get paid), that the Golem will target your enemies while your party is in "control" of it, that you will not be targeted when your party is thrown from the saddle, that flattering the Golem will wash you of your sins, and that the Golem will remember your flattery fondly when its malevolent gaze suddenly falls upon you.

And despite all evidence to the contrary you continue to recite the worshipping incantations of the day. You intone "…if it saves just one child…" with no concept of what that litany actually means. You keep yourself blissfully ignorant of the nature of the line of argument it is almost universally used to further (there is only one Lord of the Capitol, and he does not share power). You turn a blind eye when someone illuminates the many disguises this argument wears, and (at best) you ignore the sophistry involved or (at worst) you nod along to the many perverse metaphors that spring from it into the rhetoric of the era. For instance:

No law or set of laws can keep our children completely safe. But if there’s even one thing we can do, if there’s just one life we can save, we’ve got an obligation to try.1


As I said from the start, no single piece of legislation can stop every act of violence and evil. We learned that tragically just two days ago. But if action by Congress could have saved one person, one child, a few hundred, a few thousand -- if it could have prevented those people from losing their lives to gun violence in the future while preserving our Second Amendment rights, we had an obligation to try.2


If it can save one life, then it’s done its job.3


It is impossible to know with certainty whether the Patriot Act saved Alicia's life.

Her mother thinks so.

"There's at least one American citizen who's going to grow up and go to the prom and have a life because of the Patriot Act," she said.4


If we can prevent just one more, then it's worth it.5


If Todd’s story helps just one child then his death will not have been in vain.6


If we can prevent just one more person becoming a victim then why are we even arguing about this?7

But then you thought you were exempt, immune, special, did you not? "What," after all "may not be expected in a country of eternal light?" This time it was different. It could never happen here. These small accretions of power were acceptable, weren't they? Even desirable? But it should seem obvious now that your blind eye missed more than just a bit of sophistry now didn't it?

True, perhaps you squirm a little bit sending page after page of itemized detail on your spending habits, your political giving, your charitable concerns to the faceless "P.O. Box 802501," but that's all confidential, right? And, plus, you like your mortgage deduction. So what if the Golem collects years of data on your household spending, and peeks at credit card and bank records now and then if you get to keep $9,000 more of your hard-earned money every year? No?

And, really, what do you have to hide? Most of your life is out in the open already, right? Ok, now and again maybe you trip over an unwise photo of yourself on Facebook, or find yourself rushing to delete an errant Tweet or two- but you were just a little bit over-served and who can blame you for that now and again? Your employer? Let them try. You'll appeal to the Golem, of course. You'll sue, as is your right. In fact, should anything damaging emerge in the ether you are certain you'll have recourse. And why not? Otherwise your pride, your reputation, your feelings would mortally wounded, wouldn't they? And by a thoughtless, malicious third party to boot. Isn't that precisely what the Golem is there to prevent? Aren't these grievous insults exactly what this power is designed to quash? How, in truth, can you be expected to avail yourself of your right to the pursuit of online happiness when cruelty runs rampant? How can you lay your Tumblr soul bare, your Wordpress diary public (until your boyfriend is accused of treason, that is.. that's TOO public!), your Pinterest paintings for all to see? In short, how can you nourish your unbridled narcissism if you cannot publish your every whim on any occasion that presents itself to you if there are not rules governing the use of this trove of data? You must be afforded the freedom of publishing every scrap of data you wish without fear of hurtful critique, not so? Really, who cares what data is collected, as long as you can trust that its use will be restricted to the sort of things of which you approve? And to enforce that you need a powerful ally, do you not?

In short, you prefer confidentiality to secrecy, at least a self-serving version of confidentiality. A wide ranging scheme of confidentiality permits you to continue to indulge in your taste for narcissistic self-expression. Secrecy does not. When it displeases you, the illusory veil of confidentiality permits you to unmask your critics and compel third parties to break their oaths when you convince the Golem to reveal them to you. And when it doesn't? Why, you join the chorus of critics who insist that "anonymous speech" is cowardly, illegal, unethical, and incredible. But you forgot something rather important, didn't you?

That power cuts both ways and confidentiality requires confidants.

So you have spent your energy enabling the punishment of errant confidants, that is those who hold data on your spending, your personal and professional associations, your interests, your recreational activities, and (soon) your medical history, rather than protecting this data in the first place. You have shamelessly indulged your desire to disclose (either because it paid you back some of your own money or because it fed your self-involved super-ego). You haven't worried thus far about those who wanted to collect fingerprints and (now) DNA samples for "identification purposes," even though both reveal much more than your identity. In fact, they leave traces of your activities, physical state, ancestral line, genetic predispositions, health status, and presence wherever and whenever you go. But that data is safe, isn't it?

Thus far you relied on the Golem to enforce your whim on your many confidants, and to protect you from them. Except you forgot one. The Golem itself.

And so now it comes to pass that your confidants have been usurped by the Golem, that they have, in fact, formed an unholy alliance with it. And, to make matters much, much worse, the Golem is a liar. Its newfound acolytes are liars. They have no intention of enforcing the confidentiality rules they themselves created to lull you into a sense of security and obtain your data. They have no intention of resisting the ravenous hunger of the Golem. In fact, they bask in it and the attention and power they think it yields them. Through it they believe can exert the influence they so crave and indulge their collective fantasy that they will somehow be afforded the opportunity to shape the world in the image they favor using its power. You are eminently and imminently expendable, both to them and the Golem.

