Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 10, 2010

They're Not Even Trying to Hide It Any More: Communist Party USA Openly Collaborating With Obama Campaign, DNC and Unions #cpusa

They're not even trying to hide it any longer.

The Communist Party USA is openly and actively collaborating with the Democrat National Committee, Obama's personal campaign (Organizing for America),, Rock the Vote and the AFL-CIO.

Notice the creepy, ubiquitous Obama iconography.

You can't escape it. And consider -- you're putting your ballot in a cardboard box with an Obama logo on it -- what could go wrong?

Just wondering: when did it become acceptable among Democrats to openly collaborate with Communists, whose stated goal is the destruction of the American economy?

Or, put another way, when did it become acceptable for Democrats to intentionally destroy the economy in order to "transform" (their word, not mine) America.

Socialism, Communism and any other branch of Marxism is completely incompatible with the United States Constitution. And any Democrats who sympathize with these philosophies have automatically disqualified themselves from holding office. Because they simply can't honestly take an oath to uphold that which they despise.

Patrick Leahy: we're looking at you.

Hat tip: Mark Levin.

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