Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 9, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: ZoNation: “What can Republicans do for the black community?”                  

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ZoNation: “What can Republicans do for the black community?”: Scoop
Matt Drudge Asks Our Questions About Republican Leaders: CHQ
Boehner to retire before 2014 elections?: FAM

Obama Administration: Its Incompetence Is Historic: Michael Barone
One Year Later: Camp Bastion Families Still Fighting for Truth: Michelle Malkin
A New Contract With America: John Hawkins


No. of Gov’t Workers Up 324K in One Month, Private Sector Down 278K: CNS
Poland Confiscates Half Of Private Pension Funds to Cut Debt Load: ZH
Schools send students home with “fat letters” classifying them as obese: RedAlert

Here Comes Another Debt Ceiling Showdown: Bill Straub
The US job market is dead in the water and not getting better: Jim Pethokoukis
DHS Allocates a Billion Dollars For Explosives Storage Magazines: NC Renegade

Scandal Central

Patriot Act Author Says NSA Is Abusing Spy Law: David Kravets
Benghazi Reflections: Left to Die: DiploMad (2012)
Senators Voting for Syria Strike Got More Defense Cash: David Kravets

Climate & Energy

Must-Read Article about Germany’s Green-Energy Disaster: Daniel J. Mitchell


14 Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Fear May Have Been Kidnapped: John Ekdahl
Non-Black America Experiences a Paradigm Shift: John Ross
Obama decries use of chemical weapons against kids — unless they’re unborn: Twitchy


Just to help Congress decide on Syria, here’s a picture of the rebels blowing up our Capitol: ConIntel
Syrian Rebel spokesman IS Muslim Brotherhood: Walid Shoebat
Hamas “Dead Baby” Strategy: Dershowitz

Stammering Obama Assures World: 'This Is Not Something We've Fabricated': Breitbart
GOP Congressman Withdraws Support For U.S. Attack On Syria: RCP
Envious of JFK, Obama Seeks His Own Bay of Pigs Fiasco: DiploMad


NSA’s Efforts to Undermine Encryption Include Backdoors, Stolen Keys, Manipulated Standards: Kim Zetter
Facebook's biggest threat: Too many people like it: Richard Nieva, CNet
Uber offering DeLorean rides in San Francisco this weekend: Chris Welch, Verge


You Go to War with the Clowns You’ve Got: MOTUS
Hi, I'm Steve: Zilla
Smart power? Obama’s team thought US might win Iran’s support against Syria: Twitchy

Image: Syrian Rebels' Motivation
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QOTD: "[N]on-compliance is an insult to [the progressives'] intellect and their authority.

It's a big part of why they hate guns. When you are armed you are intruding on the state's monopoly on violence by reserving to yourself your own self-governance and police power. It's why so many on the left loathe the tax-exempt status for churches. It's why they hate homeschooling. When you homeschool you are opting out of the state's efforts at imposing its preferred worldview on your children. It's why Chik-fil-A has to be singled out, why religious institutions have to pay for birth control, why the Race for the Cure had to keep giving to Planned Parenthood. It's why federalism is anathema to liberals and why I keep saying that "rightwing" is simply one of the Left's preferred terms for "non-compliant."" --Jonah Goldberg

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