Meanwhile, while you depend on confidentiality, the Golem and its acolytes use secrecy. They hide in the shadows and threaten (quite credibly) any who would expose their collusion with dire consequences. They obfuscate to avoid scrutiny. They ask you to trust them, but they certainly do not trust you.

And for these meaningless platitudes ("...if it saves just one child.", "The war against online piracy.", "Stop online bullying.") you have, my dear Subjects, well and truly f--ked yourselves.

Good night, and good luck.

  1. 1. In support of gun control measures in 2013.
  2. 2. Still in support of gun control measures in 2013.
  3. 3. In support of expanded anti-drunk-driving measures in 2008.
  4. 4. Justifying the expanded use of the Patriot Act to investigate a teen sex-abuse case in 2002.
  5. 5. Justifying the mandatory addition of rear view cameras to all vehicles in the United States in 2012.
  6. 6. Arguing for mandatory CT scans for newborns in 2011.
  7. 7. Justifying Boston lockdown post marathon bombing in 2013.

By finem respice. Hat tips: American Digest and Bohemia Apartments (Golem image).

Liz Mair Rips the Republican Establishment: It's Chock Full of Frauds

The Republican establishment is woefully directionless and confused. On Twitter, Republican communications consultant Liz Mair slammed the party's unprincipled leadership, especially the nincompoops Reince Preibus and John Boehner.

Larwyn's Linx: Keep Calm and Read Animal Farm

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Keep Calm and Read Animal Farm: MOTUS
We might as well put the Constitution out of its misery: Mark Steyn
Perverse Incentives and Perverse Decisions: James Simpson

The Pit at the End of the Rainbow: George Neumayr
How the NSA Collects your Internet Data in Four Charts: ZH
Is Obama Collecting Data on Gun Owners?: Patterico

Third Party? Palin warns GOP: Abandon us, we’ll abandon you: Scoop
Did Senators Really Tell Biden They're Afraid of Cruz and Rand Paul?: NB
California Marriage Case: It’s Not Over Yet: Elizabeth Slattery


So Much for Patient Privacy: Koch's Tour
USDA Tells Magician to Write Disaster Plan for His Rabbit: Bob McCarty
White House recruits librarians to promote ObamaCare: Fox News

Red – and I do mean red – herrings of the Left: Larry Sand, EAG
Paul Ryan Leading House for 'Amnesty' Deal: NewsMax
Coal-state Dems chisel away at Obama climate plan: Fox

Scandal Central

Benghazi: The Truth Behind the Smokescreen.: Bret Baier, Fox News
Hostage Crisis: The Blind Sheikh, Benghazi and Smoking Guns: Shoebat
Secret-court judges upset at portrayal of ‘collaboration’ with government: WaPo

Climate & Energy

Shocker: "Global Warming: Scientists' Best Predictions May Be Wrong": Ace
Wind power kills birds. Birds that Greenies are supposedly FOND of.: Moe Lane
Tropical depression strengthening in Pacific off Mexico: USA Today


Washington Post Airbrushes Racist Trayvon-Related Headline: Ed Driscoll
Zimmerman Prosecution Has a Huge Problem: George Zimmerman re-enactment video with the police : Gretawire
The @Paula_Deen backlash: When is enough enough?: Sister Toldjah

Alec Baldwin's anger management problems: he's gotten away with bad behavior way too long: EBL
Nwe Guardian "Scoop" Sourced to Jew-Hating Conspiracy Theorist Wayne Madsen: American Power
Judge Jeanine Pirro slams the IRS for more employees pleading the 5th: Scoop

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Wait Until the Republican Party Hears About This’: Blaze
EXCLUSIVE: Capital One’s New Slogan, “What’s In Your Closet?”: Jim Hoft
Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father, scrutinized over suspicious activity: Joseph Cotto


Obama Readies US Marines to Assist in Egypt… But Wouldn’t Send US Marines to Benghazi: Jim Hoft
U.S. prison warden: Muslim prayers led to Muslim gangs: Creeping
Mandela's passing and the looming threat of a race war against South Africa's whites: Daily Mail

The Mood of 1980: Victor Davis Hanson
England is no longer a free country: Datechguy
“You Can’t Say That in Austria”: Gates of Vienna


How a total n00b mined $700 in bitcoins: Ars Technica
Encryption Has Foiled Wiretaps for First Time Ever, Feds Say: Wired
University of Michigan activates antimatter 'gun,' cartoon supervillains twirl moustaches anew: Engadget


Are You Real? Do You Lead From Your Heart?: Jeff Carter
Cheaper Than Dirt Have Lost Their Minds!: GunWire
6 brothers fought in World War II: Navy Times

Image: AP: Thousands of protesters gather in Tahrir Square to rally against Egypt's Morsi
Sponsored by: Call Paul Ryan's office now at (202) 225-3031 and tell him NO AMNESTY

QOTD: "Whatever you may think of the English Defence League (I'm not a fan, myself), yesterday's arrest of its leaders Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll was another example of inexcusable overreach by the Metropolitan Police - and not simply because of the implications around stopping two men walking down the street, but because of how much it's going to cost you and I in the long run.

