Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 9, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: A Real Vote to Defund Obamacare

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A Real Vote to Defund Obamacare: Amy Payne, Foundry
Obama's Insane Clown Posse: Blasted Fools
20 million illegals in US, say former border patrol officers: DC

Federal Government's War On God Continues: Nice Deb
Jim DeMint Schools Putin on American Exceptionalism: Matthew Burke
5 Americans Who Were Murdered For Being White: John Hawkins

All your private data are belong to…ehh, whoever: Cold Fury
Forty-three House Republicans back bill to defund ObamaCare: Elise Viebeck
Notes Made on 9/11/2001 from Brooklyn Heights: American Digest


CPFB seeks to monitor 80% of U.S. credit cards: Exam
People Leaving Missouri and Millions of Dollars With Them: Duane Lester
Amnesty Might Make Sense If Illegals Couldn't Get Welfare: AmmoLand

“Indiana case may become Big Labor’s newest weapon”: Protein Wisdom
Santelli Rants Against The Intellectual Arrogance Of The "Intellectuals": ZH
More than 400 Union Officials Made Over $250K in 2012: WFB

Far-Right Religious Extremists Attack Public Education: R.S. McCain
(Legally) Burn Them All To The Ground: Karl Denninger
India Housing Bubble Bursts; Panic Coming Next: Mish

Scandal Central

TSA Agent Arrested for Smuggling Illegal Aliens: WFB
Donations to Boehner Questioned by FEC: Sabrina Eaton, Plain Dealer
Social Security's $1.3 billion in overpayments: Blake Ellis, CNN

Climate & Energy

EPA Offering Teachers “Free Lesson Plans” On Global Warming: WZ
Met Office: Hey, Did We Mention That One Year Of Arctic Cooling Isn’t Significant?: RWN
Study: 114 Out Of 117 Global Warming Predictions Wrong: Blurbrain


Rick Stengel Is at Least the 21st Journalist to Work for the Obama Administration: Elspeth Reeve
How a False Narrative Led to the Dodd-Frank Act: John Tamny
Recalled Colorado Senator gets shut down by CNN host for blaming ‘voter suppression’: Scoop

“Fascist” Sen. Feinstein Wants to Regulate the 1st Amendment: GWP
Washington Post: Obama Isn’t A Catasrophic Mess, This Is All Standard Negotiation On Syria: RWN
Glenn Beck asks: ‘Where are the anti-war people?’: Twitchy


Another Message From Bill Brown #2MBikersToSaveAmerica: Zilla
Dangerous Times: Putin the Peacemaker vs. Obama the Warmonger: James Lewis
Gene Simmons Defends Tebow: ‘If he was wearing a burqa, they wouldn’t dare say anything’: BPR

One Other Troubling Thing About the Muslim Poem Replacing The Pledge of Allegiance: Aaron Goldstein
Breaking: Is U.S. Government Harassing Walid Shoebat?: Shoebat
Army vet sues Michigan for rejecting his "Infidel" license plate as "offensive": JihadWatch


What if Marissa Mayer went to jail?: I, Cringely
Google swaps out MySQL, moves to MariaDB: Jack Clark, The Register
Twitter Announces It Filed For IPO Via Tweet: ABC


Keep Scrolling: C&S
Sarah Says...: iOTW
Justin Bieber to Join Ben Affleck in ‘Batman vs. Superman’… as Robin?: Marlow Stern

Image: Philippine government, Muslim rebels agree to ceasefire
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: MAKE THE CALL: Demand John Boehner Defund Obamacare!

QOTD: "Freedom is lost gradually from an uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved people..." --Thomas Jefferson

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 9, 2013

TIME MAGAZINE: Sanitized For Your Protection

You learn something every day.

Hey, you know Time puts out four covers for four different areas of the word?

I didn't know that.

But they do. They have a US cover, a Europe/Middle East/Africa cover, an Asia cover, and a South Pacific cover.

Yeah I don't get how they divided the world up myself.

But anyway.

So they have four covers.

Based on the covers, one person is dominating the world's interest... but not in the whole world.

Here's a suggestion for Time: how about different covers for red states and blue states? You could have Obama or Michelle's guns on every cover in the blues and the latest diversion (e.g., Miley Cyrus) in the reds.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

EVERY SINGLE PENNY: The Obamacare Speech a Real Speaker of the House Would Give

Line in the Sand, a speech by Speaker of the House ___________________

The ill-named Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare -- has been a "trainwreck" according to its very architects since day one. From the CLASS Act, to the delay of the Employer Mandate, to exempting Congress from the law, the sheer size and complexity of this partisan bill makes it virtually impossible to implement.

