Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 9, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Dear Congress: Welcome To Pottery Barn

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Dear Congress: Welcome To Pottery Barn: Rick Wilson
Boehner again proves Cowardly and Worthless: Shoebat
Please continue to enjoy Carter's third term: Vodkapundit

Reality Catching Up to the Political Class: Scottt Rasmussen
9/11 Widow Slams McCain's ‘Allahu-Akbar’ Insanity: WZ
Educating John McCain on the Meaning of ‘Allahu-Akbar’: Andrew C. Boston

Rand Paul: Boehner Will Lose Speakership If He Passes Amnesty: John Hawkins
6 Ways Activists Sabotage Their Cause: Walter Hudson
Perfect opportunity for Congress to vote "No Confidence" on Obama: WyBlog


27 Days to Obamacare Exchanges: Amy Payne, Foundry
The intellectual bankruptcy of macroeconomics: Russ Roberts, Cafe Hayek
Trumka; Mistakes Were Made: MOTUS

Scandal Central

Book: DC knew Benghazi a 'terror attack' minutes after it began: Paul Bedard
Jeb Bush to present Hillary award on eve of Benghazi anniversary: RedAlert
Yossef Bodansky: Did the WH Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?: Adrienne


6 Important Stories Silenced by Syria War Drums: Eric Blair, Activist Post
Allen West slams ‘useful tools’ McCain and Graham for pushing Obama’s same old inept foreign policy: Scoop
Al-Jazeera Posts Tweet Of Egyptian Claiming Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood: IM41

Update On Jim Hoft: Andrea Ryan, Gateway Pundit
CBS Highlights Benghazi Anniversary; Fails to Mention Obama and Hillary By Name: Matthew Balan
Cleveland Scumbag Kidnapper Found Hanged to Death in Prison Cell: Mediaite

O'Reilly: conservatives oppose Syria because they want to hurt Obama; Mark Levin responds: Scoop
Daily Mail (UK) Scrubs Jan 2013 Story: Obama Planned to Stage Chem Attack, Blame Assad: Reaganite
Flashback: Nancy Pelosi leads Dem delegation to Syria over Bush objections: Matzav


AXIS OF INEPTITUDE: The Obama/Hillary/Kerry foreign policy debacle: Glenn Reynolds
UN Reveals Terrorists Not Government Used Sarin Gas: Steve Foley
The SARIN Psyops Story–A US/UK Contrivance: No Quarter USA

“Say no to a feckless Syria strike”: Protein Wisdom
Obama salutes Muslim Brotherhood in USA: Shoebat
Bikers roll out for DC 9/11 counter protest with a solid plan: BPR


U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show: WaPo
What If Microsoft Had Bought BlackBerry In 2009 Instead?: Dan Frommer
The More Participants Used Facebook in a Michigan Study, the Worse They Felt: Jason Dorrier


Syria Offers Cooperation in “Symbolic Air Strike”: Diogenes
John Kerry Announces Protest Of Syrian Conflict As Soon As He Finishes Starting It: DuffelBlog
The College Football Fan Who Blew a .341 and Got Twitter Famous: Sam Laird, Mashable

Image: Update On Jim Hoft
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: 2 Million Bikers to DC on 9/11

QOTD: "Really, Congress? ...You're willing to bail out President Barack Obama after he's managed to set the Middle East on fire?

You're going give Obama cover after two years of Syrian civil war, a growing threat to Israel, a nuclear Iran closer than ever, and Egypt and Libya in chaos...all of which has been met with a shrug and “at this point what difference does it make?” nonchalance?

...He's being played by sand-trap dictators, Al Qaeda's bankers and Russian bad boys like some rube just fallen off the pumpkin truck...but please, go ahead and join him.

By all means, become a stakeholder in an ill-planned Administration policy with almost no possible good outcomes for the United States.

While you're at it, reward Obama and the Democrats' brazen, utterly shameless hypocrisy over war and Presidential power as if the last 10 years didn't happen..." --Rick Wilson

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