From what I can tell of the video of the incident, this will be an easy legal encounter for the EDL leaders, who will no doubt report the wrongful arrest to the Independent Police Complaints Commission and may well be able to drag the Met through the courts too.

But think about the costs involved in deploying the officers in the first place, the cars, the filming, the pre-briefings, the post-briefings, the paperwork and the presumptive legal battle. That's an awful lot of wonga to drop to stop two thugs walking past an East London Mosque. And in any case, shouldn't the burden of non-violence (is it a burden?) be on the side of those who would claim to be offended by the EDL presence?

I know they say that freedom isn't free. It looks like tyranny costs a pretty penny too." --Raheem Kassam

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 6, 2013

3 Reasons to Oppose the Senate's Amnesty Bill

I don't know this Jim Bridenstine fellow, but so far I like the cut of his jib.

You can follow Rep. Bridenstine on Twitter at @RepJBridenstine.

Along with Dred Scott and Korematsu, the Supreme Court's DOMA decision will live in infamy

Guest post by Liberty Counsel

Washington, DC—The 5-4 opinion by the Supreme Court on the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the Court’s authority. History has proven that the Court does not always issue legitimate opinions.

In Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote for the majority that while some states had granted citizenship to blacks, the U.S. Constitution did not recognize citizenship of blacks. Taney wrote that blacks were “regarded as beings of inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights that the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his own benefit.”

Thus, according to the Court, Scott had no standing to file the suit. As might be expected, this decision created further rift between the North and the South in the days leading up to the Civil War. The Fourteenth Amendment later put the nail in the coffin of the Dred Scott decision. This decision was illegitimate and is repudiated today.

In Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing for the Court, described Charlottesville, Virginia, native Carrie Buck, whom he described as an “imbecile,” as the “probable potential parent of socially inadequate offspring, likewise afflicted,” and he went on to say that “her welfare and that of society will be promoted by her sterilization.”

His infamous words still cause one to shudder when he wrote, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” The Buck v. Bell case approved forced sterilization to prevent “feebleminded and socially inadequate” people from having children. This horrible decision set the stage for more than sixty thousand sterilizations in the United States and was cited favorably at the Nuremberg trials in defense of Nazi sterilization experiments. Incredibly, this decision has never been overturned. Even so, this decision was illegitimate and is repudiated today.

In Korematsu v. U.S., 324 U.S. 885 (1945), the Court upheld Executive Order 9066, which ordered Japanese Americans to be herded into internment camps during World War II.

Citizenship had no value to the Japanese.

All persons of Japanese decent were placed in custody, despite the constitutional guarantee of the Fifth Amendment. This decision, too, is illegitimate.

Justice O’Connor, writing in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Penn. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 864-869 (1992), candidly acknowledged:

As Americans of each succeeding generation are rightly told, the Court cannot buy support for its decisions by spending money and, except to a minor degree, it cannot independently coerce obedience to its decrees. The Court’s power lies, rather, in its legitimacy, a product of substance and perception that shows itself in the people’s acceptance of the Judiciary as fit to determine what the Nation’s law means and to declare what it demands. . . .

The Court must take care to speak and act in ways that allow people to accept its decisions on the terms the Court claims for them, as grounded truly in principle, not as compromises with social and political pressures having, as such, no bearing on the principled choices that the Court is obliged to make. Thus, the Court’s legitimacy depends on making legally principled decisions under circumstances in which their principled character is sufficiently plausible to be accepted by the Nation.

The 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court in the Federal Defense of Marriage Act case has caused millions of Americans to lose confidence in the Court. The decision is as far removed from the Constitution and the Court’s prior precedent as the east is from the west.

Led by Justice Kennedy, the majority of the Justices have cut the tether that once connected them to the Constitution. This decision does not even pretend to be governed by the Constitution or Court precedent. Although the Court used the words “equal protection,” the Court never engaged in an equal protection analysis. Not once did the Court identify the right sought by the petitioners. Not once did the Court ask whether the claimed right was protected, either by an enumerated provision of the Constitution or deeply rooted in history and necessary to ordered liberty. Not once did the Court seek to determine the level of judicial scrutiny the case should receive.

In short, this opinion represents the personal views of five Justices and it finds no support in the Constitution or reason. As history has shown us, such decisions delegitimize the Court. On top of this flawed opinion, the majority demeaned the Court and weakened its authority by labeling as hateful those who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

Marriage predates religion and all civil authorities. It is ontologically a union of a man and a woman and is part of the natural created order. Such irresponsible language by the Court undermines its legitimacy in the eyes of the people. The Court does not have unlimited authority. This decision presumed too much of the people’s blind acceptance of its authority. Just like a corporate act cannot be ultra vires (beyond its authority), the people may determine that this decision is beyond the authority of this Court. If that happens, the Court will lose its authority.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

The 10 most dangerous play things of all time

Guest post by Paige Ferrari

VERY BAD SANTA: We made our list, checked it twice, crammed it with naughty, and left out the nice

Several years ago, Target recalled 10 of its Kool Toyz-brand play sets, citing hazards like "lead paint," "sharp points," and "puncture wound potential." The toys, which included plastic aircraft carriers, dinosaurs, and tanks, all appeared harmless enough. But according to the killjoys at the Consumer Product Safety Commission, children—at least those prone to eating plastic objects as big as their head—were at serious risk. A week later, Mattel recalled 4.4 million Polly Pocket dolls and accessories because kids were swallowing the toy's magnets. The Associated Press reported, "If more than one magnet is swallowed, they can attach to each other and cause intestinal perforation, infection or blockage." Three children required surgery.

