Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 6, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: What would tyranny look like in America? Look around.

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What would tyranny look like in America? Look around.: Daniel Horowitz
GOP Rep: Obamacare building database on every American: Breitbart
Senators Ask if NSA Collected Gun Data: WFB

Guess Who’s Welcome in the White House?: Jonathan S. Tobin
South Africa: Protesters Rip “Arrogant, Selfish, Oppressive” Obama: WZ
Think Gubmint spying is bad now? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet : Flopping Aces

The Sandbagging of America: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Coulda been Obama's son brings people together: Twitchy
Here Come the Trayvon Martin Riots!: AWD


The bill with the surprise inside: The IRS is now your doctor, sort of: Watchdog
Nearly 1/5th Of Congress Getting Both Pension And Salary: Doug Mataconis
FHA Swamped by Defaults: Losses Up to $115 Billion: Mish

Barack Obama’s $100M African vacation is now a family affair: Naked DC
Taxing People Out of 2nd Amendment Rights: Sara Noble
22% Think Obamacare Will Make Things Better, 42% Say Worse: Mish

Scandal Central

Another White House play date with Muslim jihad: Michelle Malkin
Communist Party Will Work With Democrats (and RINOs) to Fight Conservatives in 2014: Trevor Loudon
US Park Police Loses 1,400 firearms, including machine guns: PJM

Climate & Energy

Is Carbon Dioxide Guilty and Global Warming Settled Science?: Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
In Pursuit of False Climate Idols, Paul Krugman Wants the Poor to Suffer and Die: Jeffrey Dorman
Obama: Make climate change a must for your vote: Josh Lederman


20 Signs America is in Decline: John Hawkins
Bret Baier: Have Talked To A Few Survivors, More Shoes To Drop In Benghazi Case: WZ
Historic: iOTW

Covert Agenda: US Didn't Become Pro-Gay Overnight: Paul Strand, CBN
Sarah Palin hopes Rubio’s phone call from Obama ‘was worth 30 pieces of silver’: Twitchy
NJ: Police nab scumbag home invader: Daily Mail

Zimmerman trial blockbuster — Eyewitness says Trayvon on top punching Mixed Martial Arts style: LI
ABC, CBS & NBC Too Excited by Wendy Davis to Realize They're Losing Abortion Debate: Geoffrey Dickens
Alec Baldwin Shuts Down His Toxic Little Twitter Feed After Violent, Homophobic Meltdown: Bryan Preston

Liberal Admits (Justified) Desire For Control Of Our Lives: Political Outcast
I Dare Liberals to be Outraged at This Parody of The New Yorker's Gay Marriage Cover...: The Looking Spoon
Historical Flashback: Chicago Women’s Protective Association Urges Women Carry Arms: Tammy Bruce


Crystal Meth Floods U.S. Border Crossing: Breitbart
Obama's War of Ideas: Caroline Glick
Retired US general may have leaked Stuxnet cyberattack details': Jon Swaine, Telegraph

Notes on the Turkish Troubles: America’s muted response is both confusing and disheartening.: Claire Berlinski
“It goes without saying”: the Further Rhetoric of Terrorist Apologia: Sad Red Earth
If Only Our Foreign Enemies Were Republicans: Hanson

Return of the Yellow Star: Steve Apfel, The Commentator
Congressman Steve Stockman Says Senate Amnesty Bill Is Unconstitutional: RWN
The world hates Obama’s America more than Bush’s: Time Magazine


Voyager I, At The Edge Of The Solar System, Finds The Unexpected: Doug Mataconis
New Breed of Banking Malware Hijacks Text Messages: Penny Crosman, American Banker
The Chilling State of Cyber Affairs (US DoD Report): Infosec Island


Shapey Dave Pilot: Blur Brain
Ad Campaign Uses Powerful Photographs to Explain that Facebook Likes Don’t Help: DL Cade, PetaPixel
Why many NBA draft picks will go broke: Matthew Heimer, MarketWatch

Image: Here is Wall Street NYC, as it looked in 1883
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Obama is a man of ideas. And he has surrounded himself with men and women who share his ideas. For Obama and his advisers, what matters are not the facts, but the theoretical assumptions - the ideas - that determine their policies. If they like an idea, if they find it ideologically attractive, then they base their policies on it. Consequences and observable reality are no match for their ideas. To serve their ideas, reality can be deliberately distorted. Facts can be ignored, or denied." --Caroline Glick

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