I and my peers, all of us, we took an oath to uphold the Constitution. And today we are going to stand by that oath and defend the Constitution of the United States.

This bill was passed in an unconstitutional fashion -- with bribes and payoffs and other skulduggery -- by a single party that temporarily held power during the 110th Congress. The bill consisted of thousands of pages and not one person was permitted to read the bill before it was voted upon.

This bill fundamentally changes the relationship of the citizen to the government.

This is an unconscionable violation of representative government. Nancy Pelosi famously told us we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it. Now we know, and it's an unconstitutional disaster.

Because a single judge bows to some unknown pressure, and changes his vote at the last minute to rewrite a bill that is clearly unconstitutional... because, unlike every other entitlement program, Democrats had no Republican support for this bill...

Because Democrats used every underhanded tactic -- bribes, payoffs and corporate reacharounds -- possible to pass a bill that not one of them read before voting upon...

Because the IRS, already caught punishing groups based upon their political and religious affiliations, will be the enforcers of Obamacare... because radical, left wing groups like La Raza and ACORN will be hired as "Obamacare Navigators" with access to their political opponents' most sensitive health care data...

Because jobs are being destroyed. Because good jobs are disappearing before our very eyes as small businesses are driven not to hire by the law. Because full-time jobs are turning to part-time jobs. Because employers are slashing benefits for spouses and other family members to adapt to a law no one read.

Because the lies that were told to sell this bill were as awful as they were brazen... Because you can't keep your policy, you can't keep your doctor, you can't keep your plan, you can't keep your insurer, and you will pay far more, not far less...

Because Democrat lobbyists and staffers are raking in million advising companies how to comply with the tens of thousands of pages of regulations that this law has spawned... Because they have built a law so complex that no one can possibly understand its effects without paying off the very people who created it!

Most of all, because the people who want Obamacare most are the very same people who have exempted themselves from the law! Obamacare waivers have been issued for Congress, staffers, unions, special interest groups...

I have a question for President Obama and the Democrats? Aren't the American people the most important special interest group Congress serves? The vast majority of Americans want a waiver from Obamacare, just like the lobbyists and the other Beltway elites.

True to my word, Republicans will not shut down the government. We have passed a continuing resolution that funds every single aspect of the federal government except for Obamacare. Every single penny.

But we are drawing a line in the sand when it comes to the trainwreck of Obamacare. We want at least a year delay in its implementation, just like Congress, just like the unions, just like the employers subject to the mandate, and just like other Democrat special interests got.

So if Democrats want to shut down the government, so be it. The House Continuing Resolution funds the entirety of the government -- every single penny -- just not the trainwreck called Obamacare, which President Obama has already defunded for his pals. The vast majority of the American people have told us over and over again: we want a waiver from Obamacare too, just like Congress got.

Call up your Representative and Senators now and tell them: we want a waiver too. Pass the House Continuing Resolution and delay Obamacare now.

STAR DRECK: EPA plans to shut down coal plants by requiring they use technology from the future that has yet to be invented

Mr. Peabody, does the Wayback Machine have a setting for the year 2030?

This past spring, EPA pulled its first attempt at a greenhouse gas emission standard for new power plants, fearing it was so draconian that it wouldn't stand up in a federal court...

The Washington Post reports that the agency is about to take a second stab at stacking the deck against new coal-fired power plants:

According to those familiar with the new EPA proposal, the agency will keep the carbon limit for large natural gas plants at 1,000 pounds but relax it slightly for smaller gas plants. The standard for coal plants will be as high as 1,300 or 1,400 pounds per megawatt hour.

However, the average coal plant emits 1,768 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour, meaning new plants will need carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology--something that is a long way from being viable. Jeffrey Holmstead, who represents coal-fired power plant owners and is a former EPA official in the President George W. Bush administration, told the Post, “As a practical matter, this means that the new proposal will still stop any new coal-fired power plants for the foreseeable future.”

The International Energy Agency doesn't expect CCS technology to be routinely used by power generators until 2030. That’s years away. In the meantime, we need to continue improving the efficiency of current coal-fired technology and continue investing in CCS research instead of writing off an abundant and economical energy source.

The only campaign promise that President Obama appears to have kept with was his 2008 pledge to make "electricity prices necessarily skyrocket".

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, the price of electricity would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was... [t]hey will pass that money on to consumers." --Barack Obama, 1 November 2008

He can run, he can hide, he can evade, he can blame Bush and James Buchanan. But this is one campaign promise Barack Obama actually followed through with. And you. Ain't. Seen. Nothing. Yet.