In 2006 alone, some eight million units of toys were recalled in the U.S., according to W.A.T.C.H., a toy-safety advocacy group. But Kool Toys and Polly Pockets are kids' stuff compared to the hazardous baubles of yesteryear. In the spirit of the holidays, we present the 10 most dangerous toys of all time, those treasured playthings that drew blood, chewed digits, took out eyes, and, in one case, actually irradiated. To keep things interesting, we excluded BB guns, slingshots, throwing stars, and anything else actually intended to inflict harm. Below, our toy box from hell.

1. Lawn Darts

DEATH FROM ABOVE - Respect the Jart or it will destroy you

Removable parts? Suffocation risk? Lead paint? Pussy hazards compared to the granddaddy of them all. Lawn Darts, or "Jarts," as they were marketed, would never fly in our current ultra-paranoid, safety-helmeted, Dr. Phil toy culture. Lawn darts were massive weighted spears. You threw them. They stuck where they landed. If they happened to land in your skull, well, then you should have moved. During their brief (and generally awesome) reign in 1980s suburbia, Jarts racked up 6,700 injuries and four deaths.

STOP TOSS MEASURES: The lawn dart was put on the permanent no-fly list in 1988

The best part about Jarts was that they eliminated all speculation from true outdoor fun. (Is this dangerous? Hell yes, now chuck it!) And they were equal opportunity: All it took to play lawn darts was a sweaty grip. For good measure, it was also nice to have a small sibling around to stand on the other side of the house and tell you how your throw looked (and by how much you cleared the chimney).

The actual rules of lawn darts, as laid out by the manufacturer, were never important. No one is known to have used Jarts for their intended purpose. It shouldn't be surprising, then, that an accident involving a wayward spear and the semi-permeable head of a seven-year-old resulted in the toys' being banned from the market in 1988. Sadly, today's underage boys will never know the primal excitement of a summer's evening spent impaling friends before suppertime.

2. Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab

FISSION BUDDY - Fallout shelter not included

Honey, why is your face glowing?

In 1951, A.C. Gilbert introduced his U-238 Atomic Energy Lab, a radioactive learning set we can only assume was fun for the whole math club. Gilbert, who Americanmemorabilia claims was "often compared to Walt Disney for his creative genius," had a dream that nuclear power could capture the imaginations of children everywhere. For a mere $49.50, the kit came complete with three "very low-level" radioactive sources, a Geiger-Mueller radiation counter, a Wilson Cloud Chamber (to see paths of alpha particles), a Spinthariscope (to see "live" radioactive disintegration), four samples of Uranium-bearing ores, and an Electroscope to measure radioactivity.

MUTUALLY ASSURED INSTRUCTION - Junior Einsteins had everything they needed, except a hazmat suit

And what nuclear lab for kids would be complete without an Atomic Energy Manual and Learn How Dagwood Splits the Atom comic book? (The latter was written with the help of General Leslie Groves, director of the Manhattan Project.)
Kids do the darndest things, but not, apparently, nuclear physics. The toy was only sold for one year. It's unclear what effects the Uranium-bearing ores might have had on those few lucky children who received the set, but exposure to the same isotope—U-238—has been linked to Gulf War syndrome, cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma, among other serious ailments. Even more uncertain is the longterm impact of being raised by the kind of nerds who would give their kid an Atomic Energy Lab.

3. Mini-Hammocks from EZ Sales

SWING AND A PRAYER - One false move on the Mini-Hammock and leisure turned to seizure

Mini-hammocks seemed innocuous enough. No projectiles, no lead paint, no sharp edges, and no explicit danger (except sloth). But between the years of 1984–1995 the EZ Sales mini-hammock, oft marketed under the name "Hang Ten," managed to hang 12.

CPSC reported in August 1996 that the product had resulted in the fatal and near-fatal asphyxiation of dozens of kids ages five to 17 and recalled three million of them. Among the banned EZ products were Hangouts Baby Hammocks, or "Baby's First Death Cocoon," woven from thin cotton and nylon strings.

The culprit was a missing set of "spreader bars," supports meant to keep the hammock open when it was "at ease." Unfortunately, children seeking to spend an afternoon like Gilligan became entangled in the net and strangled to death. That's what happens when you spend $4 on a hammock. If death by seating is to be your fate, we recommend the electric chair.

4. Snacktime Cabbage Patch Dolls

SHOCK AND GNAW - She might not have been human, but her hunger pains were all too real

"Feed Me!" begged the packaging for 1996's Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kid. And much like the carnivorous Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors, the adorable lineup of Cabbage Patch snack-dolls appeared at first to be harmless. They merely wanted a nibble—a carrot perhaps, or maybe some yummy pudding. They would stop chewing when snack time was done—they promised. Then they chomped your child's finger off.

