Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 6, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: The IRS Ten Are The New Keating Five

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The IRS Ten: The New Keating Five: Jeffrey Lord
FBI hasn’t contacted a single tea party group in IRS probe: Vince Coglianese
There's more, much more, to the Lois Lerner story: George Will

Poof! Media drop coverage of IRS scandal: Paul Bedard
Biden: Don’t Trust A President Who Spies On You: John Hawkins
Report: Thousands of Firms Share Data With US Agencies: Jamie Condliffe


Backdoor Bailouts of Failed Blue States Begin: Foundry
Top 10 Reasons Foodstamps Must Be Reformed: Andrew Montgomery
Do Immigrants Benefit Our Economy? : Tom Donohue

Obama Family Trip to Africa to Cost $60 to $100 Million: Daniel Halper
Islamizing the Public Schools: Joseph Klein
NY judge approves sharia bankruptcy scheme: Creeping

Rubio: legalize immigrants so they can pay for border security: Byron York
HHS spent $36 million on meetings for bureaucrats: Exam
Obamacare Is Causing An 88 Percent Insurance Hike In Ohio: John Hawkins

Scandal Central

Total Illegal Immigrant Fraud Over $17 Billion Annually: Mish
Armed IRS agents seized tens of millions of medical records from private insurance companies: Scoop
IG: More Than 1,000 IRS Employees Misused Fed Charge Cards; Wrote 325 Bad Checks: Terence P. Jeffrey

Whistleblower: State Department Hired Agents With Criminal Backgrounds: JWF
State Department Whistleblower Seeks Congressional Protection After State Threatens Her Kids: Bryan Preston
State Department has hired agents with criminal records, memo reveals: S.A. Miller, Geoff Earle

Climate & Energy

No significant warming for 17 years 4 months : Anthony Watts
Bureaucrat-Controlled Thermostats on the Way: Moonbattery
EPA nominee in limbo as Republicans press for documents: Zack Colman


Geography and World Politics: Colin Dueck, Claremont Institute
ACA fan? Get your ‘I love Obamacare’ bumper sticker quick!: Michelle Malkin
Must-read speech by Roger Ailes: What was the commander in chief doing during Benghazi attacks?: Twitchy

Rep. Steve King: ‘Illegal aliens have just invaded my DC office’: Twitchy
Mark Levin slams Obama for planning $100 Million trip to Africa #Sequester: Scoop
Ezra Klein Can’t Save Obamacare’s Broken Premium Promise: Chris Jacobs, Foundry


$878 Mil Later TSA Behavior Program Can’t Spot Terrorists: JW
Importing Jihad: Obama Considers Resettling Thousands of Syrian Refugees in America: Atlas
Mexican Drug Cartel Enforcer Says He's Killed 30 Across U.S.: Central Florida News 13


Yahoo reportedly fought court order before joining PRISM: Stephen Musil
New York introduces legislation to regulate 3-D printed arms: John Ribeiro
Bottoms Up for Bitcoin: BankTech


Hump-Day Humor for Riled-Up Clingers: Reaganite
Four Good Reasons To Not Eat Sushi: MOTUS
F Jello Shots: Knuckledraggin' (NSFW)

Image: Mad Magazine via Reaganite Republican
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Long Island Fight for Charity

QOTD: "[The IRS' Lois] Lerner, it is prudent to assume, is one among thousands like her who infest the regulatory state. She is not just a bureaucratic bully and a slithering partisan; she also is a national security problem, because she is contributing to a comprehensive distrust of government.

The case for the National Security Agency's gathering of metadata is: America is threatened not by a nation but by a network, dispersed and largely invisible until made visible by connecting dots. The network cannot help but leave, as we all do daily, a digital trail of cellphone, credit card and Internet uses. The dots are in such data; algorithms connect them. The technological gathering of 300 billion bits of data is less menacing than the gathering of 300 by bureaucrats. Mass gatherings by the executive branch twice receive judicial scrutiny, once concerning phone and Internet usages, another concerning the content of messages.

The case against the NSA is: Lois Lerner and others of her ilk." --George Will

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