Larwyn's Linx: We're about done asking nicely with our words...

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


We're about done asking nicely with our words...: III Percent
The First Time, They Come In Peace: Zilla
Congress' border efforts are bunk, say border sheriffs: USA Today

The Establishment’s Projection: Erick Erickson
Why Democrats Have Reason to Fear: Charlie Cook
Follow Alinsky: Call Obama's Bluff: CFP

The Epic Meltdown of the Gun Grabbers: Michelle Malkin
Harry Reid: “…ANARCHISTS! Anarchists roaming the halls!”: Moe Lane
Putin: Don't Worry, I'm Not Going to Bend You Over Or Anything: Ace

House Intel Chairman Rogers on Syria and Benghazi: Hugh Hewitt
What Obama’s Truth Team said about Romney and Syria in '12: Twitchy
Biden slams ‘Neanderthal crowd’ in House for blocking VAWA renewal: Twitchy


Another Union Boss Slams Obamacare: WZ
Is War Now "Inevitable"?: ZH
MD's O'Malley Signs Gun Control Bill; Employers Leave State: Tatler

Michelle Launches Courageous Program Urging People To Drink Water: Glob
Florida bans Obamacare navigators from county health departments: BPR
Where are the Jobs?: Mish

Scandal Central

SO SHUT IT DOWN: Karl Denninger
Gowdy: ‘Not a Single Person Has Been Brought To Justice On Benghazi’: Nice Deb
Did you see how WH marked Benghazi anniversary?: Twitchy

Climate & Energy

Obama's War on Energy: Power Line


Why the Media Will Never Treat Conservatives Fairly: Erick Erickson
What Ricochet is Up Against: Rob Long, Ricochet
Dirty Tricks on Twitter: Bloggers Targeted with Fake Followers: Hideout

CBS Omits Attkisson's Scoop on Kerry's Benghazi Denial: CNS
Nobody Escapes the Progressive Inquisition: Taki's Mag
Who's a journalist?: James Lileks, Ricochet


Fast & Furious: Libyan Edition: RS
Will Obnoxious College Students Ever Scream “War Criminal” At Obama?: Glob
Muslims Wish Jews a Happy Yom Kippur with Rocks, Bricks and Automatic Weapons: Blazing Cat Fur

Death Comes to America: MOTUS
Emboldened by Morsi ouster, Tunisia and Libya are not far behind: BNI
A Matter of Trust: Shayne


The legacy of Danny Lewin, the first man to die on 9/11: Todd Leopold, CNN
The Game That Detects a Cheating Spouse: Bruce Kasanoff
Choose your poison: Why the United States hasn't destroyed all of its chem weapons: Vocativ


The One Thing I Didn’t Know About 9/11 – Steve Buscemi: IMAO
Biggest Loser of 2013: the Political Class: Scott Rasmussen
The Muslim Brotherhood in America - A Course in 10 Parts: Democracy Under Attack

Image: Better Call Saul is Happening! Breaking Bad (Kind Of) Lives On!
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: MAKE THE CALL: Demand John Boehner Defund Obamacare!

QOTD: "What is amusing... is the constant state of shock of supposedly serious people who are stunned that despite the Fed being constantly in the markets, and buying up trillions in securities, the US economy has not responded in a favorable manner. Of course, nobody has pointed out that if all it took to generate growth out of thin air without consequences was for the Fed to print, i.e., monetize debt, this would have started 100 years ago in 1913, and by now the US economy would be so advanced it would be colonizing Uranus. Logic, however, is not a Keynesian economist's best friend." --Tyler Durden

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 9, 2013

"A great country finds itself held hostage to the ego of a small man"

Guest post by Daniel Pipes

The Obama administration's diplomatic acrobatics over Syria of the past three weeks prove that the president and his team are in way over their heads, amateurs in the deadly game of war and peace. (One wonders if Valerie Jarrett is making the key decisions in this instance, as in so many others.)

Lurching from self-imposed trap (the "red line" statement) to self-inflicted crisis (the need for congressional approval), the administration erodes the credibility of the U.S. government and increases the dangers facing Americans. Enemies of the United States, its allies, and modern civilization itself will take succor in this ignominious performance and grow in strength.

That Obama seems driven to defend his own honor and credibility, regardless of cost, makes this episode particularly troublesome. A great country finds itself held hostage to the ego of a small man.

In short, Americans are finally starting to see the consequences of electing and re-electing arguably the worst politician in modern times to inhabit the White House, consequences that will only become more apparent in the years ahead.

For more information, visit