In creating this innovative new toy, the great minds at Mattel devised a motorized mouth that sensed neither pleasure nor pain. It chewed for chewing's sake. With no mechanism to turn off the munching should trouble arise, it was only a matter of time before some cherub's long blonde hair got caught in the doll's rabid jaws. After 35 fingers and ponytails fell victim, the Snacktime Kids were removed from retail shelves forever, and 500,000 customers were offered a full $40 refund.

5. Sky Dancers

THE NUTCRACKER - Keep your distance from this femme fatale

Executives at Galoob Toys predicted big sales for Christmas 1994. With their new Sky Dancer, they would be the first toy company to combine the sparkly femininity of Barbie with the firepower of a bottle rocket.

In December of that same year, a New York Times article predicted that if Galoob met its goals, Sky Dancer would "be all the rage, the sort of product that engenders black markets, toy-related bribes, and giddy newspaper stories invoking the word 'phenomenon.'" The writer, giddy himself over the "sprite's powerful launch," added, "For every parent who doubts Sky Dancer's safety ... there are 10 who feel the foam wings and take their softness as an assurance of safety."

But six years later, the Sky Dancer was grounded. When spun aloft, the wings—which felt so soft and cushy in the aisles of Toys "R" Us—turned into steely-hard child manglers. In 2000, the CPSC announced that over 150 children fell prey to Sky Dancer's helicopter-blade arms and erratic "Oh-Jesus-it's-chasing-me!" flying patterns. Injuries included scratched corneas and temporary blindness, mild concussions, broken ribs and teeth, and facial lacerations that required stitches. Nearly nine million Sky Dancers were eventually recalled, leaving aspiring ballerinas to earn their battle scars the old fashioned way, with an eating disorder.

6. Bat Masterson Derringer Belt Gun

CROTCH ROCKET - That's not the kind of pelvic thrust Suzy had in mind

Some kids had belt buckles. Others had cap guns. Only the lucky ones had the Bat Masterson Derringer Belt Gun, a two-in-one combo that took care of all your pants-securing needs with the option every ten-year-old dreams of: the ability to shoot caps at groin level.

One Bat Masterson enthusiast, identified as "Tim from Shoreview, Maine" on nostalgia website remembers, "When you stuck out your stomach putting pressure on the buckle, a small gun would pop out and fire a cap." A gut-busting meal, in that case, could lead to a serious friendly-fire mishap.

According to SafeKids USA, "Caps can be ignited by friction and cause serious burns." Every young boy needs to learn the valuable lesson of always protecting his nether regions, with force if necessary, but given the positioning of the Derringer, the owner's greatest enemy might have actually been puberty.

7. Creepy Crawlers

THE FRYING GAME - Horse around with the Thingmaker and you'll get the third degree

Nothing says safety like an open hot plate. And nothing says fun like using that open hot plate to create molten, rubbery insects you can throw at your sister while narrowly avoiding setting the house ablaze. The 1964 Creepy Crawler Thingmaker from Mattel, a distant cousin of today's Creepy Crawler toys, came with a series of molds, tubes of "plastigoop," and an open-faced frier, which could heat up to a nerve-searing 310 degrees.

FLESH DIRECT The molds came in many different varieties, but rarely in the shape of your little brother's hand
The plastigoop was poured over an extremely hot surface and then cast into the molds of various multi-colored critters. The results? Fingerprint removal. At least those who dodged serious injury or disfigurement could safely eat their creation. Oh wait, the critters were toxic, too. But this was the '60s, and though there was an outcry from the singed and sickened masses, Mattel went right on marketing their electric ovens to children.

8. Johnny Reb Cannon

WHISTLING DIXIE - Through the new hole in your head

SCHLOCK AND LOAD This must-watch 1961 commercial for the Reb features the catchy jingle, "We'll all be gay when Johnny comes marching home!" Click play, you'll thank us.

The South did rise again, at least during playtime for the owners of the Johnny Reb, a 30-inch "authentic civil war" cannon draped in the confederate flag. The Reb fired hard, plastic cannonballs with a spring mechanism—the aspiring secessionist need only pull a lanyard. No word on exactly how fast the cannonballs flew, but they traveled up to 35 feet and seemed perfectly sized to lodge into an eye socket, down an open mouth, or through a slave's window.
For only $11.98, young rebels got a cannon, six cannon balls, a ramrod, and a rebel flag. What better way to permanently maim your little brother while spreading valuable lessons about states' rights?

9. Battlestar Galactica Missile Launcher

READY, AIM, CHOKE - Never underestimate the stopping power of a tiny plastic missile

Battlestar Galactica was everyone's favorite television Star Wars rip-off in 1978. Especially cool among the Battlestar offerings were a series of missile launchers known individually as the Viper, the Cylon Raider, the Scarab, and the Stellar Probe. Young boys routinely forgot they actually asked for the Millennium Falcon for Christmas once they saw the sweet, sweet projectile action.
It takes just a few jabbed eyes, some torn intestines and the death of a child to bring down a party, and that's just what happened in January 1979, when the battle cruiser missiles were finally recalled. Most of the accidents were caused by salvos that went tragically off target. Mattel, working with the CPSC, announced that the fatality occurred when a young boy in Atlanta fired one of the missiles into his mouth. The missiles, at one and a quarter inches, were just about the ideal size to land in one's esophagus and stay there. The boy's parents thought so too. They sued Mattel for $14 million.

A spokesperson from the CPSC explained that "the barrel shape of the toy seemed to invite children to put it in their mouths." Something you could apparently say in 1979 without too much snickering. After the injuries, Mattel called for consumers to participate in a "Missile Mail-In," which promised a free Hot Wheels car—a fair trade to anyone who disarmed.

10. Fisher-Price Power Wheels Motorcycle

QUEASY RIDER - From zero to broken arm in 39 seconds

The Fisher-Price Power Wheels Motorcycle is one of those toys kids salivate over for years. Even adults can barely contain their jealousy when the little brat from down the block whizzes by on that shiny plastic hog. But the ride wasn't always so smooth. In fact, on some models, there was a rather serious glitch.

Eager youngsters who gunned the throttle found that it often stayed gunned, stuck in a petrifying state of perma-acceleration. Presumably, the child on the motorcycle was then taken on a hellish, intestine-twisting scream ride. At one point, he or she would face choices unthinkable except in an Evel Knievel meets Knightrider crossover episode: Do I jump? Or do I ride it out and see if I can clear the gully? Is it sentient? Can it be reasoned with?

In August 2000, Fisher-Price recalled 218,000 of the Power Wheels motorcycles, warning: "Children can be injured when the motorcycle ride-ons fail to stop and strike other objects." Stunt children everywhere observed a moment of silence.

Larwyn's Linx: What would tyranny look like in America? Look around.

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What would tyranny look like in America? Look around.: Daniel Horowitz
GOP Rep: Obamacare building database on every American: Breitbart
Senators Ask if NSA Collected Gun Data: WFB

Guess Who’s Welcome in the White House?: Jonathan S. Tobin
South Africa: Protesters Rip “Arrogant, Selfish, Oppressive” Obama: WZ
Think Gubmint spying is bad now? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet : Flopping Aces

The Sandbagging of America: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Coulda been Obama's son brings people together: Twitchy
Here Come the Trayvon Martin Riots!: AWD


The bill with the surprise inside: The IRS is now your doctor, sort of: Watchdog
Nearly 1/5th Of Congress Getting Both Pension And Salary: Doug Mataconis
FHA Swamped by Defaults: Losses Up to $115 Billion: Mish

Barack Obama’s $100M African vacation is now a family affair: Naked DC
Taxing People Out of 2nd Amendment Rights: Sara Noble
22% Think Obamacare Will Make Things Better, 42% Say Worse: Mish

Scandal Central

Another White House play date with Muslim jihad: Michelle Malkin
Communist Party Will Work With Democrats (and RINOs) to Fight Conservatives in 2014: Trevor Loudon
US Park Police Loses 1,400 firearms, including machine guns: PJM

Climate & Energy

Is Carbon Dioxide Guilty and Global Warming Settled Science?: Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
In Pursuit of False Climate Idols, Paul Krugman Wants the Poor to Suffer and Die: Jeffrey Dorman
Obama: Make climate change a must for your vote: Josh Lederman


20 Signs America is in Decline: John Hawkins
Bret Baier: Have Talked To A Few Survivors, More Shoes To Drop In Benghazi Case: WZ
Historic: iOTW

Covert Agenda: US Didn't Become Pro-Gay Overnight: Paul Strand, CBN
Sarah Palin hopes Rubio’s phone call from Obama ‘was worth 30 pieces of silver’: Twitchy
NJ: Police nab scumbag home invader: Daily Mail

Zimmerman trial blockbuster — Eyewitness says Trayvon on top punching Mixed Martial Arts style: LI
ABC, CBS & NBC Too Excited by Wendy Davis to Realize They're Losing Abortion Debate: Geoffrey Dickens
Alec Baldwin Shuts Down His Toxic Little Twitter Feed After Violent, Homophobic Meltdown: Bryan Preston

Liberal Admits (Justified) Desire For Control Of Our Lives: Political Outcast
I Dare Liberals to be Outraged at This Parody of The New Yorker's Gay Marriage Cover...: The Looking Spoon
Historical Flashback: Chicago Women’s Protective Association Urges Women Carry Arms: Tammy Bruce


Crystal Meth Floods U.S. Border Crossing: Breitbart
Obama's War of Ideas: Caroline Glick
Retired US general may have leaked Stuxnet cyberattack details': Jon Swaine, Telegraph

Notes on the Turkish Troubles: America’s muted response is both confusing and disheartening.: Claire Berlinski
“It goes without saying”: the Further Rhetoric of Terrorist Apologia: Sad Red Earth
If Only Our Foreign Enemies Were Republicans: Hanson

Return of the Yellow Star: Steve Apfel, The Commentator
Congressman Steve Stockman Says Senate Amnesty Bill Is Unconstitutional: RWN
The world hates Obama’s America more than Bush’s: Time Magazine


Voyager I, At The Edge Of The Solar System, Finds The Unexpected: Doug Mataconis
New Breed of Banking Malware Hijacks Text Messages: Penny Crosman, American Banker
The Chilling State of Cyber Affairs (US DoD Report): Infosec Island


Shapey Dave Pilot: Blur Brain
Ad Campaign Uses Powerful Photographs to Explain that Facebook Likes Don’t Help: DL Cade, PetaPixel
Why many NBA draft picks will go broke: Matthew Heimer, MarketWatch

Image: Here is Wall Street NYC, as it looked in 1883
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Obama is a man of ideas. And he has surrounded himself with men and women who share his ideas. For Obama and his advisers, what matters are not the facts, but the theoretical assumptions - the ideas - that determine their policies. If they like an idea, if they find it ideologically attractive, then they base their policies on it. Consequences and observable reality are no match for their ideas. To serve their ideas, reality can be deliberately distorted. Facts can be ignored, or denied." --Caroline Glick

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 6, 2013

Discovery of Endangered Slug Halts Inspector General From Dismantling EPA "Man-Caves"

Washington, DC (Spackle News Network) - Citing discovery of an endangered slug, EPA auditors halted efforts to dismantle numerous "man caves" found hidden in agency facilities nationwide.

Last month EPA's inspector general reported it had found secret rooms filled with televisions, couches, video-game consoles, and other leisure gear. “The warehouse contained multiple unauthorized and hidden personal spaces created by and for the workers that included televisions, refrigerators, radios, microwaves, chairs and couches,” the IG report said. “These spaces contained personal items, including photos, pin ups, calendars, clothing, books, magazines and videos.”

After a series of more thorough searches, however, EPA auditors also discovered a species of endangered slug living in the facilities. EPA administrators quickly filed restraining orders with the courts to prevent auditors from dismantling the man-caves.

"If we can only save one slug," said EPA Chief Gina McCarthy, "it will have been worth it. The so-called man-caves, while representing a waste of millions of taxpayer dollars, really pale in comparison to the life of the 'Windsor Slug'."

Yesterday President Obama indicated his intent to sign an executive order redirecting $1 billion to fund a study of the unique mating habits of the species. All operations at the facilities have been halted to prepare for the study.

Hat tip: Flyboys.

ROVE AND BOEHNER JUST SOILED THEMSELVES: Sarah Palin Issues Ultimatum to Feckless GOP Establishment

Sarah Palin, along with millions of Americans who have been ignored, insulted and disenfranchised by their "representatives" in Washington, has had just about enough.

Please take a look at the [accompanying] article ... to understand how the amnesty bill the Senate passed yesterday is a sad betrayal of working class Americans of every ethnicity who will see their wages lowered and their upward mobility lowered too. And yet we still do not have a secured border. This Senate-approved amnesty bill rewards lawbreakers and won’t solve any problems – as the CBO report notes that millions of more illegal immigrants will continue to flood the U.S. in coming years.

Great job, GOP establishment. You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to “enlarge that tent” of which you so often speak. It’s depressing to consider that the House of Representatives is threatening to pass some version of this nonsensical bill in the coming weeks.

Once again, I’ll point out the obvious to you: it was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politician must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks, and crony capitalists’ pork, and call it good. You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law.

Folks like me are barely hanging on to our enlistment papers in any political party – and it’s precisely because flip-flopping political actions like amnesty force us to ask how much more bull from both the elephants in the Republican Party and the jackasses in the Democrat Party we have to swallow before these political machines totally abandon the average commonsense hardworking American. Now we turn to watch the House. If they bless this new “bi-partisan” hyper-partisan devastating plan for amnesty, we’ll know that both private political parties have finally turned their backs on us.

It will then be time to show our parties’ hierarchies what we think of being members of either one of these out-of-touch, arrogant, and dysfunctional political machines.

Palin is channeling the anger and rage felt deeply by millions of Americans -- citizens of every race, color, creed and religion -- who are at wit's end. They are disgusted with a massive, unelected leviathan of a federal government that keeps creating new programs when its existing ones are bankrupt. They are disgusted with thousand-page laws that get passed in the dead of night, without being read, without debate, and without any public scrutiny. They are disgusted with representatives of both parties who act more like a nomenklatura -- a ruling class -- than representatives in a republican form of government.

The country is nearing a breaking point. Palin knows it. You and I know it. Millions know it.

What the Republican leadership does next could well set the stage for a political sea change.

Hat tips: The Right Scoop> and BadBlue Uncensored News.

Dartmouth Expert: Snowden Incident Could Happen in Health Care

One of the central tenets of Obamacare was a full-court press to electronify (it's a technical term) the private health care records of each and every American. This digitization effort occurred under the guise of cost savings, but recent incidents involving the IRS and Edward Snowden make clear that government has an insatiable appetite for data. After all, data translates into power and leverage over the individual.

At Health Care IT News, Diana Manos explores Snowden's impact on EMR (Electronic Medical Records).

Deborah Peel, MD, founder of Patient Privacy Rights, says there are many parallels between the Snowden controversy and the U.S. healthcare system... "Corporations and their employees that steal or sell Americans' health data for 'research' or 'public health' uses or for 'data analytics' without patients' consent or knowledge are rewarded with millions in profits; they don't have to flee the country to avoid jail or charges of espionage," she said.

"The NSA justifies its actions using the war on terror," Peel added. "The Department of Health and Human Services claims its actions are justified to lower healthcare costs. These are obviously very different agencies collecting different kinds of very sensitive personal information, but both set up hidden, extremely intrusive surveillance systems that violate privacy rights and destroy trust in government."

"The benefits of technology can be reaped in all sectors of our economy without the harms if we restore/update our laws to assure privacy of personally identifiable information in electronic systems. Our ethics, principles, and fundamental rights should be applied to the uses of technology," Peel says.

David Kotz, associate dean of faculty for the sciences and professor of computer science at Dartmouth College, says the Snowden incident could also happen in healthcare... "It's certainly conceivable that a technically savvy person, intent on snooping into individual health records, leaking them to unauthorized groups, or mining them for medical identity theft (a growing problem), might seek employment in an organization that provides healthcare (such as a major hospital) or in an organization that supports healthcare (such as billing-support agency or an insurance provider) simply to get 'insider' access to those records and then mis-use that access for nefarious purposes..."

Frankly, I'd worry about the threat of an authoritarian government misusing the data more than an insider or other malicious private actor.

Under Obama, the IRS, the EPA, HHS, the DOJ, and scores of other departments, offices and agencies of the unelected fourth branch of government -- the massive administrative state -- have been caught targeting the political opposition.

It is a certainty that our private health care records will be exposed to unscrupulous parties and used to punish Obama's political opponents.

Which is why, for starters, we should only support candidates who will defund the IRS and institute a flat tax or the Fair Tax. Nuke the budget of the IRS: it's the only way to be sure.

Hat tip: BadBlue Tech News Portal.

Larwyn's Linx: Time To “Document” House Members on Illegal Immigration

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Time To “Document” House Members on Illegal Immigration: Daniel Horowitz
Meet the Obamacare Hub, your data ready to be used against you : WyBlog
Vote Tally from US Senate: Mexico 68, USA 32!: John Lillpop

Tax ID numbers combine for multiple IRS refunds: Watchdog
Drug-filled Mexican planes arrive nightly on southern border: Susan Ferrechio
Alinsky in Austin: ACahnman

Sen. Mike Lee: We've Been Misled About What Was in The Bill: CNS
Boehner: I'll Require Majority of GOP Caucus For Conference Bill: Ace
CA Sheriff Strips Forest Service Of State-Law Enforcement Power: Laura Cole


Ted Cruz smacks ObamaCare tax on hiring American citizens: John Hayward
Magpul To Leave Colorado In Grand Style: Dana Loesch
Terror Prof Bill Ayers and Obama's Federal Curriculum: Mary Grabar (2012)

Scandal Central

IRS auditor reaffirms that conservatives, not liberals, were targeted: Times
Like Benghazi?: Liberal Logic 101
Charged Filed Against MF Corzine: Breitbart

Climate & Energy

“‘Power of ridicule’ – New weapon against climate deniers: Protein Wisdom
UK Birdwatchers Stunned As Rarely Recorded Species Killed By Wind Turbine : Blazing Cat Fur
Former EPA general counsel Martella discusses Obama climate announcement: EETV

Report: The Power of Obama’s EPA Has Skyrocketed: Michael Bastasch
Coal Day in Hell: Hopenchange Cartoons
GM to Invest $691 Million in Mexico: Wynton Hall


Anthony Kennedy: I am greater than all, and I stand atop US history as its God and Savior. Bow.: Protein Wisdom
DEVASTATING: Hugh Hewitt exposes Hoeven and the Corker-Hoeven amendment as a complete fraud : Scoop
DOMA: So You're Partying? Don't.: Karl Denninger

A Vision of the Vision of the Anointed: Ed Driscoll
MSNBC: Justice Thomas ‘a symbolic Jew... [inviting] Hitler to commit holocaust and genocide’: David Freddoso

Sarah Palin: Rubio & Ayotte Should Face Primaries For Lying About Amnesty: John Hawkins
Fish Gotta Swim, Birds Gotta Fly, Alec Baldwin Gotta Publicly Meltdown Once Again: Ed Driscoll
Thank Goodness: Mayor Bloomberg Helping End the Sparkler Menace: Dave Blount


The disturbing pattern: Obama rids America's military of yet another top general: Andrew Malcolm
Bumbling White House Touts Kenyan Voter ID Cards While Obstructing Voter ID in US: JWF
Israeli Leftist Sees the Abyss; Pees in His Pants: Ari Shavit

Look What Egyptians Are Saying About Obama’s Awesome Ambassador To Egypt: Nice Deb
Obama Demotes Snowden From Evil Chinese Spy To “29-Year-Old Hacker”: Tammy Bruce
The science is settled: It's "workplace violence" when Muslim shrieking "Allah Akbar" murders pregnant women: Navy Times

The Face of Cowardly Submission: Theresa May: Robert Stacy McCain
The Caliphate on the Horizon: Dr. Reuven Berko
Birthers Swarm Obama In Africa, “Welcome Home, Mr. President”: WZ


Is The Cable Internet Business Doomed?: Karl Denninger
Facebook leaks are a lot leakier than Facebook is letting on: Lisa Vaas, Sophos
Foxconn unveils smartwatch that can be connected wirelessly to an iPhone: TNW


Hillary Clinton Converts to Islam to Run for President: Cube
You’ve Got Your assignments, I’ll be in Africa.: MOTUS
Oh My Gosh, This Might Be The Most Beautiful Pistol I Have Ever Seen: Steve Johnson, TFB

Image: Hillary Clinton Converts to Islam to Run for President
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QOTD: "If the family collapses, it will take a welfare state to take care of the women and children, and a police state to handle the boys." --